A space where I, as an Empath, in these incredible times, describe my senses of Earth and Human Energies happening both in my inner world and in the outer, where I resolutely claim my Feminine Mind, Heart and Spirit and Wisdom. This blog is not for the feint of heart nor for closed minds, it is open to the infinite realities of this universe. I hope you join me and share with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

First Night Sleeping On Coil/Metal Free Mattress Updates to Follow

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

Hello Everyone,

I just had to report what I experienced after one night on a coil free/metal free mattress.

First I want to give more detail on what I've been experiencing that caused me to tune into this.
A few weeks ago, I began having some old pains back that had disappeared last February. I'd been free of my right hip pain for more than a year with not a single twitch of pain, it just vanished. That was an agonizing pain had been crippling for about 5 years that sometimes had me screaming/crying, but one day it just vanished, overnight. Overnight. I could no longer jog and worst I could no longer walk, since after the walk or jog I would be really disabled, and sitting and getting up from a chair was task. I don't want to think of it, but it has been gone and I was in joy.
Now I just had other strange body pains which were 80% removed by taking borax in my drinking water.....a pinch ( 1/32 of  spoon) of borax, yes mule-team borax from the laundry section. I put some in a small glass jar and used a tiny scoop of it in my water every day and within 3 weeks 80% of my body pains, were gone.
I was then beginning to feel I could get my life back and work out again, as I've been a body-building exercise lover since the age of 17. But that didn't work out, because something was happening with energy, exhaustion, and the heat/humidity here was a thing that zapped me. And getting stung by fire ants every week which puts me in bed.
But at least in the house I was able to work and do things, do things in the garden in shorter spurts and be ok.

Then weeks ago, the hip pain came back, not as intense but back. The left leg too. So this made getting up from a chair and walking a nightmare again, and I was wobbling very slowly, much like a 100 year old person. I almost went into panic but I've had so many years on this planet with odd things that make no sense and discovering 90% of them were from outside causes and sources I know this would also go away once I figured it out.
That thing again, "figuring it out" has been the mind twisters of my life.

I did notice clearly though some of the additional pains, because they are not just one in one area, they are varied pains in different places, like now the knee, which I never had even as a jogger for over 30 years, were felt mostly when I was in bed, my sanctuary. This took a couple of weeks to realize this, because the pains did carry over into walking, but I finally realized they peaked in bed.

The other thing I was having new difficulties with was a strange heat flush happening during the nights that is followed by a drained feeling. I keep it cool at night in the house, down to 70 degrees which is pretty comfortable enough to keep my flax linen bedding cool for me. So to have heat flushes didn't make any sense, but they happened several times every night. I'd have to spray myself with rose water and fan vigorously with a fan to get cool quick and to normalize my breathing. It's like emf toxicity peaking into a breakdown and just before it happens the heat flush comes to release that energy. Horrid. Every. Single. Night.

And so these resulted in my not being able to sleep at night for weeks. I wound up falling asleep from exhaustion around 4am to 7am, so I'd been getting 4-6 hours per night and I do not function well on that amount, I need 8 hours of sleep with lots of dreaming to feel like I've slept in the morning. The body does not heal without sleep and no supplements or healthy substances will work without the enough sleep. So this has been going on for weeks, no sleep, too much heat, and pains during the night that kept me up and very uncomfortable, tossing and turning in agony.

An interesting thing also happened a few nights ago, while trying to sleep on my stomach since I am a right side sleeper but could not due to the hip pains I shift over onto my stomach a bit......I was awoken, !awoken!, by a vibration coming from my bed. It felt like someone had a mechanical device on my bed that was vibrating it, but I didn't move to make sure I didn't disturb this and with an awoken mind sense it clearly, so I layed there and the vibration was clear and felt like it was coming from beneath my leg, inside the mattress. So I moved my leg to the outer edge, and nothing, it stopped. I moved it back to where it was and it vibrated again. Something inside my mattress was vibrating, alive, with nefarious energies. I was sure now.

But realizing it was mostly the night that this all happened was key. So I asked myself what is different about the nights now, from the day? And why now and not the past two years? Well, what has happened is the messing around with frequencies by diabolical megalomaniacs with 5g, which has been a huge topic of concern.
I have always been the canary in the mine, so to speak, I always respond to things before most people. So what else was different was that during the night I was lying on metal which I don't do during the day. So I figured the metals were being reactive to the energies and causing the pains in my body, reacting with things in my body, which also don't belong, but which I cannot help breathing the air on this planet which has been chem sprayed exhaustively for decades now, so we all have metals in our bodies whether we realize it or not. And metals wreak havoc. Period. They will cause only sickness and pain, so voila.
It had to be the metals in the mattress.
I decided to get rid of it and buy a coil free one, which is a journey in itself with all the marketing those bastards do to make their beds seem safe, when typically they are mostly all treated heavily with fire retardant chemicals which are cancer causing and make people sick, so imagine spending a third of your life intimate with that every single night.

This was also an exhausting process but I chose one off amazon that had good customer service. I wanted to make sure if there was something wrong with the mattress I had hassle free returns, which means ups pick up with no charge. Amazon is good that way. So yes this one had that and I got it.

And yesterday the weather was horrid with the kind of heat that feels prickly even inside an air conditioned home. So with both myself and the weather being in a very bad state of mind, peaking all day at breaking point, it takes long to cool the house down after dark, so it was bad all around. After this kind of day, I slept on the new mattress and .......

1) I had 80% less pain.

2) I did not have one single heat flush. What an incredible feeling to have normal temps and breathing.

3) I woke up only around 4 times instead of every hour or half hour like the previous weeks.

4) As a result of literally sleeping, I feel calm in my body, not jittery and frenetic, just calm.

5) I feel a sense of holyness, sacredness, when I drank my morning water and in cleansing my body....a sacredness I have not felt in a very long time. I need to feel the sacredness of life, and I feel that again today. And with this sense of sacredness I can also see/appreciate beauty. When I am at breaking point or in survival mode for long periods I cannot see beauty. I see beauty all around me today. sigh. And I feel in possession of my Self, my spirit in calm and repose. 

This is just one night and I cannot say for sure this is not just a coincidence as it could be a night of sleep from sheer exhaustion, since I did have a really bad day yesterday where I felt like I could break, break something or someone, or just have an "I cant take it anymore" breakout, so I could have just had exhaustion. But even though I slept, it doesn't explain no heat flushes, and the diminishing of pain.

I will give this some days and update later what I experience. And when I know for sure I will post it here.

I do this for others in case they may be experiencing this and how to remedy it, because let me tell you it is hell. But I don't give up.

Now I'm off to plant some flower seeds.

2nd night:

1) still 80% less pain. But still the strange knee pain only in bed.
2) NOT one horrid heat flush with post drain feeling.
3) I got up only 4 times again, during the night which is good compared to a dozen times.

*3d night:

1) still 80% less pain, which means more energy to move around during the days. However I am still having the strange knee pain which is only when in the bed. I still do have the steel bed frame which I will get rid of when the wood frame arrives. We shall see then about that one. But that knee pain is only in bed, when I get up it goes, and when I get in it comes back.

2) horrid heat flushes are suspiciously absent, just normal body temps.

3) got up 4-5 times but went back to sleep each time.

INTERESTING SIDE NOTE: my housemate went to the recycling center 7/13/20, to get rid of my old coil mattress and found 3 other mattresses had also been recycled, which he thought was alot for any given time. He had not seen any mattresses there in all the times he'd been there which is twice a week the past two years!

4th night:

1) NO pains, at all !

2) Not a single heat flush again, very noticeable at this point how symptomatic they were of the metal bed.
3) I did NOT get up at all, at all! during the night and this is blowing my mind. wow.

5th night:

1) NO hip pains at all during the night and the strange knee pain is 90% less...comes and goes.

2) Again, not a single heat flush, just normal body temps, which I am oh so grateful for!

3) This is the 2nd night in a row I did not get up many times during the night. This NEVER happens, I have always, (also always slept on coil mattresses!) gotten up many times, but last night I went to bed and woke up in the morning! AND I noticed I did not have to rush to the bathroom, I could lie in bed and slowly wake up and then do as I wanted. To have 2 nights in a row that I don't get up til morning, just never happened before. Ever.

4) I notice also, that I am more heat tolerant of the hot weather. Instead of having heat exhaustion after an hour of working in the garden, I am able to do 4 - 5 hours before I get dizzy and nauseous.....and this is very different! I am grateful for this too, as it means I am not locked up in the house all day and I can actually do various gardening chores, which means more beauty. I was able to plant the lemon trees since they have grown so much from seed, and they are in their places for their lifetime now. I mixed in several hundred sunflower seeds amongst them. We'll see how that grows!

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