A space where I, as an Empath, in these incredible times, describe my senses of Earth and Human Energies happening both in my inner world and in the outer, where I resolutely claim my Feminine Mind, Heart and Spirit and Wisdom. This blog is not for the feint of heart nor for closed minds, it is open to the infinite realities of this universe. I hope you join me and share with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Unequivocal Alien Amidst The HumanE Race *updated below

Hello people....

Its been a long haul of high weirdness and insidiousness run amok, these past few years.


But I must get this out of me, it must be written. I don't care the inevitable retaliations and repercussions that will come after this from the unseens, it happens even I am silent. But I will get this out to you and hopefully some will get some clarity, confirmation, certainty, and caution......4 "C's".......

 Make no mistake, as I also cannot make any mistake any longer, nor have doubt or endless scrutiny, nor question. There is and apparently always has been though at this time on Earth is the true pand-demic, the alien amidst our humane race.

These ones are obviously human looking, of course, that is the most elementary cover. But what is inside them, be it soul, spirit, or anything else you can refer to it, it is alien. What I mean by "alien" is its unequivocal lack of humanity....or humane qualities, for example, empathy or compassion, or care for others. They observe these qualities and can imitate them, but that is as far as it goes. Unfortunately this imitation fools many people, even for an entire lifetime. Many people make more excuses for these ones lack of humanity, than the alien does for themselves. Humans are far too gullible. They are also far too foolish. They refuse to recognize what is before them, what is given to them hundreds of times, or thousands in their lifetimes, and continue to ignore what they are facing. This is the fall of humanity. 

For some reason in my life, maybe a life purpose for me, is to be inundated with these aliens and not many real humans, for the singular purpose of identifying them and acknowledging their existence and reality. Its been 60 years, and more than half a century of encountering such aliens and it has taken me half a century to accept what has been presented to me over these years. I can no longer doubt. 

The fact that I also have such a strong and resolute core of my Self, who I am and what I am, that makes the "other" more pronounced, and whose differences in subtle and daily interactions so pronounced. I too used to make excuses or "reason" out what causes these "people" to behave as they do, and for decades decided to dismiss them whilst I do my own inner work on my so called "inner shadows".....a meme which has been an ingenious ploy in derailing one from seeing with clarity whilst simultaneously blaming the humane for being at fault, hence, the alien goes undetected. For lifetimes.

I can no longer be silent. I have written about these ones before in several posts on this blog, but something so mind boggling must be repeated and often to get through to people who insist on maintaining their illusions. Beliefs and illusions of millennia are simply extremely hard to dismantle. But I will insist. I need to help others who suffer deeply from spiritual, energetic and psychological damage from years of living with these aliens.

I am of the Humane Species, of Love....which bear the hallmark qualities of compassion, empathy, consistent care of other life forms via actions, and desire to be helpful, a need for love, beauty, organization, cleanliness and an attraction to all things that express the Beauty of Spirit Light. These qualities can be the gauge for scrutiny of the others in all areas of life. If these qualities are lacking you can be warned they are likely the alien.

Why are they here? It is the Old Plan, the long game of the "others" hatred of True Humanity and their strategies to not only eliminate, but to emulate by stealth of false spirits and souls, and to contaminate what they themselves do not possess.

There are more "reasons" for their insidiousness here but I dont' have to go into to all that.

 There have been many many articles written by other Humanes who recognized them throughout the past decade, and written about the "soulless ones", or the "bots", or "NPC's (non player characters)", "energy vampires" etc. They are all excellent articles and very accurate. You can look those up and take them more seriously if you want to preserve the Humanity left in yourself, and to raise it up to embody and revitalize more Light so you can live more emboldened your Divine Soul. For it is for sure that the one aspect/purpose these aliens have is to diminish your soul and cause it to flee, hide, and shrivel and leave you as the biological mass of lifelessness which they are. They wanted "their kind to merge with our kind"....and they have done so.

I want to implore what is left of Humane-ity, to raise yourselves up out of their delusions for you, and their chipping away at your Life Forces, to regain your gloriousness and be your own Force of Nature unto yourself, and for others. 

How They Interact and Some of Their Behaviors: 

How they behave are as such:

~1~ They observe our responses and emulate them, but without feeling. They speak the same words but they are empty. You feel nothing from them. They show no feeling, but are making sounds of language, saying words that express feeling but do not contain feeling. You can see them if you watch them. Their eyes are void of feeling. Though, they are capable of feeling their own negative egoic feelings of selfishness which can even make them cry, which humane ones will interpret as being of a feeling nature, but they are only crying for themselves. They can only express feelings of selfish interest, from basic interests to tears of frustration and anger. But they are never, never for another, not even an animal. 

~2~ They want your feelings, your precious Gold Spirit Light. They want you to feel everything you possibly can with them and for them. You possess natural living love, they do not. They may "love" things, but nothing else. Notice, they are trying to tell stories that are evocative of empathy, they want that. They want your compassion, they get thrills and chills from this, but they cannot offer this for others. If they are telling a story to evoke your compassion they are watching you carefully for your response, your energy. If they don't get this they will continue until they do. If you share your story, they blank out....they don't hear you, or tune out, or turn away physically. Then they will try another tactic to evoke something out of you. Somehow this is what they are after. I am suspecting that the nature of the Humane One is that their energies of empathy and compassion are the Gold Mine for the alien, love itself being their jackpot. Our humane qualities are a fuel that they are after extorting from our own lives, for their own purpose. Some say they feed on this, refer to it as "loosh". I'm not sure about this as I do know they are sadistic in this extorting of our precious gold spiritual energies, but feeding may not be their goal, as much as extorting our life energies to deplete us, as it simply energizes their inverted egoic energetic programs. It is a sadistic retaliation. They are programs, not feeling humans. 

~3~  They are programmed all the same. They all operate the same way. It is a program that becomes recognizable time after time if you pay attention and watch for it. They cannot do anything different. If they do, it is because they have discovered something they can emulate so that they can project it unto a real person because it extorts the real person of their energies. They learn behaviors and play them back to you with all the right words and maybe even expressions and tone of voice, but again, it is void of real feeling, or original feeling. They don't possess this. They are mimicking, which makes them appear real to unsuspecting ones, and then we are fooled hundreds, thousands of times over our years of life on this planet.

~4~  They do not respond to punishment or reprimands or corrections, if they are caught in the act. And they are masters of deceit, even if they are only 12 year old children, all the way to grown adults......they do not respond to punishment. Have no remorse. They do however, get angry that they dont' get what they want, and they can spew all kinds of "egoic emotion" at that time, but it is only out of their utterly selfish goals, and failure at extracting. 

~5~  They have an extreme sense of selfishness that runs so deep they have successfully convinced others around them, that they are the victim of something, anything, but always the victim. This of course garners compassion from real people, and the pity and sympathies of real people and this is the only time they are satisfied.

~6~  They are never sorry. They can utter the words if you try to correct them or bring to light the fact they need to apologize for something, and they will say the words, but they are empty.....however they are carefully scrutinizing you for emotional response from their words, while studying you so they can emulate this in future behavior when the need arises and continue to fool the humane ones, that they are real.

~7~  They will complain about everyone else being a problem, but they themselves do nothing to correct themselves. Ever. They simply do not see a need to and even become vindictive to anyone who thinks they should. They know how to make you suffer. It is subtle and constant and always polite or simply the silent treatment....until your compassion wakes up for them again, and then another round ensues. Also, they seem to know everything, and will learn nothing from you, except in stealth, eg: how to act emotional or with feeling, for the sole purpose of extorting you....but they will not learn skills nor anything useful nor admit to learning if you actually teach them something. Nor can they ever be grateful, even if they utter a "thank you", it is void of feeling. They do not have gratitude, another Humane quality of Gold Energy of Spirit. They are all bored and seek others to entertain them.

~8~  They are masters of deceit and manipulations and gaslighting. This one is the most egregiously brilliant talents they possess for even 12 year olds to be so clever in obfuscations, being contrary, unclear, vague, and even saying things like "there are no definites". This paves the path to being someone who is inconsistent and chameleon like at any moment, making way for the behaviors of self taught programs, to continue to emulate a real humane one at all times. But there is always, always a negative after taste with any interactions with these ones, or simply a nagging feeling you cannot decipher. There is always a "something about what they said".....that you cannot pinpoint, but it happens alot. There is your sign.

~9~  They have an uncanny and laser like attraction to the real Humane Ones, can spot you no matter how young they are, and are excessively charming, saying all the right things and lighting you up until you have a relaxed rapport with them, and then it begins....the extortion of your precious Gold Light Energies via their repertoire of learned behaviors and tactics. But be very clear, this is NOT you calling them into your life or some sort of masochism on your part, you are not wanting this, it is them who are seeing you for what you are, that they come in for their purpose, both singly and en masse.....on this planet. Often one after the other. You are their target. They were created just for this.

~10~  If you do recognize them and study them, turn the tables and observe them, watch them and question what they say to get the full answers, you will discover an incredible trail of falsity of all they say and you will be amazed. If you follow up on their actions and what they claim, you will find many lies. They call them white lies, or will say far too often "they forgot" , or "that's not what I meant" despite what they actually said...you will discover nothing is true, all is vague, obfuscation, and deliberate. Because they have nothing real. They have no interests or what they are interested in runs all the way from, at the very least, questionable in any integrity and lacking beauty, to the dark and ugly. They are also expert at giving back handed "compliments", and expert at spewing consistent small seeds of sarcastic negative digs.

 ~11~ They do not know what they are. They do not know they are alien. (thought I have met one who does and proudly claims their alien-ness) They only know they must get what you have, your inner energies, your light, your love. They exist to extort the Beauty of the Humane Soul and to attenuate its light, degree by degree, year after year, one after the other. They are a collective hybrid alien technology disguised in human biology.

*~12~ This is also an incredibly important aspect also that these creatures have, which I have tested many times with positive confirmation every single time: is their ability to continue to siphon our energies and deplete us even when not in our vicinity, even other states or countries. In fact location doesn't mean anything....as long as they are even thinking about you, they are siphoning and draining to a great degree enough to leave us feeling exhausted and lethargic and sick. This point was brought up by a commenter below but I had to add it since it is one of the most horrific aspects of these creatures and the effects upon the humane ones.

You can say these are "narcissistic" qualities and they are, but, and this is a huge but, narcissism is a hallmark signature of these creatures.

 These creatures are all around us, they are family, friends, everything and everyone in between, male, female, all ages, young and old. Watch for them, and save yourself heartbreak, and call back to yourself the Gold Light of your Spirit after years of dealing with them unbeknownst to you, and to the tragic state of the Beauty of the Humane Ones. 

This is not to say, there are no good aliens amongst us, there are, and the good are silent and do no harm. But these vampires are predators of the Humane Soul and Spirit have done the most damage and harm to the Humane One, are epidemic on this planet and have caused the most harm to both life and resources in the most painful way.




Revitalize your Golden Spirit Light.

And now, I feel sick, just recounting these energies of these ones, I must myself, so to reconnoiter, refrain from interaction and thinking of them, and revitalize my own Spirit.

May the Godness in the Humane Ones prevail.




  1. I was married to one of these creatures. It took me a few years to see they are but an empty void. All your descriptions fit perfectly. I called her a "demon incarnate", or an elemental that stole a human body far before it's evolutionary spirit essence could be even ready to be a legitimate member of a lower order in the plant kingdom.

    Last time I saw her one of my "offspring", I told her she is a sociopath and to never again contact me. It may seem cold to do that to my own "daughter", but is she really my daughter?

    I had been damaged to the point of not caring if I lived or died. Our other children are now dysfunctional adults, each with burned out consciences. I'm working hard to heal, though I have not seen nor communicated with the demon incarnate for 10 years she still is stealing my energy, though her ability to do so is weakening.

    1. Stephen, first my deepest sincerest apologies for your experience, yet you have brought up another of the most important aspects these creatures have and that is their ability to continue to siphon our energies even when apart from us or even just thinking about us~! Absolutely, I have marveled over this, tested it many times, and for sure they can siphon our energies when in other locations and for long periods of time after separation!


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