A space where I, as an Empath, in these incredible times, describe my senses of Earth and Human Energies happening both in my inner world and in the outer, where I resolutely claim my Feminine Mind, Heart and Spirit and Wisdom. This blog is not for the feint of heart nor for closed minds, it is open to the infinite realities of this universe. I hope you join me and share with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Monday, March 19, 2018

The Narcissist IS An Alien Hive Force *edited Oct.2018

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods

I am writing for and to those who know there are both human and alien forces that is nothing like what "we" are. It requires blood. It requires pain. It destroys. It causes suffering. It is sick. It is psychopathic. It is deranged. It is insane. 

These Alien/Narcissists all operate the same. They all operate the same. They are all programmed the same. There is a checklist you can go through. They are a hive creature. Just listen to others. Listen.

Not all narcissists are alien, unfortunately some are indeed human. But when those who venture to seek out victims offer all the same things off their checklists and can be observed to follow a certain protocol of behaviors and tactics common among them, they are operating all the same. These are your aliens. They have always been here, but now we are awakening to them.

Misplaced Compassion for "Woundedness" is Your Downfall

I sadly hear many, and I used to believe this to a small degree, that the evil ones were "simply those who forgot who they truly are"....that they are wounded so much they forgot their divinity. This is true only in very few cases, but in most it is not.

I have been truly wounded, starting as a child, when my father held me at gunpoint at the age of 4. His father too was a totally sick man. I have had numerous men trying to kill me with guns or what have you, been betrayed often, surrounded by drugs and violence......etc etc etc. But NEVER in all my days did I ever think of inflicting such onto another human being ever. I did become smarter and learned to defend myself against those men and those who inevitably will come in the future for there is no end to them, but I never became the sick one. I never turned into them. Because I am of the Divine Spark. My Soul will not allow me to become sick. In fact what we become are HEALERS.

They claim any "excuse" or "reason" according to their sick minds to do what they do.
But no being of empathy or love becomes a psycho out to kill others, especially innocents.
I have a soft spot for vigilantes though, but that is another story.

Pleasant Beliefs vs Awful Truth

If you are not that, you cannot become that. Period. Nothing can corrupt you. Sadly though you can go mad, get depressed and suicidal, but you do not become them.
Psychos are psychotic and a shapeshifeter, a type of chameleon who changes as their needs change to suit their goals. The invader alien is narcissistic. They are not wounded, they are cancer. This "wounded" belief is a projection of yourself (mostly women) onto another trying to make your truth theirs. You believe everyone is like you. I did this for decades and was nothing but chronically stupid and I suffered terribly from delusions so that when the painful truths hit me, it had to be brutal, with the proverbial holy 2x4's over and over till I was black and blue and on the floor wondering WTF is going on?! Only then, so totally broken down, with all my worthless delusional beliefs shattered like glass around me, when all I held to be true was failing miserably, repeatedly, in real time, could I open into accepting what is real, and change from being merely a believer to a knower. It hurt my brain terribly to go from pleasant beliefs to the awful truths. Horrible as it is, and how much I wanted to believe the pleasant nice beliefs, I was living the worst kinds of lies. And in my severe ignorance of beliefs was helping in keeping hidden the toxic presence amongst humanity.

What I believed got me in trouble. The truth however has set me free. And now I hope to help you be free......be free.
Be free.
Know and be free. Breathe deep.

Soulless/Aliens Count On Your Ignorance

Those soulless ones count on your belief that we are all the same. It is good only for them if you believe that. They, however, get stronger while you get weaker. If you persist, "they need more love".....you are engaging in absolute foolhardiness and abject stupidity.....you are on dangerous ground. We are most certainly NOT all the same, not one bit.

They count on this as it continues and fosters more compassion their way, and rich feeding/vampiric times. It is a fatality for you and causes an often irreversible harm to your own psyche for endless years to believe in something so egregiously false. And by your support of them they thrive and you suffer. By proposing "woundedness" as opposed to the truth of them as the predator within, you encourage others to also have such misplaced compassion and further promote more foolish gullible, guileless people into also projecting compassion onto predators giving them more to feed on, and so you become accessory to this pandemic predation. You become the cult like unwitting supporter.

One must be savvy in picking these alien/narcisist/NPC's out. Be clever in testing them and never give away your heart unless you feel sure you are dealing with something genuine. Intuition, that hallmark signature of women over eons, which has been demonized (by them) is the way to knowing.

Annihilation of The Divine Spark is its goal.

Pain is its hallmark.

You see it everywhere throughout human existence throughout human history. The evil ones are here.
Some are blatant, servants of outright violence, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, serial killers, boston stranglers, dr jekyll/mr.hydes, jack the rippers, genocides, and countless other men who simply reincarnate over and over again en masse......armies and legions in every country of gangsters, soldiers of war, legalized assassins, their churches and Inquisitions, their 911's bombings, self sanctioned weaponized crime organizations, supremacists and separatists out to destroy family and societies, mind controllers, EMF and other nefarious frequencies......etc etc etc, these men have infected life with torment for as long as there have been men.  And the violent disease of left brained dominism, ridicule of right brain, war on "feminine" things, the outright war on woman, the war on love, the war on care, the war on peace, the war on critical thinkers. One would think this is more than enough to destroy a species.
Why have humans never learned that killing and hurting others is only sickness. How does it go on and on?? How is it that throughout thousands of years, murder, rape and violence has not diminished?
Who are these creatures? where do they come from? why is there no end to them?

This is one breed of destroyer. The overt.

There is another. The covert.

The Soulless

There are those who want to destroy the innocents, the empaths, the true Divine Spark, The Soul...... they say "Something else had to be done. Before it is too late. Before they (The Light) moves on, gets more powerful and wiser and we can no longer destroy them."
There are the archontic types who were not out to destroy us due to some "laws of universe" but "only" wanted us diminished, wanted us weakened and incapacitated, to keep us small and devolved. Now I know of this other predator who is actually trying to destroy the Light from within, an interspecies predator actively seeking to destroy those Ensouled Ones, the Light, as they are a type of hybrid creature with only one goal for their created lives, to destroy the Light. They destroy one then move on to the next, and often are working many at once. These ones are the most lively and confident creatures walking this earth. There are so many of them. It is not admirable to see those who do not suffer, it is suspicious when one doesn't suffer.

It has been written in every "holy" text of those who want to annihilate the God Spark.... found in the gentle one, the kind one, the compassionate one, the love. They want to destroy those who espouse love and harmony....who live for Beauty and Peace. They are still out to destroy GOD.

And there is the one who looks just like us.....hiding within our species, not outside of humanity, but within........in the last place we'd look......and this is one of the more sinister plots.
The "kind charismatic" vampire.

What would you do if you wanted to destroy someone/s from the inside out? you would ask these questions........

"How can we infect the humane species?
How can we live off them without them fighting back? without their knowledge. We want to destroy them from the inside out.
We don't need resistance, we only need to feed/suck vital essence out. How can we do this? Confusion, obfuscation, mixed in with good behavior....so we will not be detected. They will never suspect such a thing, we have taught them not to believe in us.

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." ~ Charles Baudelaire.

The Fungus Among Us 

"We will be born into their families.
We will merge within society.
We will gaslight them to foster confusion.
We will perform good deeds so we will be accepted from their hearts.
We will appear as they, they will never know.
We will sow discord, but they will forgive.
We will feed on them but they will go to doctors.
We will create frenzies but they will take themselves into therapy.
We will feed and they will not be the wiser.
They are a free source of willing energy.
If they suspect us we will turn on them and point the finger at them, they are too naive, for they cringe at confrontation.
And by these methods, we will destroy them from the inside out."

News: The Narcissist/alien is not a dysfunctional human......it is not a real human. It has our biology, but it is an alien force hiding in human form, specifically to dupe and deceive, to be the silent black force that no one can fight because it is not suspected. That is the point, to hide detection, so suspicion will not rise in us. Because humans have uncanny abilities to retaliate and rebuke anything, once they see it. For some evils are powerless when faced down.

They know, if you don't see it, you can't rebuke it, and fostering cognitive dissonance confusion adds to their power.
Detection is the downfall of the evil that hides.

They are not human. Its that simple. Now you know. You can drop them, move on and be free.

Some of us cringe when we hear those speak of humanity as being merely biological robots in a meaningless universe........it is true for the alien. They are projecting (themselves). It is however NOT true for us. Our Light and Souls have the ability to transform us. They speak of themselves and proselytize this "meaningless" life so brilliantly because they are convinced and convinced people are soooo convincing......and gullible humanity begins to believe too, and in our hopelessness are ripe for the vampirism. They are self appointed authoritarians on any subject they choose and humans are suckers for those who sound confident and "knowledgeable". Its all a trick, a ruse, don't fall for it.

We Must Hold On To Our Values and Our Love

For us, there is nothing BUT meaning. There is only magnanimity, potential, greatness, expansion, bliss, euphoria, beauty, and all the ineffable feelings that come with all of that!
For them there is none of that, and they refer often to humans as meatsuits and futility of "existence", and they will ask you why you fantasize in false dreams. Laugh at them! You have just encountered the crux of their lifelessness and their own deep meaninglessness, the soulless.

You Can Survive Them By Total Disengagement

You can disengage them. Totally diffuse their hidden vampirism. Simply close yourself down to them....do not give them any authentic interaction, no opening of your Self, your heart, your mind, your emotions, your thoughts, nothing. (I have since learned there is a term for this called "grey rock". Know you are dealing with/talking with shit. If you must because you work with them or live with them give them small talk and be polite but always keep it short and simple, and turn around and walk away and they will crumble. However, only time will cure the ick your soul has had from contamination with these creatures, it will have scars and need devotion and lots of self love. These creatures are like radiation poison....it is invisible, scentless, but you will degrade in its presence.

Remember there are more of them than us, and yes this is about us vs them now, no more f**king around here. I'm not creating division, I'm calling it out! I'm tired of the suffering, the predation, the people who are kind who are in hiding, who are ill, who are victimized and then blamed, I'm effin tired of it all. We need to wake up to the horrid truths and get tough.

KNOW, if you are empathic you are already known and it is only a matter of time before you find yourself engaging one or likely more of these because they are actively seeking you/us out. If you get rid of one, there will be another behind him. Their hive mind/matrix operates on another level that is highly organized, and then is deployed onto individuals.

We need to test people, and test them well, and pay attention to our bodies and its messages. I've had messages from my own body that were incredibly strong but my mind could not grasp nor understand the intense warnings and I always dismissed them as being crazy. My mind and judgements were my own worst enemy. My spirit and biology was properly responding to the real and present danger while my mind betrayed me. I will never ever doubt my body again and I will tell my ignorant mind to shut up.

Test your new acquaintances over and over before you share, before you begin to give, your heart, your feelings, your kindness....Know Thy Self and Know Thy Enemy.....for you dear empath, have a stealth predator who knows how to find your particular brand of richness, but you don't know how to detect them.....they managed this.......and they will come for you over and over again. Feel and know.

But you can be rid of them.....you sure can.
Then spend time recovering from the slime, nurture yourself in Nature, with gentle loving people and animals, plants, flower essences, music etc. I've said all this already but it cannot be stressed enough.

*update: since moving away from said creature, I have since had another one come into my life trying to instill his grandness, and try to convince me of his wonderfulness too. He also had the air of ''the mayor'' who knew everyone, all the right people and was "in the know" about everything. He was charming too, that wonderful BEHAVIOR that is so practiced to perfection, the smiles and even the glint in the eye.....so well practiced. I had ''signs'' however about this one I was about to befriend because his friendliness was all so consuming and so grasping, but as I followed him in my car to the farmers market he wanted to show me, a huge plastic garbage can fell out of his trailer and could have killed me if my responses were not fast enough or clever enough, as I did 60mph and trying to dodge that thing with another car on my tail was life threatening in an intense moment. I did dodge the thing as it also bounced a bit to the left and avoided my windshield and I didn't have to swerve too fast and thank goodness the tailing driver also swerved away from me. The sign was ~huge garbage nearly killing me, definitely putting my life in danger and here I am following this one of my own accord~. Metaphor anyone? When we finally parked he blithely apologized for the garbage can nearly causing a possible fatality. There was another clue: complete disregard for my well being. Not, stopping on the side of the road to collect his can, or to check on me, no, just keep driving and then casually dismiss the life threat, no biggie.
Another sign was the phone calls, the friendly "oh lets go for a coffee" thing, and "I will just happen to be in your neighborhood", "oh I'd rather meet in person rather than talk on the phone"....and all sorts of comments like that trying to get you in their presence hard and fast despite me telling him I was not feeling well and needed to be mostly quiet and to myself these days. Then I got the ''butt call'' when they call you and when you return the call tell you the phone did it by itself?.....this is a test to see if you'd be receptive since they ran out of excuses to call you, so they blame the phone and test you. I didn't go for that either.....had too many of them too. Then the next tactic is to outright ask you for that connection and meeting, to pin you down and blow away your resistance and how you respond to that force of aggression is when you will get their true intention. If you fall for the force and meet them despite your own feelings, they know they can control you and will continue to do so. If you say no and mean it, they will drop you like you meant nothing to begin with. No, they are not respecting your ''space" and giving you time, they have dumped you before you could dump them, because they could not bait you.  They are predictable. I have learned these things and am able to see them coming, can predict the behaviors and tactics now and it is always to the letter/script/program.

If you escape one, another will be sent right after. If you are watching out for them now, and can smell them and predict their behaviors which are very predicable and negate them and reject them, they will no longer be sent to you. And I do mean "sent".....because that is exactly what is happening. You dear empath are not attracting them to you by some nonsensical "like attracts like" forces, no, this is more of "opposites is attracting them to you".....more like moths to a flame..... they are literally sent to you because they are looking to feed and destroy, and YOU ARE NOT. A parasite has a function and it is to seek out and destroy those with Light/Soul. There is a pandemic program out there to seek out and destroy. They are a weapon. Deployed with purpose and relentless. Do not go into denial, be weak, ignorant or dismissive.
However, no creature of war can be successful if he is being observed and deflected.


Friday, March 16, 2018

Why Narcissists Need Empaths, But Don't Walk, Run From Them!

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods

February 20, 2018

As with most "common knowledge" I see written and spoken loosely without much thought, it is commonly said that empaths are attracted to narcisists/alien/vampirics....and this is utter nonsense. Just think about that one. Who "needs" or is "attracted" to having their life essence drained from them? No one. What is happening is what I call "The Lure" or "The Seduction" which empaths are unfortunately prone to falling for. We are not too resistant to this fake behavior as we should be. We simply do not see it coming. The behaviors of the lure seem genuine, often involving "proof of genuineness" via acts of money spent and deeds done and an apparent "its all for you" attitude. It looks and appears real. Its NOT.
The fact is, its the other way around: narcissists/alien/vampirics need the empath. Hence the whole strategy of "The Lure". Empaths do not need their life blood or life energies drawn out of them. There is only the need of the predator. Without the predation, life energies and life forces will stay where they belong and do what they were meant to do, nurture the ensoulled being, and we can be who and what we were meant to be. The predator changes it all.

Ratio of Real People to Fake People?

I have spent literally hundreds of hours, untold days, months and years, including the cost of my perfect vision, reading, researching, studying the alien presence on Earth. I am sure it has always been here. The tricky part are those who look just like us. This is where it gets tricky, but the fact is aliens are here who look just like humans, and they learn how to blend in.

Empaths/Highly Sensitive People, it is believed, comprise only 20% of the worlds population. It is an interesting coincidence that it is also believed by many in the spiritual communities especially of experiencers that empty shell, soulless, alien, NCP's/whatever term, comprise 80% of the population. You do the math. But I do not know for sure. I still struggle wrapping my head around that.  I do know that the majority of people are the empty shell ones, with spirit and biology yes, they eat, sleep, reproduce, and have jobs and "relationships", but lack the Divine Spark (soul) which is filled with virtue, emotional nuance, eternal wisdom, and especially authentic heart based response to any situation.

*Note: there are those who feel the other way around with the terms "soul" and "spirit". I am using it the way I have understood all my life. Soul is the aspect that is the Divine Spark from Source. Spirit is what animates the biology, or body of the living. That is as far as I care to delve in this.....because it has not been proven either way and I have not found anything else that explains so much. 

Dont get me wrong, these empty shells/aliens/etc can still do "good deeds" and may even do them often but they always have a reason/motive/agenda for it. It is never simply out of heart for anothers own good, to then move on once the good deed/s are done. There will be something to pay. But the most important thing to know, is beyond having agendas, they are a living black hole sucking Vital Essence out of the living eternal Soul.....and they target empaths as a high source of their energetic needs. For who is more filled with true energy than one who feels what everyone around them feels? That is why empaths always have one or several predators around them.

They are expert charmers and friendly. They want to get ''in''. It is a tool/device they use to get in.

These people sometimes, will right away rub you the wrong way, or you will feel ick in their presence, or you will not be able to tolerate them for more than an hour, and you will not understand your feelings. You will judge yourself as being judgemental, or having "issues" or feel guilty about "mirroring" etc etc. But it is not you, not if you are an empath, it is not you. You feel that way for damn good reasons and if so I would say now in hindsight to effin run the other way as fast as you can! Do not feel guilty, or think you're being judgemental, or give them 2nd, 3rd chances. YOU are the one who will wind up in the psyche ward, needing meds, and therapy, and they are on their merry way, with more tricks and on to the next unsuspecting guileless one.

What I have learned, is that narcissists/alien/NPC's (Non Player Character is a term in the gaming world, that describes characters that are not controlled by the player but are programmed with predetermined behaviors) are greatly attracted to empaths for a true endless source of the energies they need. Empaths always have one or more of them around them and feel always drained. It was revealed to me quite simply, they need the empath to both learn from and to steal vital energies. They need to learn how to assimilate into social behavioral 'norms', and to do that they need to emulate, well, real humans with real feelings. They will not get that training from other empty shells. They all need to learn, so they seek out the ones who have feelings, who possess a universe of rich emotion. They observe, learn, and when their trigger moments come, they repeat. They excel at this mimicry. They are masters of timing. But as they are appearing to be human, they are sucking the life out of things, to make things less vital, less in its light.
And no, they are not aware this is what they're doing. They're unconscious vampires/aliens.

Why Are They Here?

The empty shell people/alien/NPC's are here to keep the status quo. Not just to assimilate, their effects are to remove/replace/delete/ the real humane being, the empathic ones who are divinely lit from within, and to, well....you figure out the rest. I only know they are here and they are master mimickers and cause terrible psychological and spiritual damage and are draining Vital Life Forces.
However, they are flawed.

I am thinking of this as a takeover. One can call it an invasion or infestation, whatever, it is done. It is already done. It has happened. But we didn't catch on because "authorities" are completely in charge of the campaign to dismiss their existence.
They are sleeper invaders not knowing themselves for what they are, a perfect plausible deniability deployment. They operate instinctually. It is unconscious on their part. They know not who they are. They are mental creatures/beings who espouse an unemotional propensity. They are of the intellect (trite as that is) and are of a single hive mind, they all function the same way for the same purpose, albeit in biological seemingly human bodies.

For this takeover to be successful they had to imitate the real human and humanE behaviors, the last thing they want is for anyone to watch them or pay attention too closely. Hence the search for the real humane being with feelings. That is why again, Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, Psychics etc are surrounded by these types and often do not know what they are dealing with.
This is an infestation of something foreign to Nature. Totally foreign.
They are human robotics in our biological form. Their effects are a disturbing disharmony when in their presence. We don't meld, we don't mesh. We have compassion and are brainwashed to accept all people as equal, as one, and so the gentle folk will always invite them in, ignoring the disharmonious energies, whether they be stark and shocking, or subtle small things you accept for noble reasons, albeit to your detriment. The lack of harmony with these ones is the nexus point to be aware of at all times. You will feel great disharmony around them, regardless of what they say etc, and this is where you EXIT.

This post is about recognizing them and how to deal or cope when you cannot escape because they are either family members, you live with them, or work with them etc.

For those lit from within, there are giveaways and I will discuss those.

Though they fool most of the people most of the time, they don't fool every one all the time. There are those few who know that something is off, eg; laughter at all the wrong times, or a repeated platitude that seems a one size fits all for situations from death to storytelling etc. For example they may say, ''oh yeah, sure sure!''....for everything....even when you spoke of death or loss.....they didn't catch themselves. And they always got away with it because most other people are not listening or are one of them. You heard it, but excused it. Misplaced compassion. Pay attention.

These alien/NPC's are most comfortable with the daily trite and platitudinous way of chatting with the people on Earth, small talk etc. Most people are content to just engage them and respond also superficially and the NPC's really engages this believing they sound so good and ''normal"....and they love that, no questions. Most respond favorably and accommodatingly to their fakeness and no one was wiser. They love this. They are fitting in. You however, will be stopped in your flow, and blink a few times, then blow it over, especially when they have all the quick quips, laughter to cover up etc. Do not blow anything over. If it happens again, go deeper, question and question until you get to the bottom. If no satisfactory response comes, then you have your cue to move on.

I personally find it abhorrent and cannot stand to engage those people with any amount of conversation more than two words, hello and goodbye. I have been exposed to too much of this vacuous chatting. I even know one who often responds before you even finish your sentence and they didn't realize they responded to the sad news with an ''oh sure, right, right''. Seriously ?!!

They also possess a mentality that is cunningly exploratory for more tips on how to behave including the timing to "execute the computed response". They will hear a comment or statement one says, and then adopt it for their own. They will repeat this to you hoping you recognize it as a "commonality you share" and you know you said it, or felt it originally, but then this will be repeated by them even though you can't find how it is relevant to them at all. They don't care, they are mimickers and are repeating. And don't you dare question them! They are always right. You may express yourself because some of them know you have that right, but they will dismiss it anyway. They don't need your knowledge, they only need your authentic vitality.

There are some who are incredibly arrogant and egoic. They are also masters of obfuscation, and will never answer a question directly but will respond with long drawn out statements, and end with a question for you that takes you away from your original question. To fuck them up.....repeat the exact question. You will see lots of blinking.....and then either an indignation or anger that you dared question them, or that you seem suspicious, and they will accuse you of being "behaviorally incorrect" or of doubting them, and think or accuse you of impertinence....wow! LOL. Masters I tell you!!!
Most don't catch this, but bow to this total power play.
Some feel they mastered this behavioral thing and don't allow one to question them so they are simply vampiric and fully ''in their power''.

 If you, in your humanity offer to be social with them and talk and try to be open and authentic speaking of your life and stories, they see this as an invitation, an opportunity for authentic energy ''exchange' mostly from you of course, and for them the opportunity to gain that energy. If you remained guarded there will be no energy exchange. But if you open up and share your emotions, feelings, dreams etc you will be sucked dry. You will have revealed your precious heart's contents and they have learned how to steal yet more behavioral info, to both work on you, and their continual training in ''how to blend'' and they have fed on this precious divine energy. You will feel empty or drained afterwards. Watch for this.

Sometimes, they turn off the "opportunist agenda" and will sound "pleasant", and you will feel once again you have been wrong about them, but then watch for the bite back. The little white lies, the beating around the bush, the dismissals, the quick quips and platitudes.

Another important hallmark difference is the Critical Need for Beauty. Those with soul require beauty of Nature as being part of their essence, they require Nature and feel they're in the womb of The Great Mother when in Nature, surrounded by Nature, we crave it and are happiest in beautiful environments with many plants and trees, we are fed by Nature, find joy in Nature. We also require quality real foods and water at all times. The need for Beauty revitalizes the ensouled ones and the rich universe of the Soul and its essence of Source and the stars and cosmos therein. We feel all of this. Conversely the alien/NPC's/aliens use Beauty as a prop. They stage items of beauty around them but they don't "need" them, but use Beauty to camouflage. Some don't bother with this staging.

A feeling you want to look for in companionship is the deeply peaceful silence you can share with another, where you can sigh in comfort just being in the presence of someone. This what you want.

I can go on and on about this but there is tons of information on the net about this with great details from experiencers with them, mostly referring to narcissists but I am including the alien/NPC's.
And some of the information on them will vary depending on just how manipulative they are, their intelligence quota, if they have agendas, etc. But you will always feel "off" spending time with them. 

My Advise for Empaths and Highly Sensitive/Sophisticated People

I will however, be short and succinct with my advise for your own sanity......empath and HSP people....do not engage these narcissist/alien people, do not believe they are ''teachable'', or that they are troubled, or had a past that you need to offer compassion to, or that they are "wounded" - huge one, or any other excuse you can come up....just get the hell away from them if you want to maintain your sanity and your life force.....because it is life force they drain. But true life force from those Lit From Within will be drained and the dissonance you feel in your psyche and spirit will need quite a while to recover.
Life force is the most precious thing in the cosmos, and that is what they want. They do not possess this. It is a vital energy that is the possession of the true human, the one with a soul, with rich emotional/feeling content, virtue, good will etc etc.
It is you who will feel vampirized and energetically violated and you won't understand how or why. They never get drained, never feel vampirized and often speak demeaningly of those who do feel this. They do not wind up disturbed or bothered unless they suspect you of suspecting them. But they need you. YOU DO NOT NEED THEM AT ALL. They are not redeemable, they are your parasite. Do not be a willing host. The Earth is littered with them.

What is also important to know, is that though there are lots of true humans on Earth, they are not all empathic and these ones will be able to tolerate them better.
However, the empath will have a strong repulsive feeling, which initially they may feel guilty about, because geez what has this person done to you (so far)? nothing, they say all the right things, behave well and even do good deeds, so why the ick? However, its the empath who will suffer a growing sickness within that requires lots of space and time and Nature and nurturing away from them to recover. If you live with them, I am sorry. For your own life, if you choose to live with your own autonomy, then get the hell out and never look back, find other empaths and spend time with them.

You will feel yourself growing dark and wonder how this can possibly be. You will feel suspicion and not know where it comes from and be disappointed in your innocent self. Don't be.
You will loose your playfulness and wonder where it went.
You will loose your vitality and what ability to conjure up happy thoughts in your way of being you and wonder why that is. You will feel anxiety and want meds for the first time in your life.

The results of being in these soulless beings presence will cost you far more than you could ever think of, more than you can know. You will find yourself aging faster, and though you do all the right things and eat well, you do not understand this loss of VITAL ENERGIES........

Make no mistake, these ones, including other powers and principalities are the cause of all trauma on Earth, and the traumas are felt by those with Soul.

I am telling you......run away from them, run from them all and be very careful, dear empath, who you choose to spend your time with. Trust your first feelings, and dont' talk yourself out of them with negative self judgement.
Go into Nature for long periods of time. Buy flowers and plants and surround yourself with them inside your home. Listen only to soothing music and anything that can revitalize your Soul Essence.

The Greater Scope of the Effects of These Soulless Ones:

So what happens after you realize the vampiric nature of these ones? Their abilities to suck vital energies from a human? What happens if we pan out to look at the greater picture? Of the world?

I am taking this vampiric capability of these soulless ones/NPC's/empty shells further out than the one person to person or empath/narcissistic effects. These empty shells because of their own lack of vital energies have the ability/need/intent/default-nature to kill the vital energy of the living. It will be sucked out of the person, the family, the workplace, the town, the city, country, the planet. Living things will have shorter life spans, they will not have optimum growth, they will be diseased. Trees will die faster, grow shorter, plants will not be as vital not produce as many flowers, animals will become sick and people become, well, as you can see around you on this Earth what its become.

I am wondering now, if the planet has been infested with these beings for so long if this has been the demise of the quality of life. How can it not be? How can it not be the toxin, the invisible pollution that has reversed Life Force, Prana, Loving Energy? How can it not be killing what is innocent, what is clean, what is pure what is gentle, what is pristine and prevents all that beauty from radiating its light. Is it any wonder so many beautiful souls, so many great hearts are sick, at home, often alone? wondering WTH life is about really? wondering how they got to where they are, why their dreams didn't work out? how can every effort to gain momentum in ones creation of life results in something backwards or even reversed? Is there such an opposing energy that can do this? I say emphatically yes!

Final Thoughts

Granted it could be that real ensoulled humans may be the alien on a strange planet, duped into incarnating here in the first place. I don't know who belongs or doesn't. It doesn't matter in this post which is focusing on how the narcissist/alien/NPC needs the empath, and not the other way around.

I also am coming to terms with the belief that the 20% real ensouled beings/empaths and the 80% alien/NPC/narcissist ratio is real, and I have a theory that most ensouled beings are no longer incarnating in this plane. Those ensouled ones here are the last remnants of Real Humanity, and are phasing themselves out of this false matrix.
In playing further with this idea, could this be the beginning of the end? That eventually the ensouled ones no longer incarnate here and ''the game of life" the archons devised where so many of the dark ones have created this diabolical recycling reincarnation pit, a virtual playground for evil forces of a variety of deviations, into a holographic simulation of horrors in this matrix on Earth, have possibly created for themselves their own annihilation? That when ensouled beings no longer arrive onto this planet and they no longer have victims, they will starve but be locked into their own invention of the recycling incarceration wheel of fortune? Nice to think about. So it could be the archontics, devising a way to entrap souls, have in fact created their own demise? What a pleasant thought.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Re: "The EVENT" of March 2018

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared.
Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods

Hello Everyone.....

Regarding what is being called "The Event" for March 2018.....to all of you who believe and who feel excitement, positivity, emotion, feelings, etc of any any nature that would intend, create, or manifest this Event I would only say, bring it on more so......add more feeling, more emotion, more intention, more excitement.

But for the naysayers, those who are jaded, those who believed in the ''2012 that didn't happen", or any other major cosmic event that proposed major positive changes on this planet, I would say please consider this:

if we are creators in any way, if we are manifesters in any way, if we create our reality to any degree, and we do.....then it is up to us to manifest this event. If we should disbelieve, or say "I've believed before and nothing happened"....etc.....then I would say, you are likely preventing it from happening because any disbelief in something can and does negate it.

I know we have been jaded and maybe even duped, but I would encourage all to bring forthe any and all emotion for creating this event as much as possible. And if nothing should happen, then lets bring it on for the next time, or the next one after that, and we keep on manifesting and adding more and more emotion and excitement until something DOES HAPPEN.

You/WE Can Create an Event.

Please consider what any cynicism can do in negating something positive. It is a fact that false events have been planted before to create just this type of cynicism to any potential true event, because we are the creators and it is our energy and emotions which creates what is in this reality even if through the back door of inverted truths, that we create horrors just by witnessing them and containing them in our consciousness. Mostly it is done negatively through hollywood and its black sorcery who write terrible and ugly violent streams of horrid alien fantasy and the media is saturated with this, but it is human emotion and attention to all of that which brings it into reality because we emote it into being.

On the positive side, it is our collective energy and emotion which can bring in something that we DO want to happen, but it will take the reintegration of the cynics, all those we lost along the long hard journey of life in this reality of manipulations and simulations that have jaded so many creators into a ''whats the use'' type of attitude......they wanted you there, don't let them keep you there. They know of this ''event" and they planted many false ones to make you a cynic, to shut you down.
Dont stay where they want you!

Let us manifest, and keep manifesting, over and over and over again, until we get what we want.
Let us pray, dance, sing, paint, laugh, meditate, intend, shout, whatever, until this happens, however long it may take....the longer we do this, the more emotion we put into it, it must happen. By the laws of Nature It MUST!

Friday, March 9, 2018

Empathic Sensitivity vs Egoic "Sensitivity" Corrected Version

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared.
Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods

I am writing again, though my last article I haven't published yet because I have to include the alien theme into it, but it is truly about the vampirism of ones vital essence as I've been referring to it for years.

Sensitivity: Egoic/Survival instinct vs Heart Connectivity to All

Many "people" claim they are "sensitive." We must break this down, what does it mean to be "sensitive" in the first place? It is another abused vague umbrella term to describe a heightened survival mechanism/self protective mechanisms vs a completely different meaning/function of a divine connectivity to all living things. It is spiritual.

They are completely different "sensitivities" derived from completely different sources.

Other true "sensitivities" are emotional, psychic, and spiritual sensitivity all which comprise a vast difference in how they function to what they are sensitive to, which all fall into the category of the "connectivity to all living things". Each one a post on its own.
But I want to focus on the egoic sensitivity which is not a true "sensitivity" but a survival instinct vs the empathic sensitivity which is connectivity, the real one. And this is prime difference and purpose of this post.

Egoic/Hive Mind "Sensitivity"

The egoic "sensitivity" is a fake personality, an imposter of a human being which is all about the self and self preservation, an ''its all about me'' type of being, which functions from the (hive) mind vs the "connectivity to all living things" sensitivity which are true functions of the heart, skin, organs of the entire biology and soul of a true human being and which amounts to a vast variety of senses and purpose of such for cosmic knowledge, oneness, wisdom and the continuation of Divine Life from the micro of self to the macro of the All.

Egoic/narcissistic (and alien) people will say they are sensitive and they are right (in a sense), though they are speaking purely from the ego, and the ego is sensitive to many things that perceives threat to its fake personality (disorder). Mind you some real humans can operate from the ego due to damage and huge fears, traumas and planetary interference, and they are dysfunctional but human. But the egoic/imposter/alien functions from this ego/hive mind because that is all they have and they are the most dangerous. Its complicated and convoluted.

*Note: I do not believe the ego is a bad thing per se, but it is the tool which the un-divine functions from as primary, a tool they have weaponized. Whereas the divine functions and most desires to function as primarily from heart and connectivity. In this post its about ego used as a weaponized tool that is faking "sensitivity".

*Keep in mind also if the egoic one has A.D.D. or any other disorder their fake "sensitivity" will be even more exaggerated or more acute.

*Also, please steer clear of misplaced compassion, believing these ones are simply wounded. Until you know exactly what you are dealing with. It is best to test them to know for sure before you engage in the trap of compassionate giving, because they will take this and twist it until they are thriving again and you are sick and drained! Be warned. There are more compassionate ones walking around needing meds from the toxic egoic sensitized freak, who often is not even human, but alien or who is possessed by the billions of entities seeking hosts. 

They will be "sensitive" indeed, to criticism, scrutiny, lack of worship, honest debate, wiser people, etc etc. You get the point. However, and this is where it can get tricky.....they can and do get emotional and can cry......but take note of what makes them cry.......it will always be something that takes away anything they perceive as theirs, or, pure self pity. Anything that may take away what they feel they "possess" can cause them to get "emotional" and either lash out or cry. This does not mean ''sensitivity/connectivity", it means they are "losing something their mind perceives as theirs" being lost or taken, something that serves them. But it will be about them.
And yes, the ego has emotions though they are all negative based, such as anger, pride, intolerance, self importance, megalomania, blame, frustration, etc etc.....these are negative emotions that belong to the ego only. The heart/soul do not possess these. The heart/soul possess hundreds of refined feelings and emotions of tolerance, receptivity, openness, honest inquiry, forgiveness, altruism, love, joy, kindness.
The egoic (alien) will never question themselves and don't you dare question them either. But they will make you question yourself. Their inner fears will be projected as a hostility and intolerance (and some kind of warning onto you either verbally or energetically/subliminally), and you will regretfully go ''inside and do your inner work''. They can either remain defensive or become fawning depending on situation and relationship.

And so they will be perceived as "sensitive".
They are not true sensitives, they are survivalistically sensitized.
Their "sensitivity" can be and usually is well rehearsed by observation and mimicry.

They will be "sensitive" to anything that may diminish how they are perceived, or anything that may put to light their self image, whether that image is overly high or overly low, it is usually one or the other. Anything that will expose them as functioning from a purely mental state will make them sensitive. Instinctively they are aware it is a lesser state. Anyone who criticizes what they do, will make them "sensitized", but it is not a true sensitivity. All this is the function, a mechanism of the ego for self protection. It is a Self Protective Alarm System, SPAS, that alerts them to anything that may expose them as something that is purely mental/egoic/narcissistic (alien), and not as being of the divine/oneness/heart.
This egoic "sensitivity" is obvious when you pay attention and listen with knowledge of these vast differences, with what you are dealing with.

They can be tested and I highly recommend this.

Are you speaking to an egoic talking head or are you speaking to a loving empathic being who is connected to all things? You must know who/what you are dealing with or it can cost you a great deal of suffering. And this is one reason why empathic abilities are traits of real human beings. WE must get smart about this. Its taken me decades to start seeing this for what it is. I have been too slow.

These egoic ones are operating from a survival instinct that is self protective as well as being incognito.......though again, for perfect "plausible deniability" which is explained in my article coming up......they are not fully aware that they are working in hiding. It is unconscious instinct, survival instinct. Something they lack must not be discovered so this survival instinct is well hidden and well protected and well disguised. They need you, you don't need them. But they can't tell you what they're after.
Depending on how much they have to hide will reflect on how "sensitized" they are to being discovered......or to what lengths they will go to, to remain hidden, or to what lengths they will go to threaten whoever threatens them. If they are psychopathic they can threaten your life. Or if they are "merely" narcissistic they will resort to cunning stealth abuses. They're programmed to be able to, in a nano second, strategize how they can and will crush you in some way. They can go from an outwardly "behaviorally loving" person, to a "I will crush you" intolerance to inquiry. But in no way will they allow any perceived threat large or diminutive go unpunished. They can go from being the "do gooder" to the one who will not stop at anything to destroy who got in the way of their stealth acquisition.
They are easily brought to aggression, insult, and indignation if you question even the slightest thing they say to you whether it be fact, or even opinion. To feign "respect" they can appear to tolerate a difference of opinion by blowing you off quietly. Or not quietly. They have no inner authenticity.
All that enters their mind is perceived as data to be processed in their goal of self preservation.
The hive mind is akin to the borg, assimilate and destroy.

The hive mind thrives on thoughts of survival and anyone who can contribute to them.
The connected one thrives in feeling connected and QUALITY of life.
The hive mind thinks.
The connected one feels.

 Connectivity To All Living Things Sensitivity

The real "sensitive" ones possess, and rightly so, a sensitivity to all living things that is inclusive by the nature of their love. They will be sensitive about what they hear on the news, they can be upset or disturbed about events in a friends life, they can be sensitive to animals, plants, trees, the weather, solar storms, everything and all of these things in their experience of life will affect them and change them....why? because there is something wrong with them (as narcissists will say) ? NO, because there is something right with them. These are beings CONNECTED, and they are connected because their soul is connected to all living things, plants, animal, human (or non human), anything that lives and breathes, they will be sensitive to, responsive to and have feelings for and with. The egoic one will not, they will only have feelings for themselves and those who can serve them in some way. They can even appear to serve you, in order to have something from you which ultimately serves them, even if it is merely you make them look good. And truly they use you as an arm piece or partner up with you somehow for exactly that reason for who will suspect them of being an imposter when an authentic is by their side? They will help you because they have something to gain from it.

True "sensitivity" is the hallmark sign of a true humane being, not merely human, but humane. These sensitivities comprised of hundreds or thousands of super fine diaphanous networks of connections, are the natural state of being, it is what makes us a part of an ubiquitous grandiosity, a greater whole and which gives us many wonderful feelings of being creative and beautiful, a benevolent force of life with other life forms, to helping us to feel we are not alone. So quickly you ask, then why do we feel so alone? Because we are outnumbered by a vast population of fake ''people'' who do not possess senses of true "sensitivity", who live from the hive survivalist mind and who are in fact vampiric of the inner connectivity web that is the gossamer plasmic fabric of life that weaves all the living ones together. And they are destroying that......individually unconsciously but collectively, consciously, synergistically, where the greater numbers of them increase their noxious effects upon the whole.
The connected one knows it possesses authenticity and inner wisdom and wants to share it but will wait for someone to be interested and ask. They do not impose their beliefs or knowledge, they wait for receptive sharing. They are gentle in how they handle others thoughts and feelings, considering the effect they will have on others and this requires true sensitivity.

Disclaimer: Not All Humans Will Be Empaths And So Caution Must Be Used To Discern

Not every humane being is empathic. And not all true humans are sensitive either because those functions can be shut down. So they are living in a diminished state.
Empathy is however, the natural ability of true humans and so many are still evolving in re-possessing this ability. Some are bereft of empathy for many reasons from being closed off which can be self imposed or imposed by others, to interference from trauma, to a closing down the heart, to sinister frequencies being broadcast onto the earth, etc etc. So while you may be organically empathic, you have been shut down, or will reclaim these abilities of empathy for reconnection when it is understood what you are dealing with and you willingly do work to retrieve it. If you do so, you will be armed against what seeks to parasite from you.
Awareness and self healing can turn empathy on, I believe, if there is a true desire heartfully and cellularly to be reunited to all living things, which is a beautiful thing in a beautiful world of love and self love. Admittedly it is no fun on this planet, or in this plane of existence I should say but when you find other empaths, the sharing is intensely wonderful and far exceeds any apparent exchange.
It is however the best tool we have to learn about what has infested this world, all the fake people who live here, imposters of humanity, whilst equally the best tool to learn about the beauty of what it means to be a true humane being and all the magnanimosity that comes with being humane, connected to all Life both on planet and off.

Empaths and sensitives are the canary in the mine. The canary in the mine is the way shower.....is the warming system for those who are clueless about what is all around them. What you can't smell or sense, the sensitive canary does. Listen carefully to and cherish that sensitive canary.

Empathic Sensitivity vs Egoic "Sensitivity"

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared.
Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods

I am writing again, though my last article I haven't published yet because I have to include the alien theme into it, but it is truly about the vampirism of ones vital essence as I've been referring to it for years.

Sensitivity: Egoic/Survival instinct vs Heart Connectivity to All

Many "people" claim they are "sensitive." We must break this down, what does it mean to be "sensitive" in the first place? It is another abused vague umbrella term to describe a heightened survival mechanism/self protective mechanisms vs a completely different meaning/function of a divine connectivity to all living things.

They are completely different "sensitivities" derived from completely different sources.

Other true "sensitivities" are emotional, psychic, and spiritual sensitivity all which comprise a vast difference in how they function to what they are sensitive to, which all fall into the category of the "connectivity to all living things". Each one a post on its own.
But I want to focus on the egoic sensitivity which is not a true "sensitivity" but a survival instinct vs the empathic sensitivity which is connectivity, the real one. And this is prime difference and purpose of this post.

Egoic/Hive Mind "Sensitivity"

The egoic "sensitivity" is a fake personality, an imposter of a human being which is all about the self and self preservation, an ''its all about me'' type of being, which functions from the (hive) mind vs the "connectivity to all living things" sensitivity which are true functions of the heart, skin, organs of the entire biology and soul of a true human being and which amounts to a vast variety of senses and purpose of such for cosmic knowledge, oneness, wisdom and the continuation of Divine Life from the micro of self to the macro of the All.

Egoic/narcissistic (and alien) people will say they are sensitive and they are right (in a sense), though they are speaking purely from the ego, and the ego is sensitive to many things that perceives threat to its fake personality (disorder). Mind you some real humans can operate from the ego due to damage and huge fears, traumas and planetary interference, and they are dysfunctional but human. But the egoic/imposter/alien functions from this ego/hive mind because that is all they have and they are the most dangerous. Its complicated and convoluted.

*Note: I do not believe the ego is a bad thing per se, but it is the tool which the un-divine functions from as primary, a tool they have weaponized. Whereas the divine functions and most desires to function as primarily from heart and connectivity. In this post its about ego used as a weaponized tool that is faking "sensitivity".

*Keep in mind also if the egoic one has A.D.D. or any other disorder their fake "sensitivity" will be even more exaggerated or more acute.

*Also, please steer clear of misplaced compassion, believing these ones are simply wounded. Until you know exactly what you are dealing with. It is best to test them to know for sure before you engage in the trap of compassionate giving, because they will take this and twist it until they are thriving again and you are sick and drained! Be warned. There are more compassionate ones walking around needing meds from the toxic egoic sensitized freak, who often is not even human, but alien or who is possessed by the billions of entities seeking hosts. 

They will be "sensitive" indeed, to criticism, scrutiny, lack of worship, honest debate, wiser people, etc etc. You get the point. However, and this is where it can get tricky.....they can and do get emotional and can cry......but take note of what makes them cry.......it will always be something that takes away anything they perceive as theirs, or, pure self pity. Anything that may take away what they feel they "possess" can cause them to get "emotional" and either lash out or cry. This does not mean ''sensitivity/connectivity", it means they are "losing something their mind perceives as theirs" being lost or taken, something that serves them. But it will be about them.
And yes, the ego has emotions though they are all negative based, such as anger, pride, intolerance, self importance, megalomania, blame, frustration, etc etc.....these are negative emotions that belong to the ego only. The heart/soul do not possess these. The heart/soul possess hundreds of refined feelings and emotions of tolerance, receptivity, openness, honest inquiry, forgiveness, altruism, love, joy, kindness.
The egoic (alien) will never question themselves and don't you dare question them either. But they will make you question yourself. Their inner fears will be projected as a hostility and intolerance (and some kind of warning onto you either verbally or energetically/subliminally), and you will regretfully go ''inside and do your inner work''. They can either remain defensive or become fawning depending on situation and relationship.

And so they will be perceived as "sensitive".
They are not true sensitives, they are survivalistically sensitized.
Their "sensitivity" can be and usually is well rehearsed by observation and mimicry.

They will be "sensitive" to anything that may diminish how they are perceived, or anything that may put to their light their self image, whether that image is overly high or overly low, it is usually one or the other. Anything that will expose them as functioning from a purely mental state will make them sensitive. Instinctively they are aware it is a lesser state. Anyone who criticizes what they do, will make them "sensitized", but it is not a true sensitivity. All this is the function, a mechanism of the ego for self protection. It is a Self Protective Alarm System, SPAS, that alerts them to anything that may expose them as something that is purely mental/egoic/narcissistic (alien), and not as being of the divine/oneness/heart.
This egoic "sensitivity" is obvious when you pay attention and listen with knowledge of these vast differences, with what you are dealing with.

They can be tested and I highly recommend this.

Are you speaking to an egoic talking head or are you speaking to a loving empathic being who is connected to all things? You must know who/what you are dealing with or it can cost you a great deal of suffering. And this is one reason why empathic abilities are traits of real human beings. WE must get smart about this. Its taken me decades to start seeing this for what it is. I have been too slow.

These egoic ones are operating from a survival instinct that is self protective as well as being incognito.......though again, for perfect "plausible deniability" which is explained in my article coming up......they are not fully aware that they are working in hiding. It is unconscious instinct, survival instinct. Something they lack must not be discovered so this survival instinct is well hidden and well protected and well disguised. They need you, you don't need them. But they can't tell you what they're after.
Depending on how much they have to hide will reflect on how "sensitized" they are to being discovered......or to what lengths they will go to, to remain hidden, or to what lengths they will go to threaten whoever threatens them. If they are psychopathic they can threaten your life. Or if they are "merely" narcissistic they will resort to cunning stealth abuses. They're programmed to be able to, in a nano second, strategize how they can and will crush you in some way. They can go from an outwardly "behaviorally loving" person, to a "I will crush you" intolerance to inquiry. But in no way will they allow any perceived threat large or diminutive go unpunished. They can go from being the "do gooder" to the one who will not stop at anything to destroy who got in the way of their stealth acquisition.
They are easily brought to aggression, insult, and indignation if you question even the slightest thing they say to you whether it be fact, or even opinion. To feign "respect" they can appear to tolerate a difference of opinion by blowing you off quietly. Or not quietly. They have no inner authenticity.
All that enters their mind is perceived as data to be processed in their goal of self preservation.
The hive mind is akin to the borg, assimilate and destroy.

The hive mind thrives on thoughts of survival and anyone who can contribute to them.
The connected one thrives in feeling connected and QUALITY of life.
The hive mind thinks.
The connected one feels.

 Connectivity To All Living Things Sensitivity

The real "sensitive" ones possess, and rightly so, a sensitivity to all living things that is inclusive by the nature of their love. They will be sensitive about what they hear on the news, they can be upset or disturbed about events in a friends life, they can be sensitive to animals, plants, trees, the weather, solar storms, everything and all of these things in their experience of life will affect them and change them....why? because there is something wrong with them (as narcissists will say) ? NO, because there is something right with them. These are beings CONNECTED, and they are connected because their soul is connected to all living things, plants, animal, human (or non human), anything that lives and breathes, they will be sensitive to, responsive to and have feelings for and with. The egoic one will not, they will only have feelings for themselves and those who can serve them in some way. They can even appear to serve you, in order to have something from you which ultimately serves them, even if it is merely you make them look good. And truly they use you as an arm piece or partner up with you somehow for exactly that reason for who will suspect them of being an imposter when an authentic is by their side? They will help you because they have something to gain from it.

True "sensitivity" is the hallmark sign of a true humane being, not merely human, but humane. These sensitivities comprised of hundreds or thousands of super fine diaphanous networks of connections, are the natural state of being, it is what makes us a part of an ubiquitous grandiosity, a greater whole and which gives us many wonderful feelings of being creative and beautiful, a benevolent force of life with other life forms, to helping us to feel we are not alone. So quickly you ask, then why do we feel so alone? Because we are outnumbered by a vast population of fake ''people'' who do not possess senses of true "sensitivity", who live from the hive survivalist mind and who are in fact vampiric of the inner connectivity web that is the gossamer plasmic fabric of life that weaves all the living ones together. And they are destroying that......individually unconsciously but collectively, consciously, synergistically, where the greater numbers of them increase their noxious effects upon the whole.
The connected one knows it possesses authenticity and inner wisdom and wants to share it but will wait for someone to be interested and ask. They do not impose their beliefs or knowledge, they wait for receptive sharing. They are gentle in how they handle others thoughts and feelings, considering the effect they will have on others and this requires true sensitivity.

Disclaimer: Not All Humans Will Be Empaths And So Caution Must Be Used To Discern

Not every humane being is empathic. And not all true humans are sensitive either because those functions can be shut down. So they are living in a diminished state.
Empathy is however, the natural ability of true humans and so many are still evolving in re-possessing this ability. Some are bereft of empathy for many reasons from being closed off which can be self imposed or imposed by others, to interference from trauma, to a closing down the heart, to sinister frequencies being broadcast onto the earth, etc etc. So while you may be organically empathic, you have been shut down, or will reclaim these abilities of empathy for reconnection when it is understood what you are dealing with and you willingly do work to retrieve it. If you do so, you will be armed against what seeks to parasite from you.
Awareness and self healing can turn empathy on, I believe, if there is a true desire heartfully and cellularly to be reunited to all living things, which is a beautiful thing in a beautiful world of love and self love. Admittedly it is no fun on this planet, or in this plane of existence I should say but when you find other empaths, the sharing is intensely wonderful and far exceeds any apparent exchange.
It is however the best tool we have to learn about what has infested this world, all the fake people who live here, imposters of humanity, whilst equally the best tool to learn about the beauty of what it means to be a true humane being and all the magnanimosity that comes with being humane, connected to all Life both on planet and off.

Empaths and sensitives are the canary in the mine. The canary in the mine is the way shower.....is the warming system for those who are clueless about what is all around them. What you can't smell or sense, the sensitive canary does. Listen carefully to and cherish that sensitive canary.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Dark Night of the Soul vs. Empaths Awakening to Realization of Darkness Around Them

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

Hello Ladies and Gents....

Just wanted to say some things about this "dark night of the Soul" and the process of Awakening to the darkness around you, can often feel like the same thing, but they are not.

*note: darkness in this post is referring to negativity. Though "darkness" in itself is not evil or negative, for example like the beautiful nighttime which is a contrast to the daytime.

If you look into the dark night of the soul, it is a very dark place where it seems that no sense of light or wisdom can come through. It can be catalyzed by various things in one life, from events, to traumas, to learning of some of the realities here on Earth like pedophilia and rape, and it feels like it will never end. It can and often goes on for many months and years. It is a difficult phase for many, nay, it is a terribly hard phase, lets be real. It feels like there is no consolation or relief for all the deep feelings you are having. It can feel like the big "nothing" or "void" from which there is no return.

It is true that once you go through this dark night that you will be different, you will emerge with deeper senses and awareness. You can become more conservative, or quiet, or reclusive, or more loving....but you will be different. Some go into a depression because they believe that dark place was their state and there is no hope, no purpose to it, and they go into the mind where that darkness is, into desolation, isolation and may turn to meds and cynicism. The mind holds no Light. Only the Heart and the Soul/Spirit.

But if you search deep into your heart and soul, spirit and mind you will discover that you, are not the darkness, it is a place you fell into. Within the dark night you must ever keep searching within, to your inner universe, which is inverted in this 3D plane. Seek out your own Light in the right places within.

The dark night is part of the ''falling'' of ensouled beings on Earth. This place you fell into is a space where you learn of all the things you are not. It is not you. You must know this and have deep faith in this. It is this faith and conviction in this knowing that will build a bridge to your exit. And it is a conviction of claiming your own divine spark that will bring forthe vitalizing energies back into your spirit, energies of love, joy, vision, optimism and simple lightness of being.

Knowing your Self grows the Light. Nurturing this Light brings Vitality. Vitality brings strength.

Awakening to the darkness around you can feel like you are back into the dark night, but it is not, and you should realize that you are a light inside the darkness of what is around you and that the dark is not you. Find a way to hold onto your Light whilst seeing around you, Find your heart and take refuge there. Find those joys that you had and nurture them. Find your heart and all your innocent childhood dreams and reclaim them. Give renaissance to them, for that is who you are. Those are your truths. You must live this in spite of what is all around you. You must give credence to who and what you are as a spark of the divine. Though you stand alone, you must use your own heart as your lighthouse, your guiding light and look no where else.

Often I feel I am falling back into the dark night, or a depression, when I am simply feeling empathically all of what is around me. How the negativity looms and grows, how much is fake, how much is corrupted, hijacked, evil.

Though it is true that awakening to the darkness around you can catapult you into a dark night phase, it is not true that a dark night phase is the same as realizing how dark things are around you.
When you are in the realization, everything feels dark, heavy, non consolable, but when you turn inwards you still have the feeling inside of you that you are a spark, though dimmed by the densities surrounding you.
In a dark night, you don't even feel your light, you wonder where it went.

Just be careful, not to self impose a dark night upon yourself, when you are, as long as you breathe on this Earth, in ever awakening stages of what is surrounding you. Keep strong in your own light.


And yes it is true that not everyone is, (10 long {shocking} years of intense investigation, research, reading, testing and probing, gnosis, and simple observation) I am writing this for those who are. The Light suffers the most and most deeply. I am writing this for those who easily slip down the slippery slope of WTF, and wind up in ''dark phases". You cannot come to realizations of the darkness (negativity) around you without feeling it, if you are a real human that is. So be careful. You can prevent the darkness from consuming you. It will try. But dont let it.


Friday, March 2, 2018

Comments Not Showing Up, My Apologies.....

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

*NOTE: it appears comments written to me are not showing up for me to read or moderate. I apologize for this glitch in the blogger system.

I receive sporadic ones. Others tell me through email their comments are not showing up, or I will receive an odd one via email that is not on the blog to approve.

But I would ask any who write in, to copy your comment to paste again and again, until it shows up.

Thank you humbly.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Video: The New Predator.....Empaths Need to Hear This

I find this video and information one of the most important I have ever listened to.

Real humans and empaths needs to be aware of this and know what to look for. Coincidentally I have just written an article I have not yet published because it requires some corrections with this further information.


Eve Lorgen & Lauda Leon The New Predator DTV