A space where I, as an Empath, in these incredible times, describe my senses of Earth and Human Energies happening both in my inner world and in the outer, where I resolutely claim my Feminine Mind, Heart and Spirit and Wisdom. This blog is not for the feint of heart nor for closed minds, it is open to the infinite realities of this universe. I hope you join me and share with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Unequivocal Alien Amidst The HumanE Race *updated below

Hello people....

Its been a long haul of high weirdness and insidiousness run amok, these past few years.


But I must get this out of me, it must be written. I don't care the inevitable retaliations and repercussions that will come after this from the unseens, it happens even I am silent. But I will get this out to you and hopefully some will get some clarity, confirmation, certainty, and caution......4 "C's".......

 Make no mistake, as I also cannot make any mistake any longer, nor have doubt or endless scrutiny, nor question. There is and apparently always has been though at this time on Earth is the true pand-demic, the alien amidst our humane race.

These ones are obviously human looking, of course, that is the most elementary cover. But what is inside them, be it soul, spirit, or anything else you can refer to it, it is alien. What I mean by "alien" is its unequivocal lack of humanity....or humane qualities, for example, empathy or compassion, or care for others. They observe these qualities and can imitate them, but that is as far as it goes. Unfortunately this imitation fools many people, even for an entire lifetime. Many people make more excuses for these ones lack of humanity, than the alien does for themselves. Humans are far too gullible. They are also far too foolish. They refuse to recognize what is before them, what is given to them hundreds of times, or thousands in their lifetimes, and continue to ignore what they are facing. This is the fall of humanity. 

For some reason in my life, maybe a life purpose for me, is to be inundated with these aliens and not many real humans, for the singular purpose of identifying them and acknowledging their existence and reality. Its been 60 years, and more than half a century of encountering such aliens and it has taken me half a century to accept what has been presented to me over these years. I can no longer doubt. 

The fact that I also have such a strong and resolute core of my Self, who I am and what I am, that makes the "other" more pronounced, and whose differences in subtle and daily interactions so pronounced. I too used to make excuses or "reason" out what causes these "people" to behave as they do, and for decades decided to dismiss them whilst I do my own inner work on my so called "inner shadows".....a meme which has been an ingenious ploy in derailing one from seeing with clarity whilst simultaneously blaming the humane for being at fault, hence, the alien goes undetected. For lifetimes.

I can no longer be silent. I have written about these ones before in several posts on this blog, but something so mind boggling must be repeated and often to get through to people who insist on maintaining their illusions. Beliefs and illusions of millennia are simply extremely hard to dismantle. But I will insist. I need to help others who suffer deeply from spiritual, energetic and psychological damage from years of living with these aliens.

I am of the Humane Species, of Love....which bear the hallmark qualities of compassion, empathy, consistent care of other life forms via actions, and desire to be helpful, a need for love, beauty, organization, cleanliness and an attraction to all things that express the Beauty of Spirit Light. These qualities can be the gauge for scrutiny of the others in all areas of life. If these qualities are lacking you can be warned they are likely the alien.

Why are they here? It is the Old Plan, the long game of the "others" hatred of True Humanity and their strategies to not only eliminate, but to emulate by stealth of false spirits and souls, and to contaminate what they themselves do not possess.

There are more "reasons" for their insidiousness here but I dont' have to go into to all that.

 There have been many many articles written by other Humanes who recognized them throughout the past decade, and written about the "soulless ones", or the "bots", or "NPC's (non player characters)", "energy vampires" etc. They are all excellent articles and very accurate. You can look those up and take them more seriously if you want to preserve the Humanity left in yourself, and to raise it up to embody and revitalize more Light so you can live more emboldened your Divine Soul. For it is for sure that the one aspect/purpose these aliens have is to diminish your soul and cause it to flee, hide, and shrivel and leave you as the biological mass of lifelessness which they are. They wanted "their kind to merge with our kind"....and they have done so.

I want to implore what is left of Humane-ity, to raise yourselves up out of their delusions for you, and their chipping away at your Life Forces, to regain your gloriousness and be your own Force of Nature unto yourself, and for others. 

How They Interact and Some of Their Behaviors: 

How they behave are as such:

~1~ They observe our responses and emulate them, but without feeling. They speak the same words but they are empty. You feel nothing from them. They show no feeling, but are making sounds of language, saying words that express feeling but do not contain feeling. You can see them if you watch them. Their eyes are void of feeling. Though, they are capable of feeling their own negative egoic feelings of selfishness which can even make them cry, which humane ones will interpret as being of a feeling nature, but they are only crying for themselves. They can only express feelings of selfish interest, from basic interests to tears of frustration and anger. But they are never, never for another, not even an animal. 

~2~ They want your feelings, your precious Gold Spirit Light. They want you to feel everything you possibly can with them and for them. You possess natural living love, they do not. They may "love" things, but nothing else. Notice, they are trying to tell stories that are evocative of empathy, they want that. They want your compassion, they get thrills and chills from this, but they cannot offer this for others. If they are telling a story to evoke your compassion they are watching you carefully for your response, your energy. If they don't get this they will continue until they do. If you share your story, they blank out....they don't hear you, or tune out, or turn away physically. Then they will try another tactic to evoke something out of you. Somehow this is what they are after. I am suspecting that the nature of the Humane One is that their energies of empathy and compassion are the Gold Mine for the alien, love itself being their jackpot. Our humane qualities are a fuel that they are after extorting from our own lives, for their own purpose. Some say they feed on this, refer to it as "loosh". I'm not sure about this as I do know they are sadistic in this extorting of our precious gold spiritual energies, but feeding may not be their goal, as much as extorting our life energies to deplete us, as it simply energizes their inverted egoic energetic programs. It is a sadistic retaliation. They are programs, not feeling humans. 

~3~  They are programmed all the same. They all operate the same way. It is a program that becomes recognizable time after time if you pay attention and watch for it. They cannot do anything different. If they do, it is because they have discovered something they can emulate so that they can project it unto a real person because it extorts the real person of their energies. They learn behaviors and play them back to you with all the right words and maybe even expressions and tone of voice, but again, it is void of real feeling, or original feeling. They don't possess this. They are mimicking, which makes them appear real to unsuspecting ones, and then we are fooled hundreds, thousands of times over our years of life on this planet.

~4~  They do not respond to punishment or reprimands or corrections, if they are caught in the act. And they are masters of deceit, even if they are only 12 year old children, all the way to grown adults......they do not respond to punishment. Have no remorse. They do however, get angry that they dont' get what they want, and they can spew all kinds of "egoic emotion" at that time, but it is only out of their utterly selfish goals, and failure at extracting. 

~5~  They have an extreme sense of selfishness that runs so deep they have successfully convinced others around them, that they are the victim of something, anything, but always the victim. This of course garners compassion from real people, and the pity and sympathies of real people and this is the only time they are satisfied.

~6~  They are never sorry. They can utter the words if you try to correct them or bring to light the fact they need to apologize for something, and they will say the words, but they are empty.....however they are carefully scrutinizing you for emotional response from their words, while studying you so they can emulate this in future behavior when the need arises and continue to fool the humane ones, that they are real.

~7~  They will complain about everyone else being a problem, but they themselves do nothing to correct themselves. Ever. They simply do not see a need to and even become vindictive to anyone who thinks they should. They know how to make you suffer. It is subtle and constant and always polite or simply the silent treatment....until your compassion wakes up for them again, and then another round ensues. Also, they seem to know everything, and will learn nothing from you, except in stealth, eg: how to act emotional or with feeling, for the sole purpose of extorting you....but they will not learn skills nor anything useful nor admit to learning if you actually teach them something. Nor can they ever be grateful, even if they utter a "thank you", it is void of feeling. They do not have gratitude, another Humane quality of Gold Energy of Spirit. They are all bored and seek others to entertain them.

~8~  They are masters of deceit and manipulations and gaslighting. This one is the most egregiously brilliant talents they possess for even 12 year olds to be so clever in obfuscations, being contrary, unclear, vague, and even saying things like "there are no definites". This paves the path to being someone who is inconsistent and chameleon like at any moment, making way for the behaviors of self taught programs, to continue to emulate a real humane one at all times. But there is always, always a negative after taste with any interactions with these ones, or simply a nagging feeling you cannot decipher. There is always a "something about what they said".....that you cannot pinpoint, but it happens alot. There is your sign.

~9~  They have an uncanny and laser like attraction to the real Humane Ones, can spot you no matter how young they are, and are excessively charming, saying all the right things and lighting you up until you have a relaxed rapport with them, and then it begins....the extortion of your precious Gold Light Energies via their repertoire of learned behaviors and tactics. But be very clear, this is NOT you calling them into your life or some sort of masochism on your part, you are not wanting this, it is them who are seeing you for what you are, that they come in for their purpose, both singly and en masse.....on this planet. Often one after the other. You are their target. They were created just for this.

~10~  If you do recognize them and study them, turn the tables and observe them, watch them and question what they say to get the full answers, you will discover an incredible trail of falsity of all they say and you will be amazed. If you follow up on their actions and what they claim, you will find many lies. They call them white lies, or will say far too often "they forgot" , or "that's not what I meant" despite what they actually said...you will discover nothing is true, all is vague, obfuscation, and deliberate. Because they have nothing real. They have no interests or what they are interested in runs all the way from, at the very least, questionable in any integrity and lacking beauty, to the dark and ugly. They are also expert at giving back handed "compliments", and expert at spewing consistent small seeds of sarcastic negative digs.

 ~11~ They do not know what they are. They do not know they are alien. (thought I have met one who does and proudly claims their alien-ness) They only know they must get what you have, your inner energies, your light, your love. They exist to extort the Beauty of the Humane Soul and to attenuate its light, degree by degree, year after year, one after the other. They are a collective hybrid alien technology disguised in human biology.

*~12~ This is also an incredibly important aspect also that these creatures have, which I have tested many times with positive confirmation every single time: is their ability to continue to siphon our energies and deplete us even when not in our vicinity, even other states or countries. In fact location doesn't mean anything....as long as they are even thinking about you, they are siphoning and draining to a great degree enough to leave us feeling exhausted and lethargic and sick. This point was brought up by a commenter below but I had to add it since it is one of the most horrific aspects of these creatures and the effects upon the humane ones.

You can say these are "narcissistic" qualities and they are, but, and this is a huge but, narcissism is a hallmark signature of these creatures.

 These creatures are all around us, they are family, friends, everything and everyone in between, male, female, all ages, young and old. Watch for them, and save yourself heartbreak, and call back to yourself the Gold Light of your Spirit after years of dealing with them unbeknownst to you, and to the tragic state of the Beauty of the Humane Ones. 

This is not to say, there are no good aliens amongst us, there are, and the good are silent and do no harm. But these vampires are predators of the Humane Soul and Spirit have done the most damage and harm to the Humane One, are epidemic on this planet and have caused the most harm to both life and resources in the most painful way.




Revitalize your Golden Spirit Light.

And now, I feel sick, just recounting these energies of these ones, I must myself, so to reconnoiter, refrain from interaction and thinking of them, and revitalize my own Spirit.

May the Godness in the Humane Ones prevail.



Saturday, August 29, 2020

Remembering Home: The Feeling of Love

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

I described here what it feels like just to be alive and breathing. I don't know how many of you can relate. If you've never experienced this synergistic connection with family, those you are born from and those you choose to connect to, or you have been on the recycling machine for too long, will not be able to feel/remember, or you have never felt it. But I have a few more things to say.

This feeling of being lovingly connected is everything, it is the breath and life of the Spirit of Beings.

However, tragically, this is not how it is here. This is why so many are "looking" for love....because the connection to their "parents/source" is severed.
Many people spend their lives searching for this feeling and many, many, make the mistake of believing someone loves them, when they only lust them. When that lust is burned out, what is left is a void that is more than embarrassing, it is insulting, and causes us to feel shame that we were fooled and had no idea what happened. This is also the cause of many relationships failing after some time.

These mistakes are impossible with beings who mutually are feeling/empathic by nature as there is no confusing what is being felt by oneself and others. So there is no room for deceit or mistake. The connection/love is always present, no matter where one is, and it is blissful. We do not search for love, it is ever present and radiating within our very cells as light/life/beauty.

Here on Earth a terrible thing is happening. But if you understand what I just wrote you will understand why people are in the state, regarding love/relationship, we are in on this planet.

I want to mention a personal peeve I have and it is that this tragic need to search for love/connection is further exacerbated by sophomoric idiots who call seekers names, look upon them with disdain, or think they are psychologically deficient in psyche or spirit, by calling them fools, hopeless romantics, and such, or co dependents etc, and those new age memes that tell you that you don't love yourself enough, you cannot love another if you don't love yourself.....this one is one of the more inane ones. These are not true, nor applicable to what is happening here. And the ignorants add to the horrific rent in Spirit by making those who search for love/connection feel inadequate, when those who judge are revealing their own ignorance, and dangerously so.

Not only do seekers of love already know and posses love, they are only tormented by the lack of the connection of this love to another. It is not that they don't love themselves, it is that love craves others, it does not live alone. Living alone is only done here on this Earth.
These seekers are needing to share what must be given, and know that it is a two way sharing. It is not that they are lacking in self love, it is that love itself needs to flow and lack of flow is painful. It is interpreted as loneliness, because it is stagnant and has no place to land. It is naturally flowing, moving, flying, and when there is no other, very simply, it hurts. It is like the blood in the body. When it is moving, flowing, it is felt as energetic and vibrancy. When it is stagnant it is felt as weakness, lethargy and pain. Love is something like that. 

When the love/connection we know has been torn asunder by incarnating on this planet, one feels truly alone and the search for reconnection begins early, especially if the parents in this life were not loving of each other and the child.

One who searches for love is still spiritually cognitive, and living disconnected while being demeaned for searching for love is painful, to say the least, a life setup for difficulty. Often these people just want one, just one person to feel that connection to, and they could survive this life without anguish, whilst having just a tiny bit of the love that was rightfully theirs, a small respite for remembering a wondrous thing, in just one other person.

Love is ineffable. It simply cannot be described in words, which is why so many fail when they try, because the feelings as experienced in these human bodies with all its limitations, are too magnanimous for the mind and words are utterly useless. As a frequency it makes the heart thrive and pump and swell and radiate. This is why when "in love" it is felt in the heart, a languageless organ, while the mind is clueless.
And whilst love is magnanimous in spirit, and many of us know it well and remember it well, there are many people who have not known this....and who settle for other things in place of it. And truly some things here can appear to look like love, but is not. I myself have fallen for that too many times, and have experienced many things I wish I had not because I simply felt that whoever came "into" my life was there for love and so I gave myself freely, believing it was because of love, as it is where I come from. But here on Earth it is not. So I got involved with many people who I loved but who did not love me. Many many people here do this, especially women. There are reasons why women do this far more often than men but this article is not for that. My own love was used against me.

I want to stress that no one should feel anything negative in any way as a being who is searching for love because you are heading in the right direction both for your spirit and your heart. Let no one criticize you or demean you. Your remembrance of love will guide you when you are on the other side.

And those who who are not searching for love, well, there is much that can be said about them, but some of those are simply not human, literally, and some are lost in the monkey mind control trap developed and organized for humans, and these ones have relinquished all morals for reason by becoming a slave to the mind and group-think, in particular the left side of the brain. This condition is known as insanity where I come from.
Its prevalence here is like a virus that is a contagion of weak heart/strong mind people, and becomes a bully amongst those of strong heart/weak mind, who are a more spiritually balanced people. These ones use their own feeling base as their guide in life, and whose *sensitivity* is the mark of a refined spirit on Earth, who are fighting all kinds of good fights or who are simply very loving humane beings.
Of course some get lost in the margins of society and fade away, and some go into hiding deliberately.

The weak or no heart people are controlled, as there are many many institutions, organizations and other things designed to deliberately control people, and strong mind people are in fact mind controlled by others. These people are in good company since there are many of them and they tend to stick together and make lots of noise together.
Those who are strong heart people are not controlled by anything but are self governed by a Spirit that is sovereign and free, and makes decisions in life by a propriety that is hallmarked by goodness. These people are independent and free of all devices of control. However they are lonely.
Those ones who are mind controlled are loud and stomp all over the planet making tsunamic waves of contamination. Those who are heart controlled are more quiet and gently walk their lives ducking the tsunami's of mind controlled robots and are often in healing mode.
Strong mind people are only controlled by others, while heart based people can be controlled by no one.

There is a book I can write about this, but I just wanted to share a little bit on the difference of love here and home, just a little bit.

Stay strong in your goodness.

*Note: beware of sensitivity in people: sensitivity for others is a refined spirit as opposed to the sensitivity one has just for ones self; the one for others is refined and of the heart, while the sensitivity one has of ones self is egoic and narcissistic. For example, we see some people who feel for others, who will cry for others if they befall something heartbreaking like the loss of a pet, this is a refined, caring person who is connecting themselves in a caring way to others. Those who will cry only for themselves, who do not shed tears for others, but get very "sensitive" about oneself, is narcissistic, they can only be sensitive about themselves, meaning any slight they perceive or criticism of them, they will be "sensitive" about and can cry.

These are some pictures I took this morning. It was a beautiful moment seeing a double rainbow and the deep blue/gray sky with sun patches and verdant green everywhere. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Observations, Changes, Remedies, Thalassotherapy

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

Hello People....

This is going to be all over the place, but I have a nag to write some things down, so I am. I have no specifics, just random thoughts and sharings which I hope will help some. As it turns out, this post is organized lolol.....didn't think I could do that.

Part One: Changes in me personally:

I am going to just list them and comment since I have no clue as to their causes. There were none on my end, these things just changed on their own.


I'm eating only half of what I was. This started about a month ago. I would eat 2 meals a day, around 2pm, then a dinner around 6pm. I make all my own meals from scratch. I eat as organically as I can. I love good food, cooking has been a source of pleasure these past 9 nine years, but now, I'm suddenly not interested. I still want tasty good food, but when I serve my usual portion, I find I can only eat half of it.

I suddenly do not want the sandwiches I'd been loving for these past years. I began eating food for comfort around 5-6 years ago. It became my "drug of choice" since I do not do drugs, meds, alcohol, etc....food became a numbing drug for me around 5 years ago. I even decided to become a home chef, which I have. I can make anything I want from any culture. This is also because getting to resaurants is a pain or they are non existent so if I get an urge for something I've had to learn to make it. It is also part self sufficiency. I got good at this, so cooking was a constant source of learning and keeping what could have become mundane and boring, interesting and pleasurable.
However, lately I just have no desire. The foods I want are simpler, and less of it. No more sandwiches, which is a shame since I bake my own breads and I make some killer sandwiches, but instead want more green smoothies and lighter fare. I'm fine with this. It is how I always ate before I used food as drug. So it seems I'm back to my normal diet which is a relief. Apparently I'm no longer needing to do "emotional eating". I find this interesting. This is very different and brings me to my next point about food.

No more emotional eating. Not that I was eating alot, no, only 2 meals a day. No sweets except ice cream occasionally when I needed to cool down fast, but no habits. So emotional eating, for me expressed itself as more tasty foods rather than bad habits. This has suddenly stopped, which is probably why I only eat half of what I ate before. I'm totally fine with not having any need for foods, I've been trying to manifest that for years.
I have no idea why those inner emotions craving relief, (from food) are gone, but they are. I feel this as a vacuum in me. There is something missing, a void, a sense of apathy(?)  that wasn't there before. I think this is healthier though, for me, because if I'm not feeling the desire to eat emotionally, then those emotions are not present doing damage and craving to be assuaged.  So something is gone.


The sudden change in eating has revealed a lack of the "deep quiet ever present emotional turmoil". I am fine with this also, except it also feels like a void, or that I'm flatlining. However, in these times, this is healthier than my previous way of being. I feel like my nerves and entire system are getting a much needed break. Fine.
So I am feeling this "void" or lack of something, which is leaving me feel more composed or steady. This is good. I am fine with this too. Also no reason for it that I can thing of.....I changed nothing, but there are changes in our world.....for the better. Finally!

No More Emotional Trigger Smoking:

So along with this emotional void, I am no longer "emotional smoking". I would pick up one of housemate's cigars to smoke whenever I got triggered emotionally, smoke 2-3 puffs and put it out. If I got triggered again through some phone conversation, or something I read, I would pick it up and smoke 2 puffs and put it out. A cigar lasted me a week. I never smoked otherwise. This has suddenly stopped 2 weeks ago. I just don't have a desire to puff something away since there is nothing there to puff away. Even with the same triggers coming and going, I still have no desire to smoke. Yesterday something interesting happened from the unseens, knocking a botanical picture frame off my wall with nails and hardware still in tact, it was knocked off by them, I felt the emotion that would be snuffed with a puff, so I went out and puffed but it felt dead. Did nothing for me, so that is over. Thank goodness. It is such a nasty smelly thing, but it did work immediately to kill the emotions that were triggered whilst I used it as such.

I Feel More Graceful:

I guess because of the lighter fare, I'm feeling lighter and seem to be slowly shrinking. I'm also back to my whey protein smoothies in particular which I swear make you loose unhealthy weight. I lived on those in my very early years from 17 years old to my 40's. I wanted to feel lighter and thought maybe if I ate the way I did back then, I would see the changes that nothing else I did was making....and so I am. I am slowly shrinking, I hope back to my size 8 on a 5'7" height. I was a bodybuilder/jogger and always had a toned and healthy body. Now, I am by no means fat or even plump, but I am carrying more weight than I like. I like feeling slender, lithe and weightless enough to feel like I can run like the wind. I used to. I want that back. So losing the weight slowly, and size slowly like this, I am feeling the shrinking to "normal" and it is making me feel lighter and more graceful.
This does not mean I have no physical issues, I have several, but am working on them. I still live with pain. But on those days pains miraculously just vanishes like a switch went off, I do feel the grace.
that expresses itself when I move.

Okay, those are some physical and deep emotional changes. I don't know what caused them but am greatly relived for them and grateful for them.
I said it before and will say again....since this whole planned demic started, I began to feel a deep sense of peace. Things that do not belong are finally breaking down and something like a demic would be the sign of those darker beings enforcing all they have in their arsenals. We are in the times of Attrition Warfare. Look that up. This is to be expected and was expected, of course. Things are going as planned.

But I will say, what I did not expect is that I would still be here, alive, when this all happened. That I did not expect at all. And further, I realize that once the demolition began, I need to work on the rebuilding. I did not do this, I totally expected to "go home". But I must work on the rebuilding of this planet and this will involve more work on my end. I am tired. But I will do what I can. I would ask though, if others who will be living here or who have a care for any who will be living here, begin in earnest to imaginate their perfect lives into existence. Yes I just made up a word "imaginate". It works. I will not be living here alone, or maybe not at all, but many will, so we need all to create this together, all the beauty you can imagine.....into being. This is "The Work" now.

Part Two: Some Helpful Emotional Remedies Help Us to Cope Better In These Times

I don't know about you, but I know that many are in emotional turmoils of all kinds and more often than not, many different emotions, understandably and for good reason. I want to remind you to take care of yourselves better than you ever have before. One must treat themselves as if you were someone you loved so much, this you must do for yourself. Not easy, I know, but it works well when you do.
Some things that help me:

Bathing for half an hour minimum in very hot water filled with a variety of things. Some baths will have a blend of herbs, some sea salts, some epsoms which is magnesium, some MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) to cleanse the skin of debris from environment, some baths are to moisturize my skin which also very much calms the emotional body. Did you know that? Moisturizing the skin of the entire body with natural penetrating butters or pure castor oil, calms the emotional body immensely? I have all these things in large jars in my bathroom and I decide as I fill the tub what I need via intuition and then fill the tub with whatever it is. But every bath is hydro- therapy, or thalasso therapy.

I will go a bit further into bathing for therapy, one of the most therapeutic treatments on Earth.

Pink Himalayan Salt Baths: are mostly for purify my body and spirit and to reminerlize. These are sea salts and is thalasso therapy. It works to purify both my body and spirit at once, every time. I use 2 cups of pink salt in the hot bath and soak for 1/2 hour. In that time I have taken into my body every mineral I need through the absorption of those pink Himalayan salts which are a full composition of minerals, NOT just sodium/salt, but the entire spectrum of minerals. I would never use anything else. The salts also remove negative energies from both within my body and around it. The difference is tangible when I am out of the bath. I use this when I need to remove energetic ick.

Epsom Salts Baths: are for pain, to help relax from the stress of pain that causes a tenseness that does not allow one to sleep or feel peace. When you have too much pain, it is both exhausting and keeps you from sleeping. The magnesium enters the body with the heat of the water and dissolves pain, inflammation, and causes you to relax, and helps to sleep. Also works every time.

Herbal Baths: I use a blend I made 10 years ago to help me to feel purified and to add minerals and nutrients to my body, to help me feel I have ingested some really good herbals and medicines for health. Because this blend contains seaweeds, I am getting all those minerals from the sea as well as the land, and the seaweed makes my skin wonderfully soft and smooth. My blend is equal parts of dandelion root, burdock root, juniper berries, lavender buds, orange peel, and kombu seaweed or any large leaf seaweed. Equal parts in a large jar mixed well. I simmer 2 cups of this blend in a pot on the stove for 2 hours on low, as a few of these ingredients are roots, then add it to my bath when I am ready.

*special note of bathing time: I only bathe at night when it is dark, as I feel both a sense of cocooning and for some reason, there is alot less "psychic noise" when it is dark. For me it is more peaceful and often the switch of whatever it is that is causing me pain, has been turned off when it gets dark. Odd I know.

MMS Bath: I use when I feel a physical ick from environmental pollutions that showering doesn't remove. When I need to feel absolutely disinfected from any possible ick, I will bathe in 30 drops of MMS. That also works beautifully every time. I feel sooooo clean!

Coconut Milk Baths: are for when my skin just feels too dry and along with that is an emotional irritation that doesn't go away, due to the dry skin and its effects on the emotional body. When the skin is dry, the nerves are irked. I will use two cans of coconut milk in the bath and soak for 1/2 hour. I keep scooping up the oils that float and laying it onto my skin. When I get out, I just pat the water off and dress, and I am wholly smoothed, both my skin and my nerves.

That covers bathing which is a greatly under appreciated natural therapy that works, is almost free, and always available if you have a tub, and always at your service. I always feel better in the water, and the effects last for a long time after, though usually at night, it just helps me to feel more humane and sleepy which is amazing in itself.

Homeopathics for Emotions:

We all are needing some help right now, and it may last a long time, so the help we get should be perfectly safe for long term use and highly effective and quick acting. That would be homeopathy via pills and Bach's Remedies. I would look online for those that apply to the symptoms we need relief from which is an individual thing for each, get them and have them on hand all the time. I take them several times a day and they are helping, as always.
For me in particular, I find remedies addressing grief are needed. I use ignatia, nat mur, and I just got aconite to experiment. Because my grief is long term, and for a variety of causes, I want to address them all from acute to chronic. These times call for all.

Also the Bach Remedies can also address some things such as a temper that is about to fly off the handle any second and do damage to something or someone, cherry plum is good for that.
Other remedies are very specific, there are 38 of them and you can read about which ones will address your needs here.
These remedies can also be mixed. You can get a small dropper bottle, get the remedies you need and blend them together in the one bottle and take several times a day. They do provide relief and bring one to their calm center. I would never be without them.

This last helpful tip is a personal one that I just discovered, but one that most of the world has been engaged in since the invention of television, which is binge watching (whatever), as long as that "whatever" is not inciting negative emotions or behaviors, or triggering latent fears or perversions.
I am watching Asian dramas and the reason this is good for me now, is because first, I have never done the tv thing, I'd always been busy. But these past 2 years, because now at this point in my life after all these decades, I realize that what is in this world is not of much interest to me anymore. I've been there done that. So I do "my work", which I may speak of in another post, and then I need to shut down the mind or shut it off, which is not really my friend since it is rife with thoughts of this reality, and all of it's downright nastyness and filth, and I don't want to think of this reality and what is happening or been happening, so I need to shut it down by watching something that is distracting....and I try to watch things that will uplift my spirit. It doesn't always work since 95% of what is being spewed into film media is of a psychopathic nature involving the darkest of emotions and deeds, and you can't get away from encountering it. I close my eyes and and mute the volume to avoid hearing screams and cries of women and children who are inevitably being tormented by men, and I never understood how this sadistically redundant theme is of any entertainment value when it is all too true, but, I avoid those things. The sick writers will always, after a lovely moment of butterflies and expressions of love immediately insert a horrific event and this is deliberate to elicit intense dark emotions from people. Loosh they call it. I avoid that adamantly. I will not feed them.
Avoid that, or get smart about how to bypass that in what you watch as those are deep triggers that will activate latent or dormant anxieties, and you will undo whatever positive soothing you did with your treatments of homeopathy and bathing therapies.

So I do my work with my mind and heart, then I shut it down do not allow it to run its thoughts which are on "repeat" and "replay", (the nature of the mind) and I do not like that, so I engage in a powerful distraction, for this specific reason. So I use binge watch as a TOOL, a discipline, nothing else. I do not get engrossed in what I watch and do not think of at other times. It works for those hours I need distraction enough to made me tired and sleepy then I shut if off and sleep. That is it. It is a tool. As long as it works like this I will use it. If it begins to become anything else other than my tool, I will drop it immediately.

I do not need the mind to think. My heart does that for me and does a good job, doesn't pendulate, or procrastinate, it is strong and pure. I only use the mind to focus my own thoughts/intentions to create and then I shut it off. I do not need the monkey or reptilian there on repeat, I shut it down.

I've also used and reading coloring books, but I got tired of those. I love gardening but there is nothing to garden right now. Since the video/kindle thing is actually new to me, it is more of a distraction.

Golden Turmeric Milk:

I dont' know what it is about this milk, but I started to drink it years ago before bed and found myself waking up not remembering how I even fell asleep. I do not remember why I stopped drinking it. But I began to drink it again last week for the turmeric which is supposed to be good for pain/inflammation. So I made a cup before bed and woke up not remembering how I crashed. The next night I made it again to watch/test for this sleeping action and again, I slept hard. Again the next day. For 4 nights I did this, realized again, that this milk makes me sleep. And it does reduce the pain, if even by 30% it is enough to keep me from being greatly ornery. So this video below is how I make it. I use almond milk, Udo's Oil blend, maple syrup, black pepper, and I add cardamon and rose water because that combination is straight from heaven. But now I make a half gallon and keep it in a large mason and warm up a mug every night and it seems to knock me out.....maybe because the pain is reduced enough to allow me to sleep. Whatever, it is magical and I highly recommend you try it. We can all use a better sleep, yes?

Part Three: If You Don't Know Your Purpose, Create One Now

I could have written this in 3 parts, but I want to get it all out and over with, and you can read as much or as little as you like.....but it will all be here.

It is clear and understandable that many are questioning the point of their existence. It is certainly not what the old boys institutions have told you. Your life is certainly not to be a religious freak, or an industrial slave, or a political puppet, or any of those other things too numerous to mention. All those things are the inception, execution and prolongation of a dark deranged patriarchy which is on the way out now, an organized system that wanted and still wants total control over all life, and considers "people" (and Earth) their resource, a resource that continues to work for them....they want your life.

Your purpose should you think about it, may have gotten lost along the way. Some have given up on it and some may want it back or want a new one. I will offer a suggestion to those wanting a meaningful one, and that is to become a creator for the type of world/planet/reality that you want to live in that is harmonious for all. If you want to create a gaming type thing, then just create for yourself on some other distant planet, but this planets' template is to run harmoniously and requires creators who will create the same things for all who want to live here.....qualities would be peace, love and beauty for all, people, animals, plant kingdoms. If you did just that, you'd be creating something enormously helpful for all who are here.
Many are withering away in a dispirited existence, living day by day wondering "what will happen"...... I say create what will happen. Engage your latent abilities and do it like there is no tomorrow. Go all out, this is the time for the most extreme in creation!
By this you are creating a deep sense of purpose for yourself that is greatly needed right now and helpful for the good many want to see for this planet and its peoples.

There is nothing, and I mean nothing that is more important for humans to do now, than to imaginate into existence a beautiful world for themselves.

That is all for today. I do hope you will find some relief in your life if you do some of these things. It works really well if you do them all. Stay strong in your goodness and light.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Remembering HOME: What It Feels Like to Just Be Alive

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

Years ago, I said I would begin to write about what its like at "home", descriptions of what it feels like in relationship with family, friends, loved ones, nature, planets (beings), animals, etc. I didn't write it, but I will write something now. I hope this can wake up some lost feelings, some memories that were taken from us, rekindling our true natures, and feeding our spirits living energy to continue on on this planet, and hopefully inspire some creations of beauty.

Relationship with parents and family.

The strongest memory is one of complete and utter inter-relation. Meaning that our energies, feeling centers and minds are connected as if one massive being, though we are physically individual. The inner-relationship is through empathy, mind and heart and other things I can feel but have no words for.
Empathically we can feel what each one is feeling and in our realms this is always a myriad of emotions rarely found in Earthly relationship, because the feelings are grades and degrees of many things, for example, love, sympatico and location. There are other descriptives I can't think of.
We are connected through mind, meaning we can know the others thoughts, maybe several at one time. Though not conflicting as humans might experience here as noise when two different pieces of music are playing at the same time. This is because we are hearing only with ears and only in bodies that are fractured, each of our senses functioning separately. At home we "hear" and "listen" with the totality of body/mind/emotions which not only functions as one highly refined instrument, but is more complex with senses we do not have here as humans. We have a mass of sensory perceptors, that are closed off in the human. So our "listening/hearing" faculties span throughout many beings and space and time. When we are feeling others, it is through the harmonious being that we are in that the body/mind/heart is hearing all at once, which informs us greatly and gives us many responses at once. "Information" is many things at once. And then processed fully, without however, the cumbersome build up or overload we can experience here, it is a peaceful repose with many senses.
This is known as peace. It is harmonic.

The mind connection is soft and expansive so that one can know all the thoughts of those we are connected to harmoniously. This can be turned off however if we choose, though it does not sever connections with others, it does allow for more silence in the mind, and this is understood to be necessary and desirable at various times.

We are connected in heart, meaning that we feel love, tenderness, caressing and affection, at all times, love we have for the others, and the love they have for us. This is the most desired and natural state of beingness for us. It is love in the purest sense. A crude example, is like several people who are all vibing the same way, maybe all in a meditative state, being in the same room feeling the effects of the most exquisite singing bowls, or chimes or some sublime instrument, as music. It is emotive. We all hear it and feel it all the time. This creates within us something that I call or refer to as the music of love. It is bathing us in a tangible energy of absolute LOVE in the purest sense of the word, that keeps us in this state at all times. Imagine feeling such a love that you can feel with a gentle cat or dog, who loves you and you love in return, and having an absolute moment of love and you are aware of nothing else. Imagine feeling this all the time as part of being alive. These feelings and more is what is felt at all time, through the various connections we have with our people, beginning with parents to siblings, to friends and other who we adopt into our inner spheres of connections.  It is warmth, it is safe, it is eternal comfort, ecstatic and euphoric.
There are so many more words I need but cannot find them.

We are connected telepathically, sharing thoughts and feelings as desired. We can even share our reactions to something that happened before, to tell a "story" to the one we're "talking" to.....all is spoken with feelings. This is alot like music, where there are notes that convey certain feelings/ frequencies, and then a combination of notes that create the story. Some wonderful music in our world can be expressed like this here, for example some violins, harmonics, human voice arias, even some guitar players who can convey "stories" and feelings through their combination of notes, creating music that "explain" what they're trying to say (excellent example is Santana), whose music takes us on journies. These are used in our realms as expressions, and communications.

Here on Earth, these are used against us, to form unnatural mutants of the human emotional system.

An example of how we create: If we are creating a world somewhere, and engrossed completely in imagination, others can know, but leave us space, and if a question arises, can be tested amongst all at the same time to come to an understanding of the creation, and whether it is a good idea or not. Only goodness is created.

~I will put one caveat here and not say it again: those who say things like "c'ommon, how boring is it when everything is good and peaceful all the time"? those are people who know nothing, have no respect for what they don't know, and are dangerous derailers. Because the reality is that there is sooooo very much in the realm of evolved feelings that span space from one planet to another, that have no words or descriptions here at all because people have not experienced them. So I will say to them in no uncertain terms, to shut up, and do not speak their dangerous ignorance. They have much to learn. ~

The inner-relationships we have are all energy/feeling/frequencies which all manifest as a type of music. The fact of being of a single family means the connections are there automatically, that the feelings of all are all manifest in all. This mean that we are all saturated in love all the time.
There is nothing confusing about it since the frequencies of these beings is always of harmony. From infancy, which by no means an ignorant young one, but simply a new one who is already wise, but who is beginning a new stream of existence with family, There is always a newness that brings joy. This does not have to happen, but the experience of varying ages is desirable. These beings enjoy the young ones, who in turn enjoy the older ones.

The resulting inner-relationships are so beautiful in feeling, it is ineffable in that there are few human words to make known the intense expansive, rich inner world of loving heart that we live in. The subtleties of feelings are many, hundreds and hundreds, that vary and form their own frequency and whose combinations, produce different results. A base or crude example would be like in cooking. We add a variety of herbs and spices to our foods to make different dishes. One can even use the same ingredients but using different flavorings can change the entire dish. This goes on endlessly in the realms of the feelings/emotions/frequencies of those of us at home. This keeps everything and everyone interested and interesting. It is refined and cultured, again, resulting in a type of frequency music that is loved and enjoyed by all, all the time.

There could be times, when one is creating a piece of music, one of us can share the idea we have for the piece, the notes and composition, and the other can hear it and their feeling response will give us the answers we need, based on their feelings. It is all about feelings. And I will say this bit about the difference here: here on this planet "feelings" have been degraded into low frequency emotions that are to be avoided. The women on this planet who have a much larger scope of feelings, and most of those are in the refined positive range who rarely are given a platform for healthy expression, have been discarded as "the feelings of women".....and have been made diabolical in favor of "mind" and so called "reason". This is the hallmark of a devolving species. Because feelings and emotions are what is played upon in every media on this planet from movies, to music, to news, to events, and every single one of them is for the purpose of eliciting emotions. However most of them are negative, (as they play with Hz, emfs and satellites) which is the currency of those in control, used as both an energy source for themselves, and to keep humanity in low states of existence. And it has been deliberate.

At home, there is only a wide symphony of music to be experienced through our inner-relationship of emotions and feelings and the variance is so wide, eternity is not long enough to experience it all, nor enough to ever want to end.

While what is termed "peace" here can and does get dull because the mind is the dominating faculty in humans as opposed to heart and spirit.. At home "peace" is a state of expansiveness that is full, all permeating and rich, so that we want to swim in it.

Everything we experience expands us, as opposed to endless constrictions placed on humans here.

There could be times when we want to "feel" a friend.....we would activate our gossamer threads of connection to feel out that being for connection. This takes an instant. Connection is made, and another frequency is felt, experienced. Variety is endless.

While we have a nervous system of nerves throughout the body which end shortly outside of the body a few feet. (unlike what science teaches which limits nerves to within the body as minuscule fibers that speak to the brain). We have gossamer "threads" of feeling that extend out for many many miles and even across space and time which is non existent, so it is instant.

Our feelings of love within families can be termed ecstatic here, but is normal for us there, though here our nervous systems would likely burn out. While at home, we are in that state all the time. It is what is known as natural, expected, and the reason for having family. It is all about love.

I cannot tell how ineffably beautiful it is to have family and friends like this. And that eternity is not long enough to experience the immense variety and degrees of pleasure in simply being alive and having family and friends.

I will stop here and hope some can re-member and bring to life again, their inner-realtionships.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Green Light; Healing Energy?

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods

Hello everyone.....

I hope this finds you safe and grounded in your spirit of peace and power.

I just want to report a thing that just happened to me.

I was in bed, always only because I'm in too much pain to stand, and I was reading the latest newsletter by Lisa Renee, when I fell asleep. I only fall asleep while reading or watching a video for 2-3 minutes I can tell you, because in a video that is the only amount of time I missed, so I know hundreds of times literally, that is all I can snooze for. But today I slept, for about an hour, and when I opened my eyes my entire room was bathed in green light, a kind of green sunlight, bright and pulsing with life. It felt quite normal, but the kind of "normal" that is from the "real worlds" of which I am from. It felt strange for a second because I hadn't experienced this kind of "normal" in years, but the light was beautiful. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep, and a few minutes later opened my eyes and again, or still, my rooms were bathed in green light. Again went back to sleep and again woke up to green sunlight. I stayed up this time and it turned to normal lighting.
But I also realized that all my pains were gone and I felt like I'd slept, which has been difficult for weeks now.....because pain is simply draining. But I feel fine right now and am wondering about this green light. I have a friend who does some healing energy work on me sporadically, but I called him and he said didn't do anything, so it wasn't him.

This green light/energy, was very present, very real, and I still feel it is here only I cannot see it with my "so called conscious mind"......in 3D, we do not see much at all. But there is some green light that feels good and beneficent and more natural than anything else I've seen.

There is evidence of good things happening, but good things/energies are notoriously quiet and shy, hate attention or observation. But they're there. Here.

I wonder if anyone else is seeing something?

I'd like to hear from you.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Updates After Sleeping On Metal Free Mattress

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

 I have given some background on why I changed my mattress from a reg coil/metal spring mattress to coil free in this post, or previous post. And the results of just one night sleeping on that......

1) I had 80% less pain.

2) I did not have one single heat flush. What an incredible feeling to have normal temps and breathing.

3) I woke up only around 4 times instead of every hour or half hour like the previous weeks.

4) As a result of literally sleeping, I feel calm in my body, not jittery and frenetic, just calm.

5) I feel a sense of holyness, sacredness, when I drank my morning water and in cleansing my body....a sacredness I have not felt in a very long time. I need to feel the sacredness of life, and I feel that again today. And with this sense of sacredness I can also see/appreciate beauty. When I am at breaking point or in survival mode for long periods I cannot see beauty. I see beauty all around me today. sigh. And I feel in possession of my Self, my spirit in calm and repose. 

 These below are the updates of successive nights, and I still haven't put up my wood bed frame which should be arriving today:

2nd night:

1) still 80% less pain. But still the strange knee pain only in bed.
2) NOT one horrid heat flush with post drain feeling.
3) I got up only 4 times again, during the night which is good compared to a dozen times.

3d night:

1) still 80% less pain, which means more energy to move around during the days. However I am still having the strange knee pain which is only when in the bed. I still do have the steel bed frame which I will get rid of when the wood frame arrives. We shall see then about that one. But that knee pain is only in bed, when I get up it goes, and when I get in it comes back.

2) horrid heat flushes are suspiciously absent, just normal body temps.

3) got up 4-5 times but went back to sleep each time.

INTERESTING SIDE NOTE: my housemate went to the recycling center 7/13/20, to get rid of my old coil mattress and found 3 other mattresses had also been recycled, which he thought was alot for any given time. He had not seen any mattresses there in all the times he'd been there which is twice a week the past two years!

4th night:

1) NO pains, at all !

2) Not a single heat flush again, very noticeable at this point how symptomatic they were of the metal bed.
3) I did NOT get up at all, at all! during the night and this is blowing my mind. wow.

5th night:

1) NO hip pains at all during the night and the strange knee pain is 90% less...comes and goes.

2) Again, not a single heat flush, just normal body temps, which I am oh so grateful for!

3) This is the 2nd night in a row I did not get up many times during the night. This NEVER happens, I have always, (also always slept on coil mattresses!) gotten up many times, but last night I went to bed and woke up in the morning! AND I noticed I did not have to rush to the bathroom, I could lie in bed and slowly wake up and then do as I wanted. To have 2 nights in a row that I don't get up til morning, just never happened before. Ever.

4) I notice also, that I am more heat tolerant of the hot weather. Instead of having heat exhaustion after an hour of working in the garden, I am able to do 4 - 5 hours before I get dizzy and nauseous.....and this is very different! I am grateful for this too, as it means I am not locked up in the house all day and I can actually do various gardening chores, which means more beauty. I was able to plant the lemon trees since they have grown so much from seed, and they are in their places for their lifetime now. I mixed in several hundred sunflower seeds amongst them. We'll see how that grows!

6th night:

1) NO pains in hip or anywhere. sigh.

2) NO heat flushes again, just normal body temps which I am loving very much.

3) Again for the 3rd time in a row, I fell asleep in the dark night, and woke up in the light of day! This is sooooo new for me! And again, I did not have to rush to the bathroom. In face It seems I am holding the water I drink in my body which I apparently wasn't doing before. I even drank a gallon of water for a year every single day to feel like I was getting enough water, but it goes right through me. I am drinking 2 liters a day and it seems my body is using it up instead of getting rid of it so often during the day. This is very important and I can only guess on what this will result in over time....imagine that, keeping in the water you drink for the body to use it up, instead of just going through, not having time to do what water does in the body. This is a good thing!

More thoughts on this and I hope people understand what I am saying here.....is while these are wonderful results, I am furious for the years I've lost to problematic sleeping and not being able to heal normally due to mattress metals, and this also brings to mind the metal of mercury in dental fillings which I've had since the age of 14 years old until 59 years old and all those health problems I had as a result of that which has been hell!
I've lost so many years I will never get back to the sheer stupidity of men who invent horrid things and  get away with it for so many years, all the crap they invent irresponsibly and without thought the well being of the consumer down the line. And aside from those bastards who are consciousness and yet get to espouse their dangerous idiocy upon an unsuspecting public who will suffer countless horrors for years by the millions, what about those who have suffered? What about lives that have been ruined? People who could not become better or move ahead due to ailments which cause depressions and all kinds of evils done unto them that doctors cannot figure out? What happens to those people who just wither away and die in sickness and pain!???

While I am very pleased and relived I will get some respite from some sufferings, I am also furious that fell victim to a dangerous stupidity that millions of other people are falling for and who are totally ignorant as to the causes being the ill thought through inventions of the greedy business ethics of men.  Once again, great suffering has been caused by outer sources by men with no consciousness, from mercury fillings to metal filled mattresses (not to mention 5g and gmo foods!) covered in cancer causing fire retardants, people are just living lives saturated in the ills of inventions we take for granted as safe just because they are marketed with such comforting litanies of selling points that are purely diabolical.

If you want some relief and to give your body a chance to heal during the night as it was designed to, then get rid of metals in your life and embrace things directly from nature itself.

Again, it was noted the other day when my housemate went to the recycling center to get rid of my coil mattress there were 3 other mattresses there that day being discarded. Apparently others are noting a problem.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

First Night Sleeping On Coil/Metal Free Mattress Updates to Follow

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

Hello Everyone,

I just had to report what I experienced after one night on a coil free/metal free mattress.

First I want to give more detail on what I've been experiencing that caused me to tune into this.
A few weeks ago, I began having some old pains back that had disappeared last February. I'd been free of my right hip pain for more than a year with not a single twitch of pain, it just vanished. That was an agonizing pain had been crippling for about 5 years that sometimes had me screaming/crying, but one day it just vanished, overnight. Overnight. I could no longer jog and worst I could no longer walk, since after the walk or jog I would be really disabled, and sitting and getting up from a chair was task. I don't want to think of it, but it has been gone and I was in joy.
Now I just had other strange body pains which were 80% removed by taking borax in my drinking water.....a pinch ( 1/32 of  spoon) of borax, yes mule-team borax from the laundry section. I put some in a small glass jar and used a tiny scoop of it in my water every day and within 3 weeks 80% of my body pains, were gone.
I was then beginning to feel I could get my life back and work out again, as I've been a body-building exercise lover since the age of 17. But that didn't work out, because something was happening with energy, exhaustion, and the heat/humidity here was a thing that zapped me. And getting stung by fire ants every week which puts me in bed.
But at least in the house I was able to work and do things, do things in the garden in shorter spurts and be ok.

Then weeks ago, the hip pain came back, not as intense but back. The left leg too. So this made getting up from a chair and walking a nightmare again, and I was wobbling very slowly, much like a 100 year old person. I almost went into panic but I've had so many years on this planet with odd things that make no sense and discovering 90% of them were from outside causes and sources I know this would also go away once I figured it out.
That thing again, "figuring it out" has been the mind twisters of my life.

I did notice clearly though some of the additional pains, because they are not just one in one area, they are varied pains in different places, like now the knee, which I never had even as a jogger for over 30 years, were felt mostly when I was in bed, my sanctuary. This took a couple of weeks to realize this, because the pains did carry over into walking, but I finally realized they peaked in bed.

The other thing I was having new difficulties with was a strange heat flush happening during the nights that is followed by a drained feeling. I keep it cool at night in the house, down to 70 degrees which is pretty comfortable enough to keep my flax linen bedding cool for me. So to have heat flushes didn't make any sense, but they happened several times every night. I'd have to spray myself with rose water and fan vigorously with a fan to get cool quick and to normalize my breathing. It's like emf toxicity peaking into a breakdown and just before it happens the heat flush comes to release that energy. Horrid. Every. Single. Night.

And so these resulted in my not being able to sleep at night for weeks. I wound up falling asleep from exhaustion around 4am to 7am, so I'd been getting 4-6 hours per night and I do not function well on that amount, I need 8 hours of sleep with lots of dreaming to feel like I've slept in the morning. The body does not heal without sleep and no supplements or healthy substances will work without the enough sleep. So this has been going on for weeks, no sleep, too much heat, and pains during the night that kept me up and very uncomfortable, tossing and turning in agony.

An interesting thing also happened a few nights ago, while trying to sleep on my stomach since I am a right side sleeper but could not due to the hip pains I shift over onto my stomach a bit......I was awoken, !awoken!, by a vibration coming from my bed. It felt like someone had a mechanical device on my bed that was vibrating it, but I didn't move to make sure I didn't disturb this and with an awoken mind sense it clearly, so I layed there and the vibration was clear and felt like it was coming from beneath my leg, inside the mattress. So I moved my leg to the outer edge, and nothing, it stopped. I moved it back to where it was and it vibrated again. Something inside my mattress was vibrating, alive, with nefarious energies. I was sure now.

But realizing it was mostly the night that this all happened was key. So I asked myself what is different about the nights now, from the day? And why now and not the past two years? Well, what has happened is the messing around with frequencies by diabolical megalomaniacs with 5g, which has been a huge topic of concern.
I have always been the canary in the mine, so to speak, I always respond to things before most people. So what else was different was that during the night I was lying on metal which I don't do during the day. So I figured the metals were being reactive to the energies and causing the pains in my body, reacting with things in my body, which also don't belong, but which I cannot help breathing the air on this planet which has been chem sprayed exhaustively for decades now, so we all have metals in our bodies whether we realize it or not. And metals wreak havoc. Period. They will cause only sickness and pain, so voila.
It had to be the metals in the mattress.
I decided to get rid of it and buy a coil free one, which is a journey in itself with all the marketing those bastards do to make their beds seem safe, when typically they are mostly all treated heavily with fire retardant chemicals which are cancer causing and make people sick, so imagine spending a third of your life intimate with that every single night.

This was also an exhausting process but I chose one off amazon that had good customer service. I wanted to make sure if there was something wrong with the mattress I had hassle free returns, which means ups pick up with no charge. Amazon is good that way. So yes this one had that and I got it.

And yesterday the weather was horrid with the kind of heat that feels prickly even inside an air conditioned home. So with both myself and the weather being in a very bad state of mind, peaking all day at breaking point, it takes long to cool the house down after dark, so it was bad all around. After this kind of day, I slept on the new mattress and .......

1) I had 80% less pain.

2) I did not have one single heat flush. What an incredible feeling to have normal temps and breathing.

3) I woke up only around 4 times instead of every hour or half hour like the previous weeks.

4) As a result of literally sleeping, I feel calm in my body, not jittery and frenetic, just calm.

5) I feel a sense of holyness, sacredness, when I drank my morning water and in cleansing my body....a sacredness I have not felt in a very long time. I need to feel the sacredness of life, and I feel that again today. And with this sense of sacredness I can also see/appreciate beauty. When I am at breaking point or in survival mode for long periods I cannot see beauty. I see beauty all around me today. sigh. And I feel in possession of my Self, my spirit in calm and repose. 

This is just one night and I cannot say for sure this is not just a coincidence as it could be a night of sleep from sheer exhaustion, since I did have a really bad day yesterday where I felt like I could break, break something or someone, or just have an "I cant take it anymore" breakout, so I could have just had exhaustion. But even though I slept, it doesn't explain no heat flushes, and the diminishing of pain.

I will give this some days and update later what I experience. And when I know for sure I will post it here.

I do this for others in case they may be experiencing this and how to remedy it, because let me tell you it is hell. But I don't give up.

Now I'm off to plant some flower seeds.

2nd night:

1) still 80% less pain. But still the strange knee pain only in bed.
2) NOT one horrid heat flush with post drain feeling.
3) I got up only 4 times again, during the night which is good compared to a dozen times.

*3d night:

1) still 80% less pain, which means more energy to move around during the days. However I am still having the strange knee pain which is only when in the bed. I still do have the steel bed frame which I will get rid of when the wood frame arrives. We shall see then about that one. But that knee pain is only in bed, when I get up it goes, and when I get in it comes back.

2) horrid heat flushes are suspiciously absent, just normal body temps.

3) got up 4-5 times but went back to sleep each time.

INTERESTING SIDE NOTE: my housemate went to the recycling center 7/13/20, to get rid of my old coil mattress and found 3 other mattresses had also been recycled, which he thought was alot for any given time. He had not seen any mattresses there in all the times he'd been there which is twice a week the past two years!

4th night:

1) NO pains, at all !

2) Not a single heat flush again, very noticeable at this point how symptomatic they were of the metal bed.
3) I did NOT get up at all, at all! during the night and this is blowing my mind. wow.

5th night:

1) NO hip pains at all during the night and the strange knee pain is 90% less...comes and goes.

2) Again, not a single heat flush, just normal body temps, which I am oh so grateful for!

3) This is the 2nd night in a row I did not get up many times during the night. This NEVER happens, I have always, (also always slept on coil mattresses!) gotten up many times, but last night I went to bed and woke up in the morning! AND I noticed I did not have to rush to the bathroom, I could lie in bed and slowly wake up and then do as I wanted. To have 2 nights in a row that I don't get up til morning, just never happened before. Ever.

4) I notice also, that I am more heat tolerant of the hot weather. Instead of having heat exhaustion after an hour of working in the garden, I am able to do 4 - 5 hours before I get dizzy and nauseous.....and this is very different! I am grateful for this too, as it means I am not locked up in the house all day and I can actually do various gardening chores, which means more beauty. I was able to plant the lemon trees since they have grown so much from seed, and they are in their places for their lifetime now. I mixed in several hundred sunflower seeds amongst them. We'll see how that grows!

Monday, June 29, 2020

Energetics: Horrid Depleting Energies

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

Hello everyone,
its been a long while since I'm posting an "energetics" report, but this is because I just found out "it" is not just me here which I thought it was.

Today is Monday, June 29th, and I am reporting what I felt yesterday Sunday, or rather what happened yesterday. I was totally drained in a way I have not experienced before, so much so that I did not get out of bed. That statement, "did not get out of bed" is significant because in all of my life, I will get up every day no matter how much pain I'm in or if I have a flu I will get up. If I've had an accident I will get up, there is just no way I can stay in bed all day. But yesterday I did and I had no conscious "reason" for it. Also my cat, who I accidentally left out in the morning between 7am and 10am because I went back to bed after letting her out and un-naturally fell asleep, came in at 10 yelling at me, for which I was sorry as I never fall asleep once I get up, but I did yesterday. So I fed her apologetically and went back to bed but I decided to check where she was and she was not in any of her usual places but I finally found her under my bed, which is rare. And did she not get out until 5;30 pm.....which she has never done since I have her. So it wasn't just me but my cat as well. She is also wanting to eat alot more, I can only guess she is doing "comfort eating" due to some unknown stresses.

I also called a friend because of what I experienced on Saturday the 27th, just to report to her how oddly I had not been sleeping lately, and how odd my incredible fatigue was and also how my cat was behaving oddly as well. I reported this to her on her voicemail and she phoned back and left a msg on my voicemail to tell me she also experienced some type of deep fatigue too. I called her because it felt very anomalous. Yes I'm exhausted from little sleep these past weeks, but I had slept Friday night for around 10 hours and I woke up ok, but what happened Sunday was totally totally wrong.

I am also experiencing a teary kind of irritation, where when something keeps going wrong, I will feel like crying. Ex: I left a ball of twine in the pocket of my gardening pants and laundered them and it unraveled and created one huge ball of clothing knotted all up with yards of twine. And if I experience a slight frustration I will feel like crying. I AM NOT A CRYER , I cannot cry and do very light tears only a few times a year.....but even laughing too hard will made me feel like crying. Weird.

What this is, I cannot say, but it is a very sick and dark evil type of sorcery, and intention directed towards certain "sensitives", because not everyone has experienced this, only "sensitive" or "online" sensorially connected beings like empaths including animals, or highly psychic beings, not sure, but this is a directed attack, if you will.

Another thing I'm experiencing is alot of pain again, but mostly at night when I get into bed which has been my sanctuary for the past 2 years. The only thing I could surmise is there is now some reaction I'm having to the metal coils in my bed, because some of this pain only happens when I get into bed. I believe maybe the 5g thing is causing metals to became activated and so the coils in my bed are causing me to not only not sleep but abnormal pains as well. Please look out for this. I will be getting a no coil mattress this week. This comes right on the heels of discovering some supplements that had actually been working to "put me back together" in ways that I can see and feel.

Another thing is I'm seeing the number 144 alot, I mean alot, several times a day.

Maybe some of you will have experienced this this past week and others not. You will know who you are.

It has not occurred to me to remediate this because I thought it was just me and my cat, but now I realize it is not. There is a ton of filth in the aethers, and I feel contaminated just breathing air these days. I will be doing extra cleansing and purifying until this all passes.

Cleanse, purify, reject, dismantle......include all high frequency modalities all at the same time until relief is experienced.

Please comment if you can relate.

Blessings of Light, Serena, lady of the woods.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

There is a Cure for Everything, But......

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

 This is a must watch for everyone on this planet. Please share widely. It has already vanished a couple of times, but everyone needs to understand this.

 (link removed because it was taken down. )

This one is a round table discussion, almost 3 hours, but the most informative of anything you could possibly hear. I tried to post it here but it won't let me, hopefully this link still works.....the title is
Plandemic Round Table Discussion with Experts, one of whom is the woman who exposed the corruption of those who receive payments for every case of false id of this current "disease".


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Purpose of Divine Rage is Righteous Rage

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

I have a ton to say about this, but I am paralyzed by the lack of listeners. I want people to wake up, wake up to their surroundings, to the TRUTH, to the things that require our attention and actions, not dismissed by so called the "higher frequency of forgiveness or love"...... we must first get angry, get enraged, as this is the first sign of being alive and awake. Those who do not get enraged at pedophiles, rapists, underground human trafficking organizations that are torturing women and children for sex with men all over this planet.....if you want to forgive that, then you have been fully brainwashed, and the dark side owns you. If you get enraged, you are obviously alive and independent of mind control and have your emotions in correct alignment with a proper moral and ethic system which is in the heart.....your volition of the virtue of protection of others and protection of self, means you are still independent of mind control of your emotional body. You are your own person.


We must first go through this rage because "love" is simply not enough to stop their madness and sickness. You can go on with your "belief" in forgiveness of psychopaths, serial killers, and bioengineers of virus's etc, you can be happy with yourself because you think you are "vibing at a higher frequency" and this alone will stop them. You are totally deluded. You have been totally raped of your personal sense of sovereignty and personal power OF CREATION, and yes, Righteous Anger does create.....IT CORRECTS WHAT IS WRONG. You now belong to them. They want you to forgive, and love them as this does nothing to STOP them.Thousands of years of human trafficking and slavery have existed because of doing nothing.

Willful ignorance is a shame and weak ...Some people bury their ...
"Anger is much more than a simple emotion. Anger is an evolutionary force. Anger is a Sacred Gift of Creation. Anger EXISTS FOR A REASON.When we feel and express anger for the right reasons, it can be transformed into a powerful tool to be wielded against injustice. Righteous Anger is actually an expression of true love, from the Source of ALL GOODNESS. Righteous Anger rises up when we realize that injustice is taking place around us and that we are obligated by Heart Based Intelligence to create positive change in a world that has gone morally astray. Focused Righteous Anger can compel change AND ROOT OUT DARKNESS AND EVIL. Righteous Anger is the precursor to true courage. WHEN USED CORRECTLY this kind of anger can become a driving force in our battle for true freedom" ~ Mark Passio.

When the "teaching" of "forgiveness" is taught when you should be doing something to protect, you have given away your power. To them.
All it does is give you permission to do nothing. All it does is make you feel better about yourself. All it does is allow you to stay in your passive mental state and feel it is ok if you forgive or "send them love", because you are obviously not in full alignment with your own spirit and hearts.

I am seeing far too many people who are responding to the teaching of forgiveness with so much fawning gratitude because that is so easy for them to do in their own minds, is to "forgive"......and forget. They are so grateful to hear that they simply need to forgive because it is the higher dimensions of vibration and they then feel that is where they are. They do not realize they have not gotten to the higher dimension because they have not processed a righteous courage of the soul to be enrage for those who are suffering, for the children who are being forced to have sex with many men all over the planet, for the women who are being sold for sex with many men. You have no courage to face what that feels like, but being told to forgive them makes you feel good. You are stroking a demented ego.....and a heart that has been hijacked by false teachings.

I want to be clear here, that there is a world of difference in Righteous Rage and an anger that is simply out of control and spewing all over the place. Righteous Rage is used as an energetic weapon that does and can take out the perpetrators. When Righteous Rage is utilized in its proper context, it is the most powerful weapon of self defense of all.

If you dont' believe this, then take this to the micro level and imagine your child has been taken by a man to be raped. Do you forgive him or you get enrage and do all in your power of Righteous Rage to bring that man to justice? Do you think your forgiveness of those men is appropriate for your child? How would your child feel if you forgave the man who tormented them? Or do you offer your other child for him and say you will love him even more? Now imagine the millions of women and children all over the world in cages, being carved and tortured in all their personal body parts, being held in captivity for years and taught by those men all manner of heinous sex acts to perform on other men all over the world? And being sold? and Killed? Their blood drained for the psychopaths food?

The world must get enraged. The world must roar in outrage. Then and only then will things change, because that power will move things, and change things. Righteous Rage is a Divine Gift I've said for many years. This video below breaks it down for those who are too dense, or those who have been brainwashed with religions and cults to "be nice"....or to "vibe at a higher rate" than those lower ones. It has been all done on purpose to take away your power. Please listen to this below, this guy says it well. I dont' have the patience for this, but he does a good job.

The world must first get enraged with a directed focus of this Divine Rage enough that it effects a positive change that we wish to see which is the elimination of psychopaths and the liberation of children and victims. Then and only then, can we forgive, and then we must forgive our selves first. Forgive ourselves for not doing anything when we should have, forgive ourselves for burying this horrid information for so long, forgive ourselves for choosing to look at something else more pleasant then human trafficking, forgive ourselves for being cowardly, forgive ourselves for failing to protect those who are innocent, forgive ourselves for turning the other cheek, forgive ourselves for believing false teachings, forgive ourselves for being too weak of spirit, for denying these things have been happening.

Then, when we have forgiven our selves for all these vapid weaknesses, then can we think about forgiving them. But I tell you now, psychopaths do not need our forgiveness, WE need forgiveness from the victims and the millions who have been tortured to death.