A space where I, as an Empath, in these incredible times, describe my senses of Earth and Human Energies happening both in my inner world and in the outer, where I resolutely claim my Feminine Mind, Heart and Spirit and Wisdom. This blog is not for the feint of heart nor for closed minds, it is open to the infinite realities of this universe. I hope you join me and share with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

How To Remove Yourself From Linear Existence by Jen Ward

Hello Everyone,
Until I get myself situated solidly in my new home and environment, I probably wont be able to post on empathic energetics of the world or even to write a post on my own musings. But here is another masterpiece of womans wisdom from Jen Ward of Jenuine Healing. Every sentence a  pearl and the whole is a strand of jewels.

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Jenuine Healing Newsletter

Jul 17 (3 days ago)

Jenuine Healing Daily Letter of Accord
                     How to Remove Yourself From Linear Existence

Life is like a netting of illusion. Thinking about the past or worrying about the future pulls the drawstring of the netting around you more. It is an energetic way of ensuring yourself you will never lose the security of your netting.
Immersing yourself in the moment is a way of loosening the drawstring on the netting and allowing a big enough opening to remove yourself. If you practice this enough, it allows the netting to fall away.
This is what meditation was supposed achieve for people. But many people merely use the practice as a means of tolerating the netting. The fabric of the netting is made up of the same mind energy that is used in meditation. It is difficult to differentiate the resolve from the thing that contains us.
There are many ways, to remove yourself from linear existence and expound yourself into an exponential reality.
Do things you love. Anything that gets you lost in the moment is actually pulling you out of time and space. Love itself melts away the netting and allows all things to be possible. We have been led to deduce love as a corny concept because of its concentrated power to free us as individuals and all of humanity as well. Each individual has the capability of changing the world with their love, if only they have the capacity and capability to do so. A great technique is to consciously practice loving all the people, species and atoms in the world. It is easier to do if you imagine the world as smaller as a means to wrap your head and heart around it.
Visualizations and using the imagination are dynamic means of stepping out of the netting. If done consistently, one can be the commander of the netting instead of trapped in it. This is was creative geniuses do. The possibilities are available to all.
Don’t nail down your life in time. Every time you make an appointment. You are nailing yourself into time and space. It is necessary to make some appointments to function in this linear world. But the more you can leave your calendar open, the more free you will be.
Don’t fill your intentions with empty promises. If you say you are going to do something, ensure that you do it. When you don’t, you split your energy in two paths; the you that walks around and the intention you set out. The more you send out false intentions, the more you dilute your effectiveness in life. You will end up showing up merely as a projection screen image in life and not really be immersed in it. Your energy will literally have no integrity. Integrity is having your intentions and you always on the same page. It is a dynamic, effective person who does this.
Stop talking and thinking about the past. Stop talking and worrying about the future. Thoughts are like little barbs that hook us into the netting of illusion. They are what tangle us up, instead of allowing us freedom in our own beingness. Feelings are clipping us in as well. The more you can catch yourself being in the past or future, the more you can bring yourself into the present. The present is the portal to expound.
Question everything you have been told to believe. Most of our conditioning has been to keep us immersed in a linear form of slavery. Pay attention to how much you have been conditioned to move along in life, like it is a conveyor belt; birth to death, nine to five, season to season. When you follow the mandates of conditioning, you are on autopilot and not free to expound. This is why creative types seem so non-committal. They are.
Stop thinking of life and death with such division. Heaven is not a place. It is a state of consciousness. It is a vibration that overlays this one, yet at a more subtle frequency. When someone dies, they merely drop the course vibration of this world and then exist at the finer frequency. They are still themselves as much as ever and are so much closer than we fathom. They are right outside that netting of illusion of a linear reality. This netting is what prevents us from connecting with them.
Be grateful. Gratitude is a physiological process of opening your chakras to receive more energy. They open like an aperture of a camera. It isn’t emotions that opens them. It is the greater flux of energy that gives us the warm feeling when grateful. It is a physiological process. We use emotions as a shortcut to do this.But if someone has a hard time mocking up gratitude, perhaps they will have better luck merely, setting the intentions to consciously open up the chakras. This will bypass the need to be emote gratitude.
Talk less. Talking is filled with all these barbs that keep us immersed in the netting. I personally exist without the netting on as much as possible. When I listen to others, it is a means of being wrapped in the netting. When you talk about problems, you are giving the coordinates of them in time and space and sending others to that misery. It is pretty low on the survival scale to do this. It is how we have been trained to keep each other trapped.
Even light workers are limited by linear existence. When you visualize energy coming in the top of your head and out your feet, this is a linear understanding of energy. Energy is pouring into you on all sides and at all angles at all times. You are not a solid body but an emanating starburst of energy. The more you see yourself sending out and receiving love and beautiful intentions in every direction, the more you will grasp a higher concept of yourself.
Every time you label yourself, you are nailing yourself in time and space. At one time, we all perceived in energy. It is a more subtle but more accurate awareness. Not perceiving in energy is a form of being blind. Labels are a way for those who are blind to feel around in the dark for what they are looking for. That is why, the more unaware someone is, the more there is a need for labels. The unaware depend on labels to find their way around. Labels is also a way that groups keep us in the sheep mentality. They use labels to keep us blind and so easier to control. When a group is hell-bent on using a label, realize that they are really hell-bent on control.
When you breathe, you are not merely inhaling and exhaling. You are communing with all of life. You are sending out from your energy field, atoms of life imprinted with your unique vantage point. You are sharing all that you are with the Universe. In return, you accept in all the information it has to give you, which is imprinted in the atoms of air you take in. In this exchange, we are exchanging the information and vantage point of all beings. There is much wisdom in our breath. We would benefit from being consciously aware of that as a means of better digesting the information we receive. It is little different from conscious eating.
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 *As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/