A space where I, as an Empath, in these incredible times, describe my senses of Earth and Human Energies happening both in my inner world and in the outer, where I resolutely claim my Feminine Mind, Heart and Spirit and Wisdom. This blog is not for the feint of heart nor for closed minds, it is open to the infinite realities of this universe. I hope you join me and share with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

The Soul Has Outgrown Humanity

* I wrote this a year ago, January 2017. But it is one of those expressions that reveals the pain of the darkness I can't seem to bring light to. I am publishing this now because I know many will relate.

The Soul Has Outgrown Humanity......

We are too big for these bodies, for this life imprisoned in physicality. Many feel this and know this. It is maddening for us to live lifetimes incarcerated. We can't fly anymore, we can't travel the cosmos and live as we were meant and designed to. Why is the body imprisoning us? Who made us so small?

Why have such a heart and soul of such largesse that cannot run wild?

I feel I have outgrown this human experience, if I ever even was small enough for it to begin with, I doubt it. I was shocked at the age of 4 at how much I could not do. It was horrifying in so many ways to find myself alive "here"......embodied, in this reality, and surrounded by people and furniture, schools, TV and human thinking!.....the worst. ''God! Get me out of here right this second and bring me back to my real home and real family RIGHT NOW!''

The nightmare begins. Its a long one. I dont awake from it and realize eventually I'm stuck in a terrible dream someone made up, someone I don't know, someone who is sick, very very sick.

We do not need to be here. This is not the path of our own choosing, and it is a path of stumbling, fumbling, degenerating, and chaos.  We're stuck inside the mind of insanity, no point, lots of futility and structures to outline the prison palace of the psycho gods. I forgot to mention the pain it all causes and this seems to be the intention.......is the pain and suffering, because if you want pain and suffering then you create the world we live in now, run by those who are its inception, its maintenance and it law enforcers. Only abject sickness creates such a world. Eventually with thousands of years of sick minds running an entire reality, the gentle ones lose their minds, their kindness, what they know is vilified and condemned by the insane, in time survival demands they join the fray, because it is about survival and survival is brutal.

The soul is hurting, runs from the body and leaves the physical to fend for itself. It feels empty and shocking, disturbing, and the void excruciatingly painful. The heart misses the soul.

Many many people are running now, searching for their souls like mad, and the heart is quarantined for safety.

The nature of the soul and heart demonstrate this reality is not real, it does not need this place, in fact this place is toxic for the soul and heart and so we must make some radical new decisions. How to live here. There is something tricky about exiting and the ''other side''.....there are no guarantees to leaving the sickness by exiting and this adds a terrible dimension to the situation. A much more powerful being than our selves must intervene then, if for thousands of years we can't seem to be left in peace and love in this world, then something was done terribly wrong. Was it on purpose? How could it not be.

The creators have the stick now, it is up to them.

That any woman can forgive a rapist, is soul and heart triumphant. That anyone can give murderers a second chance to correct himself and live in peace with harm to no one including himself, is triumph of human Spirit. That anyone can sit and listen giving the benefit of the doubt to the wily politician or begging priest is demonstrative of the largesse of the human mind. We, our hearts, our souls and spirits have won, trillions of times over and over and over.....we have won. There is nothing we need to prove. Nothing we need to learn. So what keeps us here?
Once triumph is ours, then calling the shots should be ours too. 

"Mistress of the Winds" by Christophe Vacher

Serena, Lady of the Woods

Thursday, July 20, 2017

How To Remove Yourself From Linear Existence by Jen Ward

Hello Everyone,
Until I get myself situated solidly in my new home and environment, I probably wont be able to post on empathic energetics of the world or even to write a post on my own musings. But here is another masterpiece of womans wisdom from Jen Ward of Jenuine Healing. Every sentence a  pearl and the whole is a strand of jewels.

Conversation opened. 1 read message.

Jenuine Healing Newsletter

Jul 17 (3 days ago)

Jenuine Healing Daily Letter of Accord
                     How to Remove Yourself From Linear Existence

Life is like a netting of illusion. Thinking about the past or worrying about the future pulls the drawstring of the netting around you more. It is an energetic way of ensuring yourself you will never lose the security of your netting.
Immersing yourself in the moment is a way of loosening the drawstring on the netting and allowing a big enough opening to remove yourself. If you practice this enough, it allows the netting to fall away.
This is what meditation was supposed achieve for people. But many people merely use the practice as a means of tolerating the netting. The fabric of the netting is made up of the same mind energy that is used in meditation. It is difficult to differentiate the resolve from the thing that contains us.
There are many ways, to remove yourself from linear existence and expound yourself into an exponential reality.
Do things you love. Anything that gets you lost in the moment is actually pulling you out of time and space. Love itself melts away the netting and allows all things to be possible. We have been led to deduce love as a corny concept because of its concentrated power to free us as individuals and all of humanity as well. Each individual has the capability of changing the world with their love, if only they have the capacity and capability to do so. A great technique is to consciously practice loving all the people, species and atoms in the world. It is easier to do if you imagine the world as smaller as a means to wrap your head and heart around it.
Visualizations and using the imagination are dynamic means of stepping out of the netting. If done consistently, one can be the commander of the netting instead of trapped in it. This is was creative geniuses do. The possibilities are available to all.
Don’t nail down your life in time. Every time you make an appointment. You are nailing yourself into time and space. It is necessary to make some appointments to function in this linear world. But the more you can leave your calendar open, the more free you will be.
Don’t fill your intentions with empty promises. If you say you are going to do something, ensure that you do it. When you don’t, you split your energy in two paths; the you that walks around and the intention you set out. The more you send out false intentions, the more you dilute your effectiveness in life. You will end up showing up merely as a projection screen image in life and not really be immersed in it. Your energy will literally have no integrity. Integrity is having your intentions and you always on the same page. It is a dynamic, effective person who does this.
Stop talking and thinking about the past. Stop talking and worrying about the future. Thoughts are like little barbs that hook us into the netting of illusion. They are what tangle us up, instead of allowing us freedom in our own beingness. Feelings are clipping us in as well. The more you can catch yourself being in the past or future, the more you can bring yourself into the present. The present is the portal to expound.
Question everything you have been told to believe. Most of our conditioning has been to keep us immersed in a linear form of slavery. Pay attention to how much you have been conditioned to move along in life, like it is a conveyor belt; birth to death, nine to five, season to season. When you follow the mandates of conditioning, you are on autopilot and not free to expound. This is why creative types seem so non-committal. They are.
Stop thinking of life and death with such division. Heaven is not a place. It is a state of consciousness. It is a vibration that overlays this one, yet at a more subtle frequency. When someone dies, they merely drop the course vibration of this world and then exist at the finer frequency. They are still themselves as much as ever and are so much closer than we fathom. They are right outside that netting of illusion of a linear reality. This netting is what prevents us from connecting with them.
Be grateful. Gratitude is a physiological process of opening your chakras to receive more energy. They open like an aperture of a camera. It isn’t emotions that opens them. It is the greater flux of energy that gives us the warm feeling when grateful. It is a physiological process. We use emotions as a shortcut to do this.But if someone has a hard time mocking up gratitude, perhaps they will have better luck merely, setting the intentions to consciously open up the chakras. This will bypass the need to be emote gratitude.
Talk less. Talking is filled with all these barbs that keep us immersed in the netting. I personally exist without the netting on as much as possible. When I listen to others, it is a means of being wrapped in the netting. When you talk about problems, you are giving the coordinates of them in time and space and sending others to that misery. It is pretty low on the survival scale to do this. It is how we have been trained to keep each other trapped.
Even light workers are limited by linear existence. When you visualize energy coming in the top of your head and out your feet, this is a linear understanding of energy. Energy is pouring into you on all sides and at all angles at all times. You are not a solid body but an emanating starburst of energy. The more you see yourself sending out and receiving love and beautiful intentions in every direction, the more you will grasp a higher concept of yourself.
Every time you label yourself, you are nailing yourself in time and space. At one time, we all perceived in energy. It is a more subtle but more accurate awareness. Not perceiving in energy is a form of being blind. Labels are a way for those who are blind to feel around in the dark for what they are looking for. That is why, the more unaware someone is, the more there is a need for labels. The unaware depend on labels to find their way around. Labels is also a way that groups keep us in the sheep mentality. They use labels to keep us blind and so easier to control. When a group is hell-bent on using a label, realize that they are really hell-bent on control.
When you breathe, you are not merely inhaling and exhaling. You are communing with all of life. You are sending out from your energy field, atoms of life imprinted with your unique vantage point. You are sharing all that you are with the Universe. In return, you accept in all the information it has to give you, which is imprinted in the atoms of air you take in. In this exchange, we are exchanging the information and vantage point of all beings. There is much wisdom in our breath. We would benefit from being consciously aware of that as a means of better digesting the information we receive. It is little different from conscious eating.
Copyright © 2017 Jenuine Healing, All rights reserved.
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 *As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

Friday, June 16, 2017

Energetics: More Attacks In More Ways

Hello Everyone,

It has been a bit of time since posting, lots going on on every level.

But the Energetics of late, because I'm hearing from so so many who are saying the same thing, is that the past week etc, has been again, a cornucopia of darkness unnecessarily imposed upon the people. It is nothing but attack, in yet more forms and more consistently. It is everywhere, in peoples lives and bodies falling apart, to circumstances, to vibes, to the air feeling dirty, all of it.

It is not in your head, and it is not just you. It is everywhere.

Do what you know best to do for protecting and restoring your self. Even make radical changes.

I am not an expert at this, I try everything, some things work some times, others not, I keep going.

Best of luck, till next time.

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Energetics: Something Wonderful Comes This Way

Hello People,

I have been away for a while, from blogging because things have gotten hectic. I'm sure none of you know anything about that, right? !

But for weeks now I've wanted to write about some underlying energy I've been feeling, not being sure if it is my own or not, and now it seems its not, so I'm definitely picking up on something..... (drum roll)..............................

Maybe some of us thought we'd never see or feel the day we'd feel that the tide is changing for the good here on this Earth or in this plane of existence, but I am here to say, I'm feeling it. For us all, not just me. That is the news.

What this is I do not know. Where it comes from one can speculate a hundred things. It could be all of them. But this energy is a ''good thing'' I've been feeling even though my personal health has gotten worse, I still felt this positive underlying energy that something good is afoot.

This energy is for all who are of Light, who are humans with souls, who want goodness, who speak of it, who work for it, who live for it, who pray for it, who share it, who want it, who desire it, who write about it, who long for it, who intend it, who manifest it.....who live and breathe goodness.......
we are all here.  And we did and are doing something good.

It seems the sleeper cells have awoken in power. It seems things do have to change. It seems we are the change. It mattered not what condition our bodies are in, it only mattered that our essence was of the Light and that we lived and breathed. It mattered that we never compromised. It mattered that our Light or Love was non negotiable. It mattered that when attacked, we may not have always gotten back up but we certainly didn't back down. It mattered that broken bodies or even broken minds, never gave in......that mattered alot!

We are freer now, to create, to manifest. It doesn't mean all is clear, it means we have freer space and less obstacles. That's a good point.....there are now less obstacles.

Just when we thought we really could not manifest.
Just when they thought, they had us in creative confinement. 

I suggest we all begin again, with remembering our dreams.....our desires, remembering the beauty, the family, the love, the peace, the joy, the silliness, the running through meadows with wild abandon, or playing games as children and adults, the joy of the scent of the sea, of flowers. Remember when just smelling soup on the stove made your day. Remember when seeing a smiling face made you smile. Remember.....remember the joys and think and feel only them. Dust them off and dig them out. Become your own Creative Archeologist.
Only the joys.
See the other and discard it as unreal..... tell it it is unreal. Command it fails. See it fall......to dust.

Feel the joy....this is creating your world. It can and does happen.

We are creators and we are creating what we feel. We don't realize just how much we are creating now.

It is unfortunate that so many are so resigned, so despondent, so depressed they feel the damage is already done, that it is too late....this is the trick, the lie.....it is not. That is what ''they'' (the matrix system and its minions) want you to feel because that is when they have you and that is when you are not creating. They want to keep you there. You must tell them they are an illusion and they dissolve like toxic mist into a void. They cease to exist. It is you who makes them unreal. This is key. It has been important to know they existed and that they operated everything behind the scenes, unseen, silent and watching and maneuvering. This is so they didn't have us to interfere with them. But we know they are there and now with our creative abilities we can dis them, into oblivion, and then create what we want, not be the paint to their brush.....we are now the artist, both the painter and the paint, and the canvas is ours. The canvas is blank. 

This is not about ''saving the world''......this is about saving your own world and the one in which you live and breathe and those of the others who live with you. There are many conflicting realities taking place. We need to create our own. It can be tricky to think or believe we are living in many worlds.

We must remember. WE must create.

To be passive is to allow the others to create for you. This is not good for you. Do not be passive. Create.

Love creates the same things, so when all do it in love and for us all, we will make it.

Thoughts must be trained. Cleansed of what you do not want to think. "They'' are also planting those, to repeat them in your head even when you don't want them. You must cleanse them, remove them, evict the one/s who repeat them, because they know your thoughts are what creates. They cannot create, so they use us to create for them....we think it, then feel it and it manifests. Cleanse your thoughts of their programs. Create your own and never ever give up.

Dig into your dreams, your hearts and breathe life into them. Revive your imaginarium. We are doing this! We are getting there, it is happening!

Now more than ever this below is underway.........

From Brian Piergrossi......Love is the New Religion.............

Love is the New Religion / The Spiritual Conspiracy/ The Silent Revolution – by Brian Piergrossi

Love Is The New Religion / The Spiritual Conspiracy
On the surface of the world right now there is war and violence and things seem dark
But calmly and quietly, at the same time, something else is happening underground
An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are being called
to a higher light
It is a silent revolution
From the inside out
From the ground up

It is time for me to reveal myself
I am an embedded agent of an secret, undercover
Global operation
A spiritual conspiracy

We have sleeper cells in every nation on the planet

You won’t see us on the T.V.
You won’t read about us in the newspaper
You won’t hear about us on the radio

We don’t seek any glory
We don’t wear any uniform
We come in all shapes and sizes
Colors and styles

Most of us work anonymously
We are quietly working behind the scenes in every country and culture of
the world
Cities big and small, mountains and valleys, in farms and villages, tribes
and remote islands

You could pass by one of us on the street and not even notice
We go undercover

We remain behind the scenes
It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit

But simply that the work gets done

Occasionally we spot each other in the street
We give a quiet nod and continue on our way so no one will notice

During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs
But behind the false storefront at night is where the real work takes place

Some call us the “Conscious Army”
We are slowly creating a new world with the power of our minds and hearts
We follow, with passion and joy
Our orders from the Central Command
The Spiritual Intelligence Agency

We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no ones is looking
Kind words
Meditation and prayer
Social activism
Random acts of kindness

We each express ourselves in our own unique ways with our own unique
gifts and talents

“Be the change you want to see in the world”
That is the motto that fills our hearts
We know it is the only way real transformation takes place
We know that quietly and humbly we have the power of all the oceans

Our work is slow and meticulous
Like the formation of mountains
It is not even visible at first glance
And yet with it entire tectonic plates shall be moved in the centuries to

Love is the new religion of the 21st century
You don’t have to be a highly educated person
Or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it

It comes from the intelligence of the heart
Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings

Be the change you want to see in the world
Nobody else can do it for you

We are now recruiting
Perhaps you will join us
Or already have….
All are welcome…
The door is open

-Brian Piergrossi from the book The Big Glow.

 *As always, what is written here is meant to be shared. Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods http://serenaladyofthewoods.blogspot.com/

Monday, February 13, 2017

Virus of Mind by Alisa Battaglia

Chapter excerpt from, “The Essential Self, Cultivating the Sacred Feminine through Polarity Integration” By Alisa Battaglia

“The death urge mindset has at its core strength, the full knowing that the inner awareness of an individual must be immobilized and placed outside self and nature, in order that the collective consciousness align with the energy recycling patterns of its powerful life degenerating system.” ~Alisa Battaglia

 The identification pattern of the world is founded upon an age-old system of domination that has existed for thousands of years. Its matrix like template is probably the oldest form of exploitation and subjugation on one part of the population by another. Its psychological inversion program serves as a teaching model refined for all other forms of relegation – gender, race, ethnicity, religion, class, and now, by distinctions of consciousness and DNA. At its core, is a death urge mindset with a tenticular reach that has impregnated the veins of culture from the inside out with its virus against Life! The Virus against Life has a penchant for mimicry of the natural order. Its most common feature of influence is “organization,” which follows a methodical system to carry out its subversive divide-objectify and-rule policies for replication within all of life’s sectors.
The predacious system is very “Smart.” This non-organic psychic parasite functions with full knowledge that an individual’s inner awareness must be immobilized and placed outside self and Nature. It knows that when the bio-psyche of nature is deviated from life’s natural rhythm that the integrity of the energy field becomes weakened and open for interception. That human attention is easily diverted into lower vibrational consciousness fields with its resultant behaviors and the emotional effects they produce. In fact, the more chaotic the substance, for instance: self-doubt, confusion, drama, pain, blame, denial, disconnect, suffering, fear and negative energy, the more negative life feeding energy there is for it to consume. For intrapsychic predators manipulating natural life into its designs makes life forms their energetic fodder at the bio-psychic level. They feed on the sexual or generative life force of living things.
The effects of manipulation at the collective consciousness level plays out in the social themes around human sexuality, education, social services, medicine, religion and politics, where the inquisitive and inspirational self is suppressed, diminished or rejected. Suppression lowers the collective mental vibration and pulls it into the habituated patterns of the predator’s powerful life-degenerating system misaligning the natural order of God. To accomplish the underlying motive, human naiveté and ignorance is relied upon, where the malleable mind is less an ally and more the tool of illusory ego fabrication and lower dimensional reinforcement of extremely hindering psychic mechanisms. In other words, it is easy to heist psychic awareness into programs of mind by quietly redirecting the natural flow of biological life energy from the recycling powers of Nature into an automatically predetermined sequence of operations or automation. The ultimate goal and success of this mechanical redirect relies on decoupling humanity from the Essential Self as Soul, Spirit, and Nature Wisdom, as the generative Source of life for its simulacrum. The definition of simulacrum is the de-realization of the surrounding world of everyday reality. What we think “is” real, is not the real thing, as reality is replaced with a superficial likeness, a semblance of, or an insubstantial image that imitates, duplicates, and simulates the original or the real. This is how the virus of mind replicates the original with something inferior, a copy of a copy of a copy of the real to produce a synthetic reality or illusion, an image, to feign truth, to invert it because it can only copy and modify what has already been naturally created in Nature and Infinite Living Mind of God. It has no creational powers of its own. We can obviate this in the narrative of scientific dogmas.
For instance, the expression of the mind virus is mirrored in the dysfunctional sciences of Synthetic Biology, Bioengineering and GeoEngineering. The false gods of science tinker with DNA to corrupt the masculine-feminine spiritual “life seed.” Their fascination for recreating, or mimicking, the natural world with its mutations, inversions and artificial counterparts is a “Trans” agenda to displace the natural order of things in the reorganization of life with synthesized versions of its pathological extreme. Re-engineering bodies, minds and society through life negating sciences replaces and/or interfaces organic life with its synthetic biology terraforming Nature and inducing humanity into automaton. What may look real on the surface is artificial inside. What deems to be healthy is toxic. What appears truthful is a deceptive and so the list goes on.
Humanity is largely unaware of the clever hijacking of the Archontic influences with its virus of mind and biological control programs of hierarchy, patriarchy, and domination that insults the life-urge inherent in Nature. Nature is continuity and a reflection of Gods thinking. When we align with the balance of Nature, we connect with the heart of the Living Library and the Kosmic Mind of God. Instead, the viral mind control triage, that is a pattern within a pattern within a pattern of conditioning influences called, “The Patrix,” seeks to obliterate or avert that human-divine connection between self with Source and substitute that connection with an artificial means until humanity is no longer in likeness of its Soul-spiritual nature.
/ \
Domination + Hierarchy + Patriarchy

The Archon Net is a viral pathology that is netted over humanity as interference to self-illumination. It intrudes subliminally on the human mind using the three obelisks of power to invert the natural order of the Living Mind of God to systematically pervert universal masculine and feminine sexual spiritual vibrations at the foundational level of life. The power hierarchies are the social and political engineers, the technocrats of our age that view biological life as a machine to be controlled through exhaustive monitoring and mutation of life activity. The program inserts humanity into an overall algorithmic pattern that redirects and reverses the lens of spiritual awareness of Unity (light divided into mated pairs) for collective submission into socialization of an artificially constructed paradigm.
The Patrix virus of mind program deviates our intelligence from sanity to pathological relational extremes arresting humanities psycho-sexual-spiritual development through deceptive and deviant means. It is only by observing the viral pathology of the power hierarchies can we identify the energy signature of the Archon Net with clarity and discernment. Understanding the pathology helps us to recognize it so that we place our emotional and natural psychological reactions to those pathologies into proper context. Context provides impetus for action to obliterate the mind virus from seeding humanities co-creating consciousness with their agenda. It calls for restoring sanity within the collective psyche from its inversive logic, circular thinking, psychic hooking and faulty truths around who we really are and our incarnational purpose.
Furthermore, in evaluation of the negative influences of the Patrice’s global directive spin into our private and social lives opens distinction between patterns of consciousness that “generate life” to those patterns that “consume life.” A simple rule of measure to discern truth from its deceptive chimeras is this:
“Patterns of consciousness that are “embedded in Nature realities affirm life” and expand the possibilities of a person’s open future. This is the “life urge” of the generative function whose cocreative impulses assist us onto greater levels of self-mastery, purpose, creativity, beauty, joy, and love. Patterns of consciousness that invert truth at the base level of consciousness follow the chaotic patterns of ignorance, fear, envy, and destructive habits propelled by the “death urge agenda.” The primal death urge is identifiable by any agenda that engages control through subtle forms of discrimination that creates and reinforces illusion, self-doubt, fear, anger, pain, violence, and psychopathy through “Virus of Mind.” It is anything that discounts, diverts, or manipulates the natural ebb and flow of energy in a biological organism from equilibrium or disconnects the collective psyche from the recycling powers of Nature into something mechanical. All that quashes spontaneity, immobilizes inner awareness, and dismantles all things that unite life into wholeness, is a closed system sourced by a primal death urge and is a danger to all natural life systems.”
While the viral phenomenon of the age-old system has mutated over time to “appear differently” it still programs us to think and behave in ways that are destructive to our lives. Its infectious program is a form of bondage like a psychic harness that alters our perceptions about life by filling the mind with ideas, concepts, labels, attitudes, identifications, values, behaviors, infecting our belief systems into fixed perceptions of what we should think, feel, say, and do without our conscious awareness or consent. Passive acceptance of a narrow or myopic mindset shapes our paradigms yielding very different results in life than we expected because the mind virus program pushed out by media controls what information we perceive to make reality look different to us. With so many competing alternatives vying for our attention stream, novelty gains our focus with its pretention. Wholly unaware that reason and our common sense has been co-opted by chimeras, we defend, obey, and embrace the directive scripts and self-limiting ideations about ourselves that keep us in psychic bondage without understanding the “why” of our beliefs or the reason for our unquestioning obeisance to the system at hand.
With the advent of the internet, it has never been easier to heist the higher sense faculties from the inner life and alter perception via memes.” Memes are distinct entities or thought-forms in competition for a share of our minds. They are units of information for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that spread from person to person within a culture. For instance, viral memes transmit from mind-to-mind spreading harmful ideas and infecting pieces of culture through internet media: speech, tweets, blogging, video, film, gestures, symbology, rituals, music, and other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme. The mind virus thrives on the belief that its memes are true and preserves itself most effectively through repetition compulsion and/or replication throughout the population. While not all memes are viruses, our labels for things are memes, and not Truth. This clearly points to the fact that the memetic nature of everything we call reality is a fabrication. Vigilance is required.
To avoid Archontic mind virus enslavement we need discernment and to question the “why” of authority, otherwise we are ripe for submission and behave predictably according to our memetic programming. Memes spread, mutate, and survive through the behavior that they generate in their hosts even when they prove to be detrimental to the welfare of the individual. For instance, it is amazing to witness people defend their lives with the memes they are programmed with. They are incognizant of the infectious mind virus co-opting their intelligence and problem-solving abilities sweeping them into the influencing behavior of the thought-infection to act out their reactionary impulses through violence. When we are confused about our life purpose, we are all too willing to believe things and acquiesce to a dominant power ready to exploit us. Keep in mind that everything we do that is “not instinctual” is the result of programming. Our programming is the result of infection by mind viruses that hooks us to believe and spread the World Lie that we are separate from unity in Nature and Creator.
A programmed life is unaware of the inversions of truth that keeps the Essential Self embalmed within its layers of illusion. Remember that programming is always someone else’s idea of who and what we should be. It is never our own idea. Our idea is always where our power is. With this image in mind, it is easy to see how we live in artifice, an artificial state of manufactured reality where the human attention stream easily diverts “onto” something other and identity placed “as” something other ” by “reversing the relationship to Truth.” The victim-perpetrator value system is spread throughout the veins of culture inverting the perception of reality. Inverted perceptions of reality are believed to be Truth, when it is indeed the very opposite twisted into an ever so subtle “inversion loop” where nothing is as perceived. Energetically, the inversion loop “casts a net” over the “thought-field” to shift opinion or sway the emotions into a counter directive pattern or agenda of the natural self. Since individual consciousness is by default rooted in Natures imperative, by applying the “inversion principle” onto the “generation of life,” the focal lens of reality reverses in order to reshape the fundamental core of life into a new social control pattern and biological comingling (animal and human; human with machine) that is both foreign and outside humanities natural disposition. This is how the virtues of life are turned into vice and vice is perceived as virtue. Thus, upon examination it is useful to ask, “What is something I believe, or was taught to believe that is completely false?” Can you see the inversion? What are the underlying directive forces and patterns at play? In searching for faulty patterns, we can ask, “Is this pattern in question of the life urge – regenerative and cocreative assisting onto greater levels of self-mastery, purpose, joy, and love, or is this pattern of influence, a degenerative or destructive agenda born of ignorance, fostering doubt, anger, chaos, pain, fear, and anxiety of the death urge?”
 The tension of energy between the Patrix death urge and the life giving feminine principle are at high voltage to divide consciousness – one for war, chaos, and control and the other for harmony, balance, and cooperation. Choose well!
We learned that:
  • The Archon Net is a viral pathology that uses the power hierarchies to invert the natural order of the Living Mind of God by systematically supplanting universal masculine and feminine sexual spiritual vibrations at the foundational level of life for a simulacrum that redirects and reverses the lens of spiritual awareness of Unity (light divided into mated pairs) into submission for socialization through an artificially constructed global matrix – the Patrix.
  • ARCHON NET > PATRIX = Domination + Hierarchy + Patriarchy
  • Anything that seeks to control through subtle forms of discrimination functions from a lower vibrational pattern sourced by a primal death urge.
  • Programming is always someone else’s idea of who and what we should be. It is never our own idea. Our idea is always where our power is.

Alisa Battaglia,
Michigan 2017


*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared.
Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods

Thursday, February 9, 2017

I Am In Awe Of Women

I hear the most beautiful loving gestures of love for all, from women, all over the world. Women who truly do love all, who want to embrace all and include them unto her bosom embraced in her love. She welcomes all.....the sick ones, the psycho, the criminal, the good, the bad and the ugly, she is quick to forgive, she will accept apologies, she will be beaten and still forgive, believing either rightly or wrongly that her abuser just needs more love, she wants to change the world to one of beauty and harmony, she cries for the world, she is gathering women in circles all around the world, she is networking, emailing, twittering, facebooking all for peace for inclusion of her offerings into the social dynamics of the world. And still.....still.....women are pushed back by aggressors of the regressive male whose dominance over the world is all business, surgical removal of emotions and his way of what he refers to as "progress"......the path to destruction.

Women amaze me. She still thinks he can change, that he will wake up, that he will smell the coffee, that he will become conscious, that he will lose his death urge, that he will begin to love......to love her, to love more, to love children, to love animals, to love the world, to love others in the way of woman who thinks he might do the same.  She waits for him to gather his brothers in office, in government, in institutions, in boys clubs, in priesthoods, in gangs, in industry, in science, she waits for them to come back to humanity. She still cries for him to see that love and family are the core universal unit. She waits for him to wake up, believes he will turn around and begin to protect the beauty of life that is within her waiting to blossom with his care. Women are still wanting to believe men will become men and become the loving being she is. She projects, she hopes, she prays, she waits, she nurtures, she demonstrates, she begs, she speaks, she gathers, she cooks, she feeds, she gardens, she labors over a million of the finest details of life to make it the nurturing space ripe for healthy growth. And she waits and prays some more.

These women number in billions......they do. Even when they are acting out with survival tactics they have been forced into after eons of time and adopting male ways of thinking and being, both resisting them and joining them to test for what works. Even when they are hurting and crying and men think they are merely emotional, even when women say they no longer believe in men, that men are lost souls who will never gather themselves to protect and love the life that is here, love her for her soul and not just her body, amazing women are both speaking up and acting out, waiting for men to do the right things, all of them, together.
Women still wait. They are gathering, they are stronger than men, wiser, more loving, and more intelligent in what matters. Women amaze me.

Below is from Carrie Anne Moss, a woman who is many many things, but most of all, a woman.

Softness ::: from Carrie-Anne Moss

I have given birth three times.
Each time as unique as each of the children I have birthed.
I have given birth to ideas. Sometimes daily, or even hourly.
I have birthed new parts of myself. Each of those experience has consisted of a seed of intention; care and growth; pain and surrender; letting go; and becoming.
That's why I love giving birth so much—the whole beautiful mess of it all, the tangled revelations, the strength from surrender and the many other paradoxes in between.
All the ideas I may have of how I want it to be are left at some point in the process of birthing. My best laid plans are kicked to the curb in the surrender.
There is no pleasing anyone in birth.
There is no looking in the mirror. No one else can birth for me. But the cool washcloth placed across my forehead can be the kind and wise action that supports my push to the next level. And the belief reflected in the eyes of the wise midwife of yes I can yes I will fuels me and I gather my strength from nothing, and I keep going forward. Then there is an opening to another dimension, and that opening brings me to my knees. That freedom is an elixir like no other.
I long for sitting around the fire. I long for singing songs of beauty and fullness. I long to birth ideas in community with others who are birthing their soul-fueled passion. I want to soften into the edges of feeling and transportation. I want to gaze through eyes of love, not the eyes of stress or panic.
There is a moment, that moment, where we see the flicker of an idea. I want to have space in those moments to be able to see the birth as well, or the potential for it. I want to live in the gesture of birthing. The gesture of freedom. The gesture of letting go to make room.
Saa:: beginning
Taa:: life
Naa:: transformation
Maa:: rebirth
This mantra soothes me time and time again. It reminds me of inarguable truth, inarguable power, and the perfect, delicate place where when you let go, it all happens.
Over at Annapurna Living, I have been posting video blogs every Monday ::: have you seen them? I also started again with my Annapurna Woman interview series, as there is no better source of love and inspiration than all of us women in this world.
I've also on a whim decided to hold an open live Q&A call next week on Valentine's Day. That means everyone is invited, not just women in my courses. I will be answering questions about my Inner Circle and sharing a bit about what it's like in there. The live call will be on Tuesday, February 14th at 11 am PST. Do you want to join? Fill your cup of tea and grab a friend (or just a cozy blanket) and join me.

Softness ::: from Carrie-Anne Moss

:04 AM (1 hour ago)


*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared.
Serena, Lady of the Woods

Monday, January 30, 2017

Why "Nesting" Is A Spiritual Endeavor

Dear People,

I know there are sensitives who read this blog. I hope it helps you in some way.
Also reading the comments section offers more from others.

In conversing with a friend, I mentioned how since age 5 I had always ''wanted to help humanity and Earth''...that it felt all my life like some feverish need, which made me run hot and bothered, intense, and anxious. It made me sick, it truly did. It was such a fire that burned inside of me. But over time the futility of that endeavor fried me, deprived me of my essence, my chi, my prana.....because the fire to ''help'' was consuming all of my consciousness and so deeply embedded, I was driven by it somehow. I now see it as an infection, an illness, not a noble desire to assist radiating out with strength from me to the outer world, no, it was a sickness, an infection that also resulted in a fever that tried to burn it up making me weak, useless to the world but mostly useless to myself.
Useless. To. My. Self......and hence the world.
What a waste of time and energy. I never paid attention to those ''fevers''.....I plowed on, ignoring my body.
What have I been thinking?! How can I help the world? I am one person and getting sick trying to help an entire sick planet most of whom do not realize they need help, nor even want help? The problems of the world are multitudinous, with hosts of humans who are hosting parasites. I wanted not only to help humanity but Earth too. WTF? WTF! The world will continue on without me when I am gone, never knowing I existed. How could I be so foolish? What gave me this drive to begin with?

The time I'm spending now cocooning, nesting, hibernating, and doing nothing with consciousness free of guilt, I am sensing how my vital energies are coming back, because they are not being fried with the fever/infection of ''needing to help'', an entire world.
Where did that come from? Was that an implant? A brainwashing from pre-birth? Many theories ensue. 
My essence is now cooling down, literally.
I use a far infrared sauna regularly and I could never sit in there and be still, I was always fidgeting in the intense heat. Now I am cool within, peaceful and I can sit still in the sauna at 143 degrees like a monk with hands in prayer pose.

This infection to ''help humanity and Earth'' is prevalent and common in many who are considered starseeds, crystal children, indigoes, etc, evolved souls who answered the ''call''.....wanderers, the children of sorrow, etc.....all of those beings who are here can say the same exact thing: "I am here to help humanity and earth". But we have mostly gone wrong in how we went about it. I can know now, that moving about in the physical realms, in the 3D realities, was not the way to do this.
We'd be compromised as falling into maya has both amnesia and density to pull us deeper in this place as being 'real'....we got involved, engaged, we became part of it, and lost in it. Until something happens, or burns up and fries everything we've got until there is nothing left, and you either die or ''the stillness'' is enforced. The ''stillness'' is the fertile ground for our true seed to germinate. Change cannot be forced....it cannot be executive ordered, voted in, or politically coerced into being.
Positive change is a tree, a living being. Change must be grown. It must be planted in fertile soil and nurtured by divine elements. Stillness, of groundedness. Water of Life, as our bodies. Light, of consciousness.

Grow, where you are planted.


I am only now experiencing the fullness of this.

And sadly, I am realizing more and more how much this planet is truly covered by a thick layer of dark forces, ready to pounce on every weak point, every vulnerability, every moment, every day.
It grows like a cancer. And people are unawares of what they are truly dealing with.

But in this post I will share what Tom Paine wrote about this as well.
There is so much happening that words can not convey. I encourage you to read deep, to empath what is written and to join us.
Blessings of Stillness


Dear Lady of the Woods,

When you and I were talking about the concept of 'doing nothing' I mentioned that it is also a Zen Buddhist concept of 'not doing'. At which point I asked how many Zen Buddhists does it take to screw in a light bulb? Answer: Two. One to screw in the light bulb, and one to NOT screw in the light bulb.

Then, speaking of cocooning or nesting or shutting off the din of the outside world and its benefits of nurturing the spirit Serena said that "When we think we need to change the world then the Whole World becomes our PROBLEM. ACK !!!
This caused a major epiphany for me. HA! No wonder this world can be such a terrible distraction when we try to fix it!
It saps our energy, our chi, our vital essence and siphons it away in useless avenues of wasted energy. This, it turns out to be a totally futile drain on our consciousness, a constant burr under our blanket, an itch that cannot be scratched. Why? Because the vast majority of 'people' on this world are NOT HUMAN !!! They don't 'get it!' They have no concept of higher thought and spirituality. As our friend, PL pointed out that she used to think it was part of our job to lead such people into enlightenment. WRONG. 'They' will never get it! They don't have the capacity to understand it. In fact they are jealous of anyone who sees more than they do and they only want to either drag us down into the hole that they are in or to STEAL our life force, because they begin to realize that they are ALREADY DEAD and wish to appropriate our lifeforce and energy for their own use to make them believe that they are actually alive. Vampires come to mind. The Walking Dead. The Background People. The soulless ones.

For those of us who wish to communicate our understanding of the world, it is necessary to limit our communications to those who we intuit are souled individuals. This can only be determined by astute observations of people and thru constant awareness of the signs that would reveal such people to us. Not an easy task, but gravely necessary.

Another thing that needs to be said about the difficulty in perceiving that 'still small voice' and the true signals of spirit and wisdom is that this entire planet is blanketed in a DULL LEADEN SMOG of low vibrations which are perpetuated by the intense electromagnetic jamming taking place all around us through cell phone towers, GWEN towers, ULF frequencies, WI-FI, TV, radio and satellites. Permeating this stifling cloud of darkness is the global thoughtforms and diseased beliefs held by the collective unconscious. Finding a pure signal from our higher consciousness is almost impossible under these circumstances. Only through RUTHLESS DISCERNMENT can we actually tune in to these signals from our higher consciousness and from those souled individuals who are trying to convey their truths to us.

So, dear Friends, these are the obstacles we face in awakening to our true selves and our true purpose.
Onward, thru the Fog!
Tom Paine

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared.
Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods

Friday, January 27, 2017

When All You Want Is To Do NOTHING.....Permission Granted!

Hello Sensitive Souls,

I've wanted to tell you what I'm learning now. A little late for me, but still I'm glad I am ''getting it''.
Having grown up in New York I was groomed to be a die hard student then employee. This was congratulated when I was steadfast. When I quit the system, I was questioned and abandoned. :-)

The Set Up

This world is set up....set up for humanity to become workers, slaves, sorry for that term, there is none more accurate.....with a monarchy ''to rule them all''......as the one ring of Saturn.

When one has grown up in this world totally groomed to be a worker, to ''achieve'', to ''have ambition'', ''goals'', desire for ''success''.....all of that are hoodwinking ''spell craft'' terms that denotes a brainwashing meme for your mind for a lifetime by institutions of businessmen to planetary rulers or patriarchal monarchies, then your life has become enslaved. It becomes ''abnormal'' to think otherwise, to question why you should be working or why you need to have ambitions, all these terms are inceptions of the male mind as well, foreign to the feminine nature and abhorrent to the feminine mind. It even becomes criminal to question the need for money in the first place, which only sane critically thinking people can do.

The Background Characters

There are many in this world who will never ever question the existence of money. It is for them as integral to ''reality'' as is breathing and that is because they are the soulless ones, the organic portals, the background characters, the drones, the matrix agents all of whom are here to maintain the world wide staged appearance of this ''set up'' as normal. And you the sovereign thinking independent soul, are on the fringes of a sick society. These background characters are doing ok. They don't complain, they do their daily toil, they report to work, they eat, sleep, and repeat until they die. They blink alot when you ask them if they think ''having jobs is normal''....They "appear normal", they are not, they are empty vessels, biological robots built and designed for the stage.
All the world is a stage. And the stage was set up for you, to keep you ''everything that is dwarfed'', and the stage characters are to prevent you from questioning another paradigm, they represent the enforced ''norm''.

I want you to know some things I've known always in my soul and body, but my mind was slow to catch up, having been hijacked immediately into ''schooling'' at the tender age of 5. I want you to know what is real and true for you, but is not real and true for those ''others''.
I want you to give permission to yourself to be who you are, not what 'they' are.
I want you to begin to free yourselves, to prepare for a future that belongs to you in totality and to no one else.
I want you to please listen to me and share this with any who may be validated.
Recognize who those may be. They are pained, they are depressed, they are suicidal, they are recalcitrant, they are on drugs, on alcohol, they are acting out, they are rebels, they are ornery, they are disgruntled, they are sick, they are recluses, they are screaming, they are reticent, they are everywhere. Do not confuse these ones with psychopaths. The difference is huge when you hear them speak. Real souls are hurting for the world. Psychos are not.

Goals, Ambitions, etc are Corrupt Teachings Designed to Destroy Spiritual Intelligence

Any goals, ambitions, desire for success as defined by the business man or institutionalized world-meme is the set up for material irrelevance. I am not going to say having a home and food is irrelevant of course it isnt, but to have goals to acquire what is your birthright is beyond ridiculous, it is demeaning and reversed. These social memes are the workings of the patriarchal monarchies from mere businessmen to so called global royal rulers. They are only there to rule and control you.
You need to dismiss them as insignificant to your life and make your own ways. To follow them is to be a true cosmic royal soul pretending to be an empty vessel, drone, soulless person following orders. To do as the drones is to demean your organic royal status as an ensouled being and to stunt your numinous nature. Stop doing what they have trained you to do. Stop now. Untrain yourself. It is unnatural to every part of your being and breeds illness and dis-ease, many of which take a lifetime for recovery if 100% of your future time is spent in self nurture.

I grew up with those teachings. They put me in school, said I had to. I didn't want to because I already knew whatever I needed to know. Little did I know then that especially now, this planet of spiritual castrations is certainly a breeding ground for petulant degenerate brats who have no desire for virtue, and that by the time I was 5 I knew all I needed to know for an entire lifetime here on Earth and that everything taught in schools was total garbage, none of which is useful save for reading and writing. All of those textbooks from grade school to college written by men shunted my brain power. The schooling structured in masculine military style, speak, repeat, rote. Obey. Do not question. I got all A's.
My life was taken by insidious stupidity which steadily crushed my natural life and organic processes.......it did damage to my heart and soul. Many are now sick from this same damage.

To be taught of ''ambition'' according to the patrix (patriarchal matrix) definitions set up on Earth, is to be stunted in all forward movement of spirit, soul, mind and body.......to be confiscated of your independence and to be indoctrinated into reverse psychology. All of which leads to sickness.
Human minds are gullible.

The human soul doesn't have "goals", we have purpose, some of which are to have more and more feelings and emotions of heart, and mind and fluidity of body, nuances of sentiments which have diversity in the thousands. Souls also do not have "ambitions" as Earthly defined, we possess intentions......for the pleasure of our virtues. And we do not define ourselves by ''success'' in ones existence or life because we have constant self satisfaction much of which can be 'defined' by having a large family of loving beings to whom you are telepathically/empathically connected to whether you are ''related'' or not. "Relations" being an entire book on its own. We define ourselves by self awareness integrated with others to the degree we feel expansive and luminous. Forgive the vocabulary, it is so limiting.

Recovery on Earth From "The Set Up"

We need to recover from the 'set up' that is toxic to our beings. We all (humane humans) need to unlearn what schools have taught and to teach ourselves what is meaningful for us and reinforce it. We all need to know our souls and hearts, its contents and turn them inside out and be who we truly are, what makes our souls sing. We must dismiss the patrix ways, and embrace what they have demonized. What has been demonized on this Earth? The feminine which is in all ensouled beings. This is the part that will nurture your mind and body, heart and soul back to its original beauty, hence the campaigns against Her. There is no beauty without the feminine, and this is beyond body parts I'm speaking of. The feminine is what is closer to The Divine Spirit and is desperate for expression in all of us, and all of us are desperate for its magic and healing abilities.

There are many ways of doing this, but you must be desirous of this. If not, then question yourself, why would you deny yourself the beauty of this healing? of the ineffable magic that can do far more than the mind can conceive of? There is true magic in the feminine and this is the mystery of the feminine which has been for eons defiled by fearful sub human men and who have devised many words of evil from their iniquitous minds and perceptions to curse such a beauty they do not possess. Who would deny themselves beauty and healing? Beware of such corruption, it can be contagious. A mind that is convinced can be very convincing. If they speak of any feminine virtues in dark ways, they are corrupted. Move away. Maintain your inner cleanliness. It is the only way for you to move forward.

Doing Nothing

What is needed for us is to close off and close out the outer toxic din of the man made world. It is taken by unnatural forces who build cities of cement and cold rectangular geometry to enclose the spirit, all of which is antagonistic to your well being. Your feet must be in bare contact with the Earth, this is referred to as ''grounding'' which has scientific validity but is much more. The Earths ''gravitational field'' is a force of healing energy which is in constant transference from your magnetic/electrical body to hers, in constant cycles of movement which keeps all of your ''systems'' in harmonic movement and balance. Wear rubber shoes and you cut yourself off from magnetic and electrical energies which keep all of your bodies, from Ka to physical in good integrity.

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/33/db/52/33db522477c6b07ad1cf5d6bd5d889d6.jpg       Without this field in perpetual cycling, your own electro magnetic field goes out of balance, develops holes which then allows negative forces who are waiting for such holes to enter your energetic field to take you down and out.  Your thoughts will be hijacked and your mind compromised. Your emotional body pained which hurts your Self, and the downward spiral begins.

I am learning something very big these days and it is that "doing nothing" is the healthiest thing I can ''do'' on this Earth, in ''this reality'' as it ''has been set up''. That ''doing nothing" is the beginnings of a reclamation of my own spirit, which gives me the space to ponder and contemplate what are the organic alternatives. How those alternatives feel, and what can be achieved with in.
A friend recently said to me, I was accomplishing alot by doing nothing. Thank you Miss P.

I thought being busy was good, positive. It made me disappear from society because I blended in. I was one of them. So it appeared. Even when I left the matrix and did only gardening and home tending I still felt I needed to be busy.
I had my mind hijacked all my life to believe I need to keep doing something like schooling or working. Peace of mind was impossible in the ''set up'' by the worlds peoples whose every aspect of life reinforced this belief. Even when I had nothing to do, being a master nesting artist, I felt guilty I wasn't doing anything....not making money, not doing something ''out there'', not having a title or job description, not running around, writing, speaking, having no goals, and "lacking" ambition. What utter nonsense. Turns out, that for the ensouled being, "nesting" is the natural way of "being" and that is only the basic foundation of life, is to begin with having nothing we are coerced or forced into doing. It is having total freedom of space and mind that gives us the ability to be creative, to utilize the imaginarium to be the creators of beauty that we are.

So How Do WE Live?

So this brings us to the perennial question of ''if we dont' make money how do we live''? We create from a place of knowing that spending time ''earning money'' to just pay for housing etc is a waste of an ensouled beings life. I knew many years ago I didn't want to do this anymore, I uttered a command and statement of what I wanted which meant I couldn't be bogged down with ''having to have a job'' to pay for a home, I didn't have time for that, and that I wanted to live in a house with a quiet man who was ''handy'' at fixing things, I didn't have to pay rent cause he didn't care, and if I should get sick, I would be safe in a home. A decade later I had this.

There are other ways of creating this. Maybe you can find others who need a housemate who can do certain things in the home and that these agreements are maintained with integrity.
I take care of this entire house, every corner, and make sure it is nurturing every single day, filled with flowers and essential oils in diffusers and beeswax candles, and no chemicals in any way in anything. I do my part. So it is worthwhile for the owner to have me here.

Barter, exchange, make agreements and arrangements with people who have space in their homes. There are so many people who have so much space.
I invite you to open your homes for select beings.

We can find others who have space to share.
WE must begin to design and build homes with many rooms to have with us others of our kind. Enough space to have privacy and enough space to be social. There are many who are doing this with ''co-housing'' ideas, and other types of communities. WE must be active in finding others like ourselves. Yurts can be set up on larger properties.
Garden. Those people who tend to the Earth and soil are beautifiers and nurturers, they hold the keys to kingdoms. Have only nurturers around you at all times.

We must be persistent in creating ways of being with others who allow us to share ourselves in the best way we can, to express our virtues and share our abilities. We must make ourselves desirable.

I can tell you that ensouled empathic beings are desirous to have around you, they have gentle energies and are very loving inside. Give them shelter and comfort, space to live and be free and they will reward you tenfold.

We must find our safe homes. A place where we can live out our lives in peace, either alone by choice or with others by choice. Then we must allow ourselves to live as needed which on this Earth means first to be in recovery from Life on Earth, convalescing from the harshness of the ways the patrix has set it up using our bodies for their labor, convincing us that money is necessary, and degenerating our minds to be nothing but parrots of their sick teachings.
I was 10 years old in classroom when we had the history book open to where they were teaching Christopher discovered America. I was appalled inside in that moment and then and there vowed that I would no longer take any schooling to heart, that I would pass all their tests, but "learn" nothing from them. School taught me nothing. It was total inane stupidity, a waste of my life.

 Nurture Your Selves Back to Your True Selves - Take The Time - Give Yourself A Year

We must relax and breathe for hours, days, weeks or years if need be until we have a natural desire to do something. As long as this is feeling good in the body, then it is needed. WE must find peace and quiet for as long as need, even to the point of ignoring the 24 hour day/night cycles. For me the nights are not long enough, the morning comes too soon. So I am making it darker inside, and lighting beeswax candles which make me feel peace (unlike synthetic "wax" candles which never did). The peace I feel from beeswax is palpable and has become an aspect of the loving mother of nature affecting me with her organic nurturing, which I can no longer live without. It is necessary to me now. I understand now why churches have always only burned beeswax, there are mystical properties to burning it in the atmosphere, knowledge the priests kept to themselves, along with the knowledge of the power of living in domes as opposed to squares and rectangles, but that too is for another book.

I thought initially a few days of this cocooning would be enough. It turned into weeks. Now months. Of course giving myself a few days is the thinking of a well trained earthling agent. A few days was not nearly enough. There is a process happening here which I do not understand but utterly respect.
I have no idea how long I need to be convalescing from my life. They say it takes a month of healing (under ideal circumstances) for every year one has been sick (or a slave). So it could take years. I can tell you, so far months of being in cozy candlelit darkness with Himalayan salt lamps for lighting dark corners, feels great. So this is not depression. I sigh with deep breathing once I close off the harsh light of the too brilliant Florida (fake?) sun, and it feels nurturing. This is feeling good. If I were depressed nothing would feel good and the dark would compound it. So I am needing the cave of the Mother, like a womb, and I need to be here for as long as it takes. I am fine with it now. It took me a while to accept this was happening, but as long as it feels right, and I feel something positive coming from it, I will keep doing it. I can lie down all day, listening to lectures or talks, and then I can sleep at night. I literally do nothing else but eat, tend to a few things in the garden, and then back inside lying down. Being a New Yorker and bodybuilder, this is shocking to my mind. But but my hipjoint pains are slowly getting better.  My physical body is healing from many traumas of this life including several car and motorcycle accidents, but I feel those have healed mostly. What is odd are the bruises I used to wake up with, and the battles I feel I've been in during sleep time which for years felt like I never got any sleep and in fact felt only like I was at war, fighting and getting very hurt. There is something about that I feel I am now healing from.
There are odd things happening with humans on Earth and we cannot know them all, and some things truly are left a mystery for the sake of our sanity.

I invite any who can, who are able, to set yourself up for time to do literally nothing for as long as it takes to find a peace that comforts, and a place inside that allows your mind to go silent or to wander. And then find others and help them.
Set yourself up for nurturing through simplicity, herbs, organic fragrance, natural fibres against your skin, sublime lighting and colors to suit your mood. I have bought 6 silk scarves in different colors to put up on the windows and I choose colors to suit my moods. Lighting needs to be changed and not remain static every day nor all day, it compromises your brain. Avoid overhead lighting completely and utilize many small lamps throughout your space and change which are on and off on a daily basis. No natural light remains static in nature. It changes every hour. The sun rises and moves all day creating different shadows and plays with our perceptions and the mood chemicals in our brains that keep those areas alive and connected, and then the sun goes down and darkness too has is nuances. You too must keep your home lighting changing. A simple and cheap way is to buy white Christmas lights and put them in creative places in your home. Frame your bed, or a mirror, or around plants.
Find beauty and bring it inside. Flowers, rocks, seashells, crystals, your own artwork, stones, a simple glass of grass.

Make them friends and eternal companions. Play with them, until you're smiling inside.

Compose every item in your environment to make music for your soul.

Always pay attention to moods and question their existence, their message. Learn from them and then treat yourself accordingly. Follow nothing and no one but your own organic processes as long as they are moving you towards more feelings of peace and all things desirable.
Discover those things that would nurture you from fragrance, to textures, to color, sound and lighting. If you need ideas the internet is full of them, google ''relaxing ideas" or "spa ideas", or just ask me.
Do not stump yourself because you don't have something you feel would be essential to those needs, reach out to friends and ask, discard pride, and allow others who can to help you.

Wear ear plugs for silence.

Take baths to nurture your emotional body. You didn't know caring for the skin takes care of emotions? Well now you do. Bathing is for emotional intelligence. Not just pampering ladies. The skin is the most mysterious organ, which thinks, eats and sheds, and breathes, and changes with every thing you do. It loves water. The emotions are taken care of through the skin. Taking baths or lots of showers, and anointing your skin with vegetable oils infused with essential oils of your liking immerses your emotions in a cocoon of care. Try it.

But do set your self up to be the antithesis to the enslaved workforce humans are being used for now. By doing this you will free yourself and create a template in the aethers for others who can tap into this and become empowered by your own maverick ways.
You are breaking free.

Give yourself a year and see how you feel. It will take no less time.

Please share this with others and give them also permission to be free of the patrix.

*Also please read the comments section for more from others.

*As always, what is written here is meant to be shared.
Blessings. Serena, Lady of the Woods