A space where I, as an Empath, in these incredible times, describe my senses of Earth and Human Energies happening both in my inner world and in the outer, where I resolutely claim my Feminine Mind, Heart and Spirit and Wisdom. This blog is not for the feint of heart nor for closed minds, it is open to the infinite realities of this universe. I hope you join me and share with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Monday, April 27, 2020

I would Say This to Those Who Feel Disempowered, or Helpless

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

 I think in this video with Laura Eisenhower and Magenta Pixie are great words to be said and heeded, however I will make a disclaimer for myself. I personally do not believe that the act of forgiveness to the dark patriarchy/murderers/rapist/pedo's/etc needs forgiveness, as it has been this very thing that has enabled them for so very very long. I have achieved much in creating through anger, rage and a very resolute "oh no you don't!!!" attitude that had no forgiveness but a very determined act of personal protection, personal sovereignty and personal power within it.

Please understand that this image below is my Spiritual Warrior doing work. I do not carry a metal sword, but my sword is Righteous Anger/Rage and I use it with laser like precision.

Everything I have worked on for decades is coming now to fruition. One of those things is that every single person on this planet will know what is being done by the dark lords who kill, sell, maim, eat, rape and destroy the lives of women and children. And further, the entire planet will have to understand exactly WHY they do this. No one will be able to turn their eyes anymore. It is very very interesting to me that there is a global exposure of the pedo's and killers of women and children riding on the worldwide "pandemic" of a virus that is false in many ways, whilst the true pandemic of murder and rape and selling women and children by the MILLIONS, is a true pandemic and virus of the sick men being exposed now. No true human being can close their eyes anymore to this.

While forgiveness is a "tool" that allows your personal body to be free of energies that can be detrimental to yourself if you do not know how to channel that rage/anger to do its intended job of both protection and elimination, it does nothing to those you direct forgiveness to, for they have been doing these things for eons, with many many millions if not billions of people who through "religion indoctrinated religions" have enforced this "forgiveness" teaching, have inculcated within us a passivity that allowed them to continue with no resistance. "Forgiveness" to the psychopaths means to them, if they are forgiven, over and over, by countless people throughout human history, then in their minds they are free, once again to continue their iniquity and crimes against life, since no one stops them, they can and do continue to multiply, organize themselves into monstrous organizations throughout the planet. One rapist will rape many. One killer kills many. Forgive him and he continues. Direct your anger/rage to cease and desist, or elimination and he will be stop or at the least be deterred, for our Divine Energies and Righteous Anger does and will cause a resistance. That is the purpose of Righteous Anger....it is a Divine Protector.
I use it all the time. It works as it should.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Spiritual Immune System by Lisa Renee

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

I was forwarded this article by Lisa by two people. I find it immeasurably valuable. I hope you do too. Click on the link below to read on her site Energetic Synthesis.


Friday, April 17, 2020

I Used to Pray to God, Now I Act Like God

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

ARe there any creators out there?

Are there any CREATORS out there? People who can use their Spiritual Energy to make things happen? Like good things?

I don't know about you, but I do. I can make bad things go away most of the time, not all, but most.

How many of us were told we have the innate ability to manifest? Did anyone believe this to be true? Did anyone test this? Did you manifest for your own life or did you manifest for the good of all?
Personally what I've tried to manifest for myself usually never worked, but it does work for others.

I could tell you stories but I don't like typing too much. It would take a book. We don't have time.

If you are one who knows, KNOWS, you have Spiritual Energy from a Divine source then you may be obliged to use them now. You may be called upon to use them now. You may be getting a rude awakening, a wake up call.
There are many who have been dormant, latent, who never used these Divine  abilities because they were not called to, but how about now? Sometimes desperation can wake up miraculous abilities.

There are madmen taking further control of this planets last resources and those resources are the humane beings Spiritual Energies of Creation. Do you have these? Are you allowing them to extort what is divinely your personal life force? To tell you what they plan to do with your energies and you do nothing? How about you do something?

I wrote 2 posts ago that some people (who are not zombies) have abilities to CREATE, to Manifest, and some of you read this blog. I know many are despondent, mind-f**ked, brainwashed, tired, resigned and all of that. I get it. I don't blame you. I just wonder if you would be content to spend the rest of your time feeling that way, or maybe you'd feel better if you knew you could contribute to taking out the megalomaniacs planning a very sick future? If so, then may I suggest you put on your Sovereignty Mantle and start?

Some of you are here just for these times.

Some of you came in to this reality just for this.

Do you know you cannot implore other beings to do this? That your ability is yours to utilize?

I used to pray to God. I used to believe and was taught that I just needed to believe in God or Jesus, and to be good and pray and I would be safe, protected. Well I cannot tell you how many times I prayed and was not protected. When a man was pulling the trigger, I prayed. When a man was beating my mother I prayed. When a school shooter went on a rampage, I prayed it never happens again. When I prayed for the millions children and women being sold in black markets all over this toxic planet I prayed. I cannot tell you how many times I've prayed and nothing, nothing, happened to end the horrors. That is when I learned there is no savior, no god coming to help or to stop these men, no belief in Jesus that prevented horrors. They all happen and continue to happen. That is when I learned I must be it.

Maybe we've never seen God because God broke itself into many bits called people. Maybe God is no where to be found because God is inside of some of us. Maybe, if this is true, then we could be like God. Doing Gods' work? Maybe that is what some of us can do.

So what is Gods' work? In my opinion it is first and foremost a being who does no harm, who loves, who protects, who provides, who allows (differences, NOT harm!), who nurtures, who is harmonious and laughs with joy.
And instead of a God who utilizes hellfire energies, how a bout a God who utilizes correctional energies?  A god who instead of punishes and creates more torment, instead go eliminates its mistakes or cancerous rogue elements back to dust.

I used to pray to God. Now I Act like God.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Fill Your Mind, Soul and Heart with Potentiality

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

A friend just sent me this article by Paul Levy and I am linking his page here. This is healthy reading, for the heart and mind. Please take all the words seriously. I have been saying this for years, but some say it better.  https://www.awakeninthedream.com/articles/quantum-medicine-for-coronavirus

Saturday, April 11, 2020

More to Say

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

I have the hardest time these days trying to know what to say on a planet, that is literally saying something all at the same time, virtually about the same things.

But I will try in a spontaneous moment......

I am sensing this time in our "human" history is a "what happens next depends on each of us" moment. To paraphrase, the future is not written, it is completely unchartered territory

and what happens next

depends on what we do or NOT do.

I prefer that we all do something, namely to stand in our power of Spirit and command what happens next. THAT is what determines what happens next. Conversely if we do nothing to create the future we want to see and live in and leave to the young ones, having it further manipulated into our worst nightmares, then doing nothing would be your thing.

I believe doing nothing is handing over our lives, souls and planet over on a silver platter to the madmen for their further perversions.

 The Indifference of Good Men | | Tenth Amendment Center Blog

We are fighting for our lives, our liberation, our love and for a living plant that fosters only positive goodness. If that is not what you want, it equates to further acquiescence to the iniquitous madness we've been living for far too long, but not only that, you are paving the road for others to be victims of further insanity. This planet is dying, people, animals, the waters, air etc are polluted by madmen, as we can all see clearly, and they are now scrambling for total domination and control of all living things, including your soul.

What you can do:

...... is to garner all your senses of justice, personal sovereignty, personal liberation, love, anger and yes even rage, to a focal point of 'no you fucking dont' energy and direct it with intent from your chair, bed, grass wherever, and make all such hedgemonic psychopathic agendas to fail become null and void. You don't even have to go anywhere, you can do this purely with your Spiritual Energy which is alive and travels faster than the speed of light. Just whatever you are doing, focus your emotions and energy and tell them to fail/fall, and they will.....you can do this while washing dishes, cleaning, resting, whatever, it is your Spiritual Energy that is doing the work.

Do you KNOW this??

If you feel powerless or frustrated and/or are hoping for something/someone to come and save us out of this sinking ship, you are it.....we are it....I am doing this, have been for many years....and I've seen everything I "worked" on come to fruition. Why? Because I had no doubt I could do it. You also need to know, KNOW.....that you as a Spirit of the Divine Light can do this. Angels? That is you. Celestial Beings? That is you. Benefactors? Those are you. All the help you want is within you.

Two Steps We Must Take In This Work:

~1  to make null and void every single agenda of men/aliens who infringe upon humanity, and all life for any reason, here you can name your personal passion, be it pedophiles, rapists, murderers, biological weapons and virus makers, etc, you name it .

~2  to give rise to a leadership that of humans who work on community sized levels, who are local, nurturing, loving and committed to the safety and happiness of all innocents with Earth's resources returned to humans on an as need basis.

This is all I have to say, but I have said nothing more important than this. Ever.


If I Had Words, I Would Say These....

I would say what Sasha Stone is saying, please listen to this video and try to "inner-stand" what is being said. For thousands of years humanity has been under the thumb of madmen. Acquiescence has never been the solution, only permission for their iniquity to continue.
There is no time like now for a firm stance in your Divine Spirit, a Spirit that gets up off its knees.

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/