A space where I, as an Empath, in these incredible times, describe my senses of Earth and Human Energies happening both in my inner world and in the outer, where I resolutely claim my Feminine Mind, Heart and Spirit and Wisdom. This blog is not for the feint of heart nor for closed minds, it is open to the infinite realities of this universe. I hope you join me and share with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Remembering Home: The Feeling of Love

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

I described here what it feels like just to be alive and breathing. I don't know how many of you can relate. If you've never experienced this synergistic connection with family, those you are born from and those you choose to connect to, or you have been on the recycling machine for too long, will not be able to feel/remember, or you have never felt it. But I have a few more things to say.

This feeling of being lovingly connected is everything, it is the breath and life of the Spirit of Beings.

However, tragically, this is not how it is here. This is why so many are "looking" for love....because the connection to their "parents/source" is severed.
Many people spend their lives searching for this feeling and many, many, make the mistake of believing someone loves them, when they only lust them. When that lust is burned out, what is left is a void that is more than embarrassing, it is insulting, and causes us to feel shame that we were fooled and had no idea what happened. This is also the cause of many relationships failing after some time.

These mistakes are impossible with beings who mutually are feeling/empathic by nature as there is no confusing what is being felt by oneself and others. So there is no room for deceit or mistake. The connection/love is always present, no matter where one is, and it is blissful. We do not search for love, it is ever present and radiating within our very cells as light/life/beauty.

Here on Earth a terrible thing is happening. But if you understand what I just wrote you will understand why people are in the state, regarding love/relationship, we are in on this planet.

I want to mention a personal peeve I have and it is that this tragic need to search for love/connection is further exacerbated by sophomoric idiots who call seekers names, look upon them with disdain, or think they are psychologically deficient in psyche or spirit, by calling them fools, hopeless romantics, and such, or co dependents etc, and those new age memes that tell you that you don't love yourself enough, you cannot love another if you don't love yourself.....this one is one of the more inane ones. These are not true, nor applicable to what is happening here. And the ignorants add to the horrific rent in Spirit by making those who search for love/connection feel inadequate, when those who judge are revealing their own ignorance, and dangerously so.

Not only do seekers of love already know and posses love, they are only tormented by the lack of the connection of this love to another. It is not that they don't love themselves, it is that love craves others, it does not live alone. Living alone is only done here on this Earth.
These seekers are needing to share what must be given, and know that it is a two way sharing. It is not that they are lacking in self love, it is that love itself needs to flow and lack of flow is painful. It is interpreted as loneliness, because it is stagnant and has no place to land. It is naturally flowing, moving, flying, and when there is no other, very simply, it hurts. It is like the blood in the body. When it is moving, flowing, it is felt as energetic and vibrancy. When it is stagnant it is felt as weakness, lethargy and pain. Love is something like that. 

When the love/connection we know has been torn asunder by incarnating on this planet, one feels truly alone and the search for reconnection begins early, especially if the parents in this life were not loving of each other and the child.

One who searches for love is still spiritually cognitive, and living disconnected while being demeaned for searching for love is painful, to say the least, a life setup for difficulty. Often these people just want one, just one person to feel that connection to, and they could survive this life without anguish, whilst having just a tiny bit of the love that was rightfully theirs, a small respite for remembering a wondrous thing, in just one other person.

Love is ineffable. It simply cannot be described in words, which is why so many fail when they try, because the feelings as experienced in these human bodies with all its limitations, are too magnanimous for the mind and words are utterly useless. As a frequency it makes the heart thrive and pump and swell and radiate. This is why when "in love" it is felt in the heart, a languageless organ, while the mind is clueless.
And whilst love is magnanimous in spirit, and many of us know it well and remember it well, there are many people who have not known this....and who settle for other things in place of it. And truly some things here can appear to look like love, but is not. I myself have fallen for that too many times, and have experienced many things I wish I had not because I simply felt that whoever came "into" my life was there for love and so I gave myself freely, believing it was because of love, as it is where I come from. But here on Earth it is not. So I got involved with many people who I loved but who did not love me. Many many people here do this, especially women. There are reasons why women do this far more often than men but this article is not for that. My own love was used against me.

I want to stress that no one should feel anything negative in any way as a being who is searching for love because you are heading in the right direction both for your spirit and your heart. Let no one criticize you or demean you. Your remembrance of love will guide you when you are on the other side.

And those who who are not searching for love, well, there is much that can be said about them, but some of those are simply not human, literally, and some are lost in the monkey mind control trap developed and organized for humans, and these ones have relinquished all morals for reason by becoming a slave to the mind and group-think, in particular the left side of the brain. This condition is known as insanity where I come from.
Its prevalence here is like a virus that is a contagion of weak heart/strong mind people, and becomes a bully amongst those of strong heart/weak mind, who are a more spiritually balanced people. These ones use their own feeling base as their guide in life, and whose *sensitivity* is the mark of a refined spirit on Earth, who are fighting all kinds of good fights or who are simply very loving humane beings.
Of course some get lost in the margins of society and fade away, and some go into hiding deliberately.

The weak or no heart people are controlled, as there are many many institutions, organizations and other things designed to deliberately control people, and strong mind people are in fact mind controlled by others. These people are in good company since there are many of them and they tend to stick together and make lots of noise together.
Those who are strong heart people are not controlled by anything but are self governed by a Spirit that is sovereign and free, and makes decisions in life by a propriety that is hallmarked by goodness. These people are independent and free of all devices of control. However they are lonely.
Those ones who are mind controlled are loud and stomp all over the planet making tsunamic waves of contamination. Those who are heart controlled are more quiet and gently walk their lives ducking the tsunami's of mind controlled robots and are often in healing mode.
Strong mind people are only controlled by others, while heart based people can be controlled by no one.

There is a book I can write about this, but I just wanted to share a little bit on the difference of love here and home, just a little bit.

Stay strong in your goodness.

*Note: beware of sensitivity in people: sensitivity for others is a refined spirit as opposed to the sensitivity one has just for ones self; the one for others is refined and of the heart, while the sensitivity one has of ones self is egoic and narcissistic. For example, we see some people who feel for others, who will cry for others if they befall something heartbreaking like the loss of a pet, this is a refined, caring person who is connecting themselves in a caring way to others. Those who will cry only for themselves, who do not shed tears for others, but get very "sensitive" about oneself, is narcissistic, they can only be sensitive about themselves, meaning any slight they perceive or criticism of them, they will be "sensitive" about and can cry.

These are some pictures I took this morning. It was a beautiful moment seeing a double rainbow and the deep blue/gray sky with sun patches and verdant green everywhere. Enjoy.

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