A space where I, as an Empath, in these incredible times, describe my senses of Earth and Human Energies happening both in my inner world and in the outer, where I resolutely claim my Feminine Mind, Heart and Spirit and Wisdom. This blog is not for the feint of heart nor for closed minds, it is open to the infinite realities of this universe. I hope you join me and share with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Living Flatlining, Memory Loss, Lack of Creativity, Etc.

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared.
Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods

*Edit: 12/24/2019 see below.

Hello People.....

There have been many times I've wanted to say something here, to reveal something, to give us something to contemplate etc, and I just don't do it. Something has been lost....I don't know where its gone. Mostly I just cannot seem to articulate well, and so writing has become a lost art.

As an empath, and as you readers who are also empaths, maybe you can relate and connect with me about your own experience and feelings?

Just to list some things I've "lost" or maybe, possibly what has been stolen.....are:

~creativity - I have always been an artist, always working on projects, creating things, sewing, cooking, crafting, designing, creating beauty everywhere. This year I began many projects fro macrame, to calligraphy, to cooking, to garden crafts, only to have left all those beautiful things alone, doing nothing with them even though I have alot of time. I just have no desire.

~inspiration - I have always had inspiration, to create, to move, make something beautiful every single day, to garden, ..... anything and everything.......now I can't seem to move. I look at the raw materials and sadly walk away from them.

~memory - I have forgotten way too many important things, things I want to and should remember. I can even create a wonderful new recipe for a great meal, and the next week totally forget what I did, what I put in it. I recently bought a wok for all the asian dishes I wanted to create and cannot even remember the first dish I made or what went in it and cannot do it again. I've never forgotten great recipes before. I just re-listened to an old astrology reading I got and it felt like another lifetime.

~positive outlook _ I tell myself if I'm not inspired there is always tomorrow. This always worked and the next day I'd be back to my usual busy self. Lately, tomorrows have gone into months.

~energy to do anything - I understood getting tired from being busy all the time and down time was necessary, and a day was enough to rejuvenate me. Now day after day, month after month I find myself in bed by 3pm, and the scary part is it doesn't matter if I've done anything or not.

~forcing "doing things" - I always knew how to pep talk myself back into action, talk myself into doing things, or to enliven a lax spirit. Pictures, music and other women have inspired me, but now, they don't.....nothing is working.....and days and months are going by with me doing nothing.

~healthy habits - I've always worked out, jogged and did weights, eaten organically.....now just walking is a monumental thing. And I eat for comfort, it feels like drugs. I thought that was bad, but I find I cannot do anything further than in-home.

~interest in anything including my passions - I don't know where they've all gone. I can see the beauty in my mind, or in pictures, but nothing moves me inside anymore, or if they do and I get the beauty done, it is very short lived.

~moving my body for any reason - for the first time in my life, I am sitting in a chair for hours not moving at all. This seems a miraculous feat for someone like me who was always and loved to move being busy until I drop at night satisfied at all my accomplishments. Now I cannot move nor do I want to.

~the sun is far too bright - I love seeing it outside and I love that the plants love it and I do too for short bursts, but inside I prefer now to draw the curtains and light my Himalayan salt lamps and candles only for ambient light. I can only tolerate gentle lighting.

And I learned just today that this is happening to many people, so I can stop suspecting I've been damaged beyond repair, that there is something common amongst many people.

The best term for this seems to be "Spiritual Flat-lining" ....the pulse is alive, but is faint and so weak that nothing is moving. The dark chaos is pandemic and paralyzing the Authentic Spirits on this planet, those empaths and living "souls/spirits" (those terms used vaguely as no definition seems concrete) to the point where we no longer can feel our own lifeforce......OR our Authentic Spirits/Souls have moved on and left our bodies here hence we are no longer able to feel anything that is of the divine for example, inspiration, passion, creativity, love, joy, effervescence etc. Imagination seems stagnant.
It feels like the most vital parts of ourselves have vacated or been taken away, and what is left is only biology, and the necessary functions of such.

Some animals at the moment just before being pounced on by the attacker, will play dead. Do we?

I want to postulate this on a positive note and say that maybe it is because our Authentic Selves have left to a place that is more conducive to supporting our Spirits, a benevolent and loving space, and what has been left is what is essentially useless? Maybe we are removing the parts of ourselves that have been typically for eons hijacked by the nefarious ones for dark purposes and to protect ourselves we have moved away? Maybe we have been taken to a "protective holding space" for example the Protective Spheres I created some years ago for those Real Humans who were locked into this false matrix, and in that holding space we find our bodies here (and hence life) to be pointless? Yet remain for a ruse?

 I feel deeply that Authentic Spirits cannot be "taken over" per se, and so we must have gone away. What is left here feels empty and lifeless, pointless, and the passions of creativity can not occupy a Spiritless/Soulless body.....but yet we are somewhere protecting our real selves. What remains here is just a ghost for the purpose of "ruse" or "fooling" those who still think they can hijack our souls/spirits, and there is nothing here for them anymore. Yet we remain....to keep up the facade of "their game".....so as not to instigate an all out war or to assuage the "final takeover" by any and all means by the nefarious ones.

Does this make any sense? I'm feeling this. All of it.

Also, today I received a video I want to post here as this beautiful woman expressed precisely what I am feeling.
Does this sound like any of you?

If so, what do you make of it?

Can you share?

*Edit note: It is important to note that what I'm describing is not depression. I had that before for a while and this is not it. Depression is a black state of heart and mind. It is dark and has negative thoughts and feelings, a futility that is angry or surrendered, oppressed and/or disconsolate. What I describe above is more like being in a huge void of uncharted space at the same time with the heart, mind and spirit being "on hold" or in temporary stasis. I know I'm "still here" as I've found some beautiful vloggers who vlog/film their lives and the peacefulness of home life (when one is at peace) and I enjoy those very much, so I'm very feeling still, unlike a depressed state that is not touched by  beauty.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Unexplainable Trickery *Yawn* Update 12/22/2019

Just had to post today, that I see that video is gone. I do not however agree with everything Auset has to say though. But that one particular video gave some information that was vital. Don't know why she took it out. 

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared.
Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods

Well hello everyone.

As you must have surmised, I have not been able to make regular posts at all for various reasons. Life is simply preternatural.

I have updated my last post which you can read here, update at the very top.
I was sad to have to write it, but I had to be honest since what I had written was no longer true.

As for today, I will just say a few brief things, and then post the video which is the point of this post.

I am not paying much attention at all to what is happening in the world, not even in the so called spiritual communities, nor listening much to anyone I used to because it is such an insanely complex world we live in and many have pieces that are true and too many are believing in sheer speculation and beliefs, which I abhor these days.
So I do not listen to much, just what is forwarded to me by a few friends.

My sense is, if I may offer a hint of "empathic energetics" is that it is so very complex and crazy that there is nothing being said that is not happening. Everything is happening to some degree, and in varying times, places, intensities, etc. Some of it is actually good, believe it or not.
But I can tell you one thing, what is needed, necessary and critical for future life is that everyone needs to know what is going on by the dark ones, what they are doing how and why. It must be known, this is the truest form of disclosure. It is hard and horrific, some may not want to survive knowing these things the dark lords and their servants and slaves are doing but it must be known.

It must never be forgotten.

The path to liberation and wisdom must include seeing it all.

And then there are those who I have termed "Blue Printers", the architects of creation here on this plane many of whom are not even aware that they are architects of creation and so do not create, so many are missing their calling. Some are aware and are making changes they can see. These are too few.
We need everyone lit up, knowing who they are and that they, with their will based in the integrity of the heart and soul do some spontaneous and improvisational creating on this planet to release us all. There are no rules, nothing.
Create as you will, using all your abilities at once, all the time.
Be attentive, get fancy, get wild.
Be authoritative.
Especially you women who have the strongest protective instincts for life for all still in tact, with the greatest amount of life changing justifiable rage, the kind that can shift realities in NO time.

Lately, even if I haven't seen or sensed something, after hearing it or reading it, I will eventually see it. It is as I have written before, that humans, real humans are creators, and the hijackers of this realm are using those humans to create their desired realities, and the humans don't even realize they are doing this.

There is far too much redundancy, many repeating simply what others are saying or writing. This is terribly tragic. And yet through all this some are dissing the popular installed memes of these programs and seeing into the truth, and so applaud these people.

And then there are the numerous bot (robots), or zombies, or non character players, the soulless, call them what you will, but they are empty and simply follow the directives of the insidious programs.

Then there are what is called the New Predators a term coined by Lauda Leon, which I experienced and wrote about here, here, and here . Those are 3 different posts written about my personal experiences, and in retrospect recalling others of the same ilk during my lifetime but not knowing what it was I was dealing with, and for sure not able to handle what I was truly dealing with, until now, and even now "knowing" requires alot of healing time. I plod on for some reason.

There are countless "unseens" of all variations who are also manifesting their will upon this reality often by simply taking over humans to do it.

Everyone must know who or what they are, and those Blue Printer Architects must get to creating!

That said, this is a video I would like to share because it is entirely on point. Some of what she speaks of, for example her devices manifesting where she had not placed them, happens to me often. She thought of it as a test. I think of it as more f**kery. Once someone has seen through the program/matrix and reports it, "they" begin to harass. "They" want us to know "they" are manipulating our reality, and that "they" are listening" to us, those who know "they" do exist and expose them. "Trickery" and "f*&kery" commences. It can be considered intimidation, but some of us are not intimidated, and I am proud of this. I have also had the same type of space craft dreams she speaks of, literally thousands of times over 3 decades.

Here is the video, if you listen, please share your thoughts, experiences with this.