A space where I, as an Empath, in these incredible times, describe my senses of Earth and Human Energies happening both in my inner world and in the outer, where I resolutely claim my Feminine Mind, Heart and Spirit and Wisdom. This blog is not for the feint of heart nor for closed minds, it is open to the infinite realities of this universe. I hope you join me and share with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Green Light; Healing Energy?

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods

Hello everyone.....

I hope this finds you safe and grounded in your spirit of peace and power.

I just want to report a thing that just happened to me.

I was in bed, always only because I'm in too much pain to stand, and I was reading the latest newsletter by Lisa Renee, when I fell asleep. I only fall asleep while reading or watching a video for 2-3 minutes I can tell you, because in a video that is the only amount of time I missed, so I know hundreds of times literally, that is all I can snooze for. But today I slept, for about an hour, and when I opened my eyes my entire room was bathed in green light, a kind of green sunlight, bright and pulsing with life. It felt quite normal, but the kind of "normal" that is from the "real worlds" of which I am from. It felt strange for a second because I hadn't experienced this kind of "normal" in years, but the light was beautiful. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep, and a few minutes later opened my eyes and again, or still, my rooms were bathed in green light. Again went back to sleep and again woke up to green sunlight. I stayed up this time and it turned to normal lighting.
But I also realized that all my pains were gone and I felt like I'd slept, which has been difficult for weeks now.....because pain is simply draining. But I feel fine right now and am wondering about this green light. I have a friend who does some healing energy work on me sporadically, but I called him and he said didn't do anything, so it wasn't him.

This green light/energy, was very present, very real, and I still feel it is here only I cannot see it with my "so called conscious mind"......in 3D, we do not see much at all. But there is some green light that feels good and beneficent and more natural than anything else I've seen.

There is evidence of good things happening, but good things/energies are notoriously quiet and shy, hate attention or observation. But they're there. Here.

I wonder if anyone else is seeing something?

I'd like to hear from you.

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