A space where I, as an Empath, in these incredible times, describe my senses of Earth and Human Energies happening both in my inner world and in the outer, where I resolutely claim my Feminine Mind, Heart and Spirit and Wisdom. This blog is not for the feint of heart nor for closed minds, it is open to the infinite realities of this universe. I hope you join me and share with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Friday, April 27, 2018

"The Hidden Forces Of Life" by The Mother and Sri Aurobindo

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

Hello People.....especially empaths, sensitives and those with Soul Light......

I am on a mission now....or rather again.......to reveal what has up to now wished to remain hidden. Some of these beings are aware of who and what they are and some of them are not aware of who and what they are and what they do.
These beings will even say themselves that they are of alien stock. I did not believe. I do NOW.
Once the shell shock wears off and I feel clarity, I am going to get to this like a pitbull with a bone.

*Note: Empaths, Sensitives, Ensouled Ones will be the most resistant to this information. Please do not resist. Knowledge of this will protect you, your soul and keep your life and soul YOUR OWN.

But I am here to make it clear.....these creatures are way beyond a mere psychological classification of having Personality Disorders. They are in fact the alien within, a result of hybridization, the result of "Genesis 6:2 "the sons of God saw that the daughters of mankind were beautiful, and they took any they chose as wives for themselves", or anything else spoken of as the historical events of the course of human evolution regarding the interspecies unions, or "merging your kind with our kind". The facts are that humans have been created, experimented with, mutated, transformed, controlled, stunted, and it continues. The facts are that in our times today, it is pandemic, it has increased. 
Please note the insanity around you. It is not human evolution, it is foreign devolution. And their purpose is to destroy the Light within those who carry that Light. Make no mistake.

I am here to reveal what has wished to remain hidden, because we will never release our selves unless we see what is truly happening in the real world, not in our belief systems conveniently given to us by those hidden hands, nor in the incessant brainwashing of the greater masses. Wake up. 
I have been messed with badly. They thought and sought to "take me Out" in uncountable ways throughout my life, which I thought was normal for everyone. It was not. 
Many friends questioned my choice, but I had "faith" in the goodness demonstrated.
I went from the fire into the frying pan. I got worse in my health. Then....WHAM.
It was intended to finish me off.
It did not.
I will not succumb to the darkness that destroys nor to false love and false light that is quick to rabid rage when you do not believe the "show".
I will grow in my Light.
The more I am messed with, the more I will grow.


Beloved Ensouled ones, do not be fooled. Wake up. Drop beliefs and discard their brainwashing. SEE what is happening on Earth, around you and in your own life for what it is and recognize the attacks for what they are....not mere misfortune, not bad luck, not just "shit happens" but see it for the orchestrations that they truly are. If you are ensouled, you have been targeted and will be seen, and any attempts you have to assist your Self or others, will result in vengeance.
INVALUABLE information below, excerpts from "The Hidden Forces Of Life" by The Mother and Sri Aurobindo. For those who seek to understand the quagmire they are entangled in, in this life, and for those who wish to maintain their Light.

To be Free is to Know Truth.

The Hidden Forces of Life ~ Sri Aurobindo & The Mother

“Men are being constantly invaded by the hostiles (occult forces) and there are great numbers of men who are partly or entirely under their influence. Some are possessed by them, others (a few) are incarnations of hostile beings. At the present moment they are very active all over the earth. Of course in the outside world there is no consciousness, such as is developed in yoga, by which they can either become aware of or consciously repel the attacks – the struggle in them between the psychic (soul) and the hostile force goes on mostly behind the veil or so far as it is on the surface is not understood by the mind.

The apparent freedom and self-assertion of our personal being to which we are so profoundly attached, conceal a most pitiable subjection to a thousand suggestions, impulsions, forces which we have made extraneous to your little person. Our ego, boasting of freedom, is at every moment the slave, toy and puppet of countless beings, powers, forces, influences in universal Nature. All life is the play of universal forces. The individual gives a personal form to these universal forces.

But he can choose whether he shall respond or not to the action of a particular force. Only most people do not really choose – they indulge the play of the forces. Your illnesses, depressions, etc. are the repeated play of such forces. It is only when one can make oneself free of them that one can be the true person and have a true life – but one can be free only by living in the Divine.”

“The first attempt of the possessing entity is to separate the person from his psychic [soul], and it is that that creates the struggle. All depends on the extent and persistence of the possession – how much of the being it occupies and whether it is constant or not.

Hostile forces attack every sadhak; some are conscious of it, others are not. Their object is either to influence the person or to use him or to spoil his sadhana (spiritual practice) or the work or any other motive of the kind. Their object is not to test, but their attack may be used by the guiding power as a test.

It is one thing to see things and quite another to let them enter into you. One has to experience many things, to see and observe, to bring them into the field of the consciousness and know what they are. But there is no reason why you should allow them to enter into you and possess you. It is only the Divine or what comes from the Divine that can be admitted to enter you.

To say that all light is good is as if you said that all water is good – or even that all clear or transparent water is good: it would not be true. One must see what is the nature of the light or where it comes from or what is in it, before one can say that it is the true Light. False lights exist and misleading lustres, lower lights too that belong to the being’s inferior reaches. One must therefore be on one’s guard and distinguish; the true discrimination has to come by growth of the psychic feeling and a purified mind and experience.

Evil forces can always attack in moments of unconsciousness or half-consciousness or through the subconscient or external physical – so long as all is not supramentally transformed. The hostile forces do not need a cause for attacking – they attack whenever and whoever they can. What one has to see is that nothing responds or admits them.

The hostile forces have a certain self-chosen function: it is to test the condition of the individual, of the work, of the earth itself and their readiness for the spiritual descent and fulfillment. At every step of the journey, they are there attacking furiously, criticizing, suggesting, imposing despondency or inciting to revolt, raising unbelief, amassing difficulties. No doubt, they put a very exaggerated interpretation on the rights given them by their function, making mountains even out of what seems to us a mole-hill.

A little trifling false step or mistake and they appear on the road and clap a whole Himalaya as a barrier across it. But this opposition has been permitted from of old not merely as a test or ordeal, but as a compulsion on us to seek a greater strength, a more perfect self-knowledge, an intenser purity and force of aspiration, a faith that nothing can crush, a more powerful descent of the Divine Grace.

Whatever point the adverse forces choose for attack, however small it may seem to the external human mind, becomes a crucial point and to yield it up may be to yield to them one of the keys of the fortress. Even if it is a small postern door, it is enough for them if they can enter.

Nothing is really small and unimportant in the Great Path. Especially, when the struggle has come down to the physical level, these distinctions cease to have any value; for there “small” things have a not easily calculable index value and are of great importance. On that level to lose a small post may be to make certain the loss of the big battle.

All have had to pass through the ordeal and test through which you are passing. We would have avoided it for you if it had been possible, but since it has come we look to you to persist and conquer. Patience, quiet endurance, calm resolution to go through to the end and triumph, these are the qualities now required of you – the less spectacular but more substantial of the warrior virtues.

Also, perspicacity and vigilance. Do not shut your eyes to the difficulty in you or turn away from it, but also let it not discourage you. Victory is certain if we persevere, and what price of difficulty and endeavour can be too great for such a conquest?

These attacks very ordinarily become violent when the progress is becoming rapid and on the way to be definite – especially if they find they cannot carry out an effective aggression into the inner being, they try to shake by outside assaults. One must take it as a trial of strength, a call for gathering all one’s capacities of calm and openness to the Light and Power, so as to make oneself an instrument for the victory of the Divine over the undivine, of the Light over the darkness in the world-tangle. It is in this spirit that you must face these difficulties till the higher things are so confirmed in you that these forces can attack no longer.

There are two things that make it impossible for them [the hostile forces] to succeed even temporarily in any attack on the mind or the vital – first, an entire love, devotion and confidence that nothing can shake [embodied non-reactive zero-point consciousness], secondly, a calm and equality in the vital as well as in the mind which has become the fundamental character of the inner nature. Suggestions then may still come, things go wrong outside, but the being remains invulnerable. Either of these two things is sufficient in itself – and in proportion as they grow, even the existence of the hostile forces becomes less and less of a phenomenon of the inner life – though they may still be there in the outer atmosphere.”

Q: “There are some human beings who are like vampires. What are they and why are they like that?”

They are not human; there is only a human form or appearance. They are incarnations of beings from the world that is just next to the physical, beings who live on the plane which we call the vital world. It is a world of all the desires and impulses and passions and of movements of violence and greed and cunning and every kind of ignorance; but all the dynamisms too are there, all the life-energies and all the powers. The beings of this world have by their nature a strange grip over the material world and can exercise upon it a sinister influence.

Some of them are formed out of the remains of the human being that persist after death in the vital atmosphere near to the earth-plane. His desires and hungers still float there and remain in form even after the dissolution of the body; often they are moved to go on manifesting and satisfying themselves and the birth of these creatures of the vital world is the consequence. But these are minor beings and, if they can be very troublesome, it is yet not impossible to deal with them.

There are others, far more dangerous, who have never been in human form; never were they born into a human body upon earth, for most often they refuse to accept this way of birth because it is slavery to matter and they prefer to remain in their own world, powerful and mischievous, and to control earthly beings from there. For, if they do not want to be born on earth, they do want to be in contact with the physical nature, but without being bound by it.

Their method is to try first to cast their influence upon a man; then they enter slowly into his atmosphere and in the end may get complete possession of him, driving out entirely the real human soul and personality. These creatures, when in possession of an earthly body, may have the human appearance but they have not a human nature. Their habit is to draw upon the life-force of human beings; they attack and capture vital power wherever they can and feed upon it. If they come into your atmosphere, you suddenly feel depressed and exhausted; if you are near them for some time you fall sick; if you live with one of them, it may kill you.

Q:”But how is one to get such creatures out of one’s environment when they are once there?”

The vital power incarnated in these beings is of a very material kind and it is effective only within a short distance. Ordinarily, if you do not live in the same house or if you are not in the same company with them, you do not come within their influence. But if you open some channel of connection or communication, through letters, (note: email, facebook etc, in our day) for example, then you make possible an interchange of forces and are liable to be influenced by them even from a far distance.

The wisest way with these beings is to cut off all connection and have nothing to do with them – unless indeed you have great occult knowledge and power and have learned how to cover and protect yourself – but even then it is always a dangerous thing to move about with them. To hope to transform them, as some people do, is a vain illusion; for they do not want to be transformed. They have no intention of allowing any transformation and all effort in that direction is useless.

These beings, when in the human body, are not often conscious of what they really are. Sometimes they have a vague feeling that they are not quite human in the ordinary way. But still there are cases where they are conscious and very conscious; not only do they know that they do not belong to humanity but they know what they are, act in that knowledge and deliberately pursue their ends. The beings of the vital world are powerful by their very nature; when to their power they add knowledge, they become doubly dangerous.

There is nothing to be done with these creatures; you should avoid having any dealings with them unless you have the power to crush and destroy them. If you are forced into contact with them, beware of the spell they can cast. These vital beings, when they manifest on the physical plane, have always a great hypnotic power; for the centre of their consciousness is in the vital world and not in the material and they are not veiled and dwarfed by the material consciousness as human beings are."