I haven't visited Lisa Renee of Energetic Synthesis in a long time. This is her latest newsletter which can also be listened to in an audio link on the below page. I highly recommend this entire missive, I could not have said it any better.
Lisa is far more diplomatic and neutral in expressing what is happening, but this kind of knowledge requires it, if one is to be able to get through it all. Read with care.
Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
June 2016
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
With a Loving heart, Lisa
Serena, Lady of the Woods
Lisa is far more diplomatic and neutral in expressing what is happening, but this kind of knowledge requires it, if one is to be able to get through it all. Read with care.
Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines

Soul Psychology
Dear Ascending Family,
“The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.”
~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
The Controllers desperately want us to
forget that we have Souls. Even though we exist in a material world
filled to the brim with many different kinds of Souls, Spirits and
Consciousness, they would like us to forget our Soul. Tyrants cannot
control our mind as easily, if we know how to connect with our Soul.
Without understanding the worldwide
agenda of trauma based mind control, we cannot understand our
participation in the constructs put in place to keep it going. We
become unknowing participants, in perpetuating these systems. It is
difficult to witness how many people on the spiritual path, and how many
practitioners and session providers, have this blind spot, and are
unable to see the pervasiveness of this agenda. This newsletter will be
a bit longer, in order to try and uncover this matrix of control, piece
by piece, so we can no longer be fooled by it.
As an analogy, it is hard for those of
us living today, to imagine a time when surgeons did not understand
germs or wash their hands. The first person to suggest a connection
between invisible microbes and post-surgical infection was the laughing
stock of his day. Yet his patients did not end up with infections, and
recovered much faster. There is a connection between hidden forms of
mind control, and the fact that so many humans are caught in pain traps
and are being unknowingly manipulated by their sub-personalities. When
people become aware of this and can source manipulation, it ceases to
have any control over them. They also understand why it is crucial not
to react to others out of anger or violence, which invites these dark
forces in. If we do not recognize and understand the dark forces, we
cannot recognize and understand the light forces.
The Border Guards, Monitoring the Matrix
We live during a time on the planet when
the language used for public discourse, attempting to give some kind of
expression to the existence, nature and experience of the Soul, Spirit
or God, is twisted and manipulated in order to distort its true meaning.
When these consciousness experiences are described, anywhere in the
mass media, they are immediately discredited, labeled as delusions in
order to be discredited, or quickly defined and moved into the category
of religion. Those behind Global Mind Control do not want humanity to
have the clarity, virtue, strength or peace that is gained from
developing consciousness through exploring the inner spiritual
relationship that comes with the Soul. They want to lull humanity into
the great sleep of unconsciousness.
The main Controller Pillars of Society
expend tremendous amounts of resources to keep the human mind occupied
on external and material things that keep us distracted and unable to
look within. Distracting our mind with intense fears of survival,
removes the creative potential for discovering our direct consciousness
relationship with God, Soul and Spirit. To advance survival fears and
poverty consciousness, the masses are brainwashed with very specific and
limiting belief systems, which conveniently act as the self-enforcement
policy for the consciousness enslavement of others. Humans in all
cultures and walks of life, are mostly taught to victimize and ridicule
people that want to explore ways to think for themselves.
The fields of Science and Medicine are
aggressively monitored and regulated, as these mainstream world
establishments are used to reinforce a variety of anti-Soul ideological
beliefs into the public to help serve the NAA. The anti-Soul belief
system requires terminating progress or credible evidence which could
prove that states of consciousness or Soul exist. This includes the
consistent elimination of the acquisition of any evidence-based
knowledge that recognizes nature, animals and other life forms as fully
sentient beings. There are many areas in scientific investigation that
are not approved for public dissemination, and thus "white paper"
research in these fields are heavily controlled and compartmentalized.
During and after the World Wars,
aggressive social engineering agendas were put into place by the NAA
Controller secret societies through the medical and scientific
communities that had started to form the field of Psychology.
Consequently, the academic and clinical disciplines of Psychology use
the medical model and are therefore pathology oriented, which completely
ignores the energetic reality of consciousness, and the nature of the
Soul. During this Ascension cycle, we must help each other to understand
the implication that this has upon humanity, and to redefine the nature
and existence of the Soul inside Psychology. This begins by
understanding the history and the intentions behind the field of
Psychology that exists today. The Soul is the essence of who we are,
and it is that part of us which focuses upon the most authentic part of
our true nature. For true healing to occur, the Soul is the part of us
that is the most powerful in effecting mental shifts and behavioral
changes, and can greatly improve our self-esteem and self-confidence.
The word Psychology derives from Greek
roots that define the study of the psyche, or the study of the Soul. In
China, Psychology grew from the philosophical works of Lao-Tsu and
Confucius, and was further developed from the doctrines of Buddhism.
This body of ancient knowledge involves exploring the deep insights that
can be drawn from personal introspection and holding a pure observation
of the external. These mental practices are what help to grow a strong
inner core and spiritual foundation by developing observer
consciousness. Ancient wisdom teachings are about practicing techniques
for focused thinking and acting with an emphasis on purifying the mind,
in order to increase the virtue and power of the Soul. Prior to the
late 1800’s, the study of our inner mental life was the study of our
Soul, and the inner workings of our deepest self or essence. This is the
true meaning of Soul Psychology, a system of
understanding, which allows for the necessary integration between the
functions of the mind and the Soul, acknowledging and supporting the
human consciousness framework into harmonious co-existence. Soul Psychology
is an important tool for helping us to retrain our mind from being
easily taken over by external forces and other people. We learn to
refocus ourselves, to shape our mind to become subservient to our true
Soul purpose, which makes us stronger people. For these reasons, Soul Psychology is
an important basic key for supporting humanities consciousness growth
in Spiritual Ascension. Becoming truly self-aware and conscious is
dependent upon our ability to listen to and gain the intelligent wisdom
of our own body, mind and soul. They will help to inform us about our
true nature, so that we can consistently improve our internal coherence
and strengthen our moral character.
Mainstream Psychology
Current mainstream Psychology is the
study of behavior, thoughts and the functions of the mind, which attempt
to explore concepts that include all aspects of the conscious and
unconscious experiences that make up the current human condition. Many
people believe that the current field of Psychology has the ultimate
goal of creating a more improved and humane society. However, without
the necessary components to allow the integration and comprehension of
the structure of the Soul, Psychology remains completely antiquated in
addressing the real and varied impacts that the mind has upon the Soul. To
intentionally disconnect the existence of the mind from the existence
of the soul is extremely destructive and damaging to all human beings.
This fact is what contributes to the manifestation of disconnected and
chronically miserable people who intentionally create harm without moral
Soul disconnected people behave in a
similar manner to artificial intelligence robots, as they are shaped by
mass media to make decisions based on survival and selfish desires, with
no authentic thoughts or emotional states of their own making.
Disconnection conveniently pushes forward the basic agenda of Psychology
to be very effective in furthering the Transhumanism agenda. Today, if
people are unhappy and disconnected from their mind and soul, they are
given a pharmaceutical drug to take control over their bio-neurological
system functioning, which leads to lifelong pharmaceutical dependencies
and addictions. Administering synthetic drugs to impair bio-neurological
functioning of the brain further impairs and damages the Soul body,
making it nearly impossible for a person to experience Soul embodiment
or perceive the nature of their Soul.
The Soul body is made up of a complex
webbing of energetic receivers, which connect to the central nervous
system and brain wiring. Inducing certain artificial stimulus into the
central nervous system and the brain, will short circuit the soul body
and brain receivers, effectively damaging the wiring connections that
transmit electromagnetic signals. This is common in people who hear
voices in their mind, after they have had some kind of extreme trauma
reaction, to drugs or hospitalization. Thus, applied Psychology without
understanding the real existence and nature of the Soul, easily leads to
biological and social engineering experiments of mind control, by
prescribing drugs and carrying out therapies that shut down the
energetic receivers that exist between the brain, body and Soul.
Organized Religion and Scientific
Atheism are both schools of thought imposed by the NAA, which result in
indoctrinated humans that suffer from the control system that extremely
polarizes thinking. Each side of the opposition, present an all or
nothing model that severely limits the scope of human intelligence. The
agenda is to keep people arguing in circular debates with no resolution,
so that we waste our energies being distracted by ineffective projects
or topics that lead nowhere. Political and financial interests dominate
angry egos jostling for status or position, over finding the common
ground that unites us to put our collective energies into serving
humanitarian causes. We must stop contributing to the deadlock, and
become a positive cause in finding the common ground, by focusing on the
much larger picture. Always speaking compassionately and kindly towards
others is the best place to begin the dialogue.
The Soul and Mind co-exist together in
an energetic reality that greatly influence each other, independent of
any religious doctrine or scientific dogma. If you are incarnated in a
human body on the earth, it means that both the experiences, and the
structures of the mind and soul are intricately enmeshed with your true
consciousness. The Soul body is not ruled in its natural existence by
any form of Religion, just as the mental body is not ruled in its
natural existence through any form of Psychology. Humanity must get past
the limitations of polarized thinking and engaging in circular debates
that label people who experience their personal Soul nature, as
religious zealots or as delusional. As well as opening their hearts to
the potential existence that the Soul is consciousness energy, which can
be measured and quantified in the day-to-day activities of sentient
Impacts of Scientific Atheism
The Global Mind Control agenda wants all
humanist philosophies or direct experiences with our Soul, Spirit or
God, defined and catalogued by one of their belief control system
intermediaries; Religion, Medical, New Age, Scientific Atheism or
Transhumanist community, etc., any one of these store fronts will do.
According to some Scientists and Technologists, Soul, Spirit or God is a
delusion made up by ignorant, superstitious people that use religion as
a crutch, to cover up their own denial and fears of humanities
inevitable destiny with death. If we observe the wars, violence and
destruction wielded by church going religious megalomaniacs throughout
history, the reasons are clear that many educated, scientific and
rational minds abandoned the tyranny that they found in religion, and
promptly replaced it with some newer version. Although in some atheistic
circles, the goals are to promote a humanist world society based upon
credible scientific evidence, which is noble and sincere, it cannot
achieve beneficial forward progress without acknowledging the vast
existence of the nonvisible spiritual energetic realms, such as
acknowledging the existence of the Soul. Atheism seeks to terminate the
power abuses of religious based prejudices made through the imposition
of their own brand of confirmation bias, which is validated by the
science communities’ version of informed consensus.
Unfortunately, when people are
disconnected from their Soul through the rigid belief that they do not
have one, they will not gain higher consciousness or higher sensory
perception ability. In order to perceive beyond the illusions of the
material world or third dimension, we must connect with our spiritual
bodies. When we are connected to higher dimensions of consciousness
while in a body, we greatly increase our capacity to perceive the many
layers of the spiritual-energetic nature of our reality. Thus, we know
that informed consensus between the people on the earth does not yet
exist. Earthlings have not been informed of the extraterrestrial nature
of our real origins, or the regular intervention and control that is
made in planetary affairs by the off-worlders. When the mass population
is not informed of the truth in these matters, and is continually lied
to in order to base their existence on piles of mass deception, there is
no such thing as informed consensus.
Thus, Scientific Atheism has a
critical relevance in shaping current systems that control beliefs in
the mainstream areas of Science, Medicine and Education, which
unequivocally affirm that we are alone in a cosmos devoid of
supernatural realms.
The anti-soul agenda seeks to create
division through polarization of people’s thinking into holding staunch
oppositions that they will defend at all costs in order to win their
argument. Their assertion is that there is no credible scientific
evidence for the existence of a God, Soul or Spirit. Yet, as we are well
aware, there is no acknowledgement of the scientific evidence that
validates and describes:
- Why and how we fall in love,
- How deep emotional bonds between people communicate telepathically,
- Human communication with many kinds of supernatural forces and entities,
- Transcendental, intuitive and empathic consciousness experiences of at-one-ment,
- Synchronistic events, which hold deep meaning in our lives for no apparent logical reason,
- Near Death Experiences (NDE’s), proof of Afterlife or Soul Projection into other dimensions.
Millions of people experience these
kinds of consciousness experiences throughout the world every day, no
matter what kind of belief system they have. Science as it is being
controlled today, will never be capable of explaining these
consciousness experiences related to our soul, with empirical data based
on informed consensus. It is important to always remember, there are
beautiful and kind people that can be found within every kind of
scientific or medical field. We need to focus on our common humanitarian
goals, and always be kind and compassionate to the people involved, no
matter what their belief system.
Thoughts Impact Soul Colors
Our thoughts and the way that we think
have a great impact upon others, as well as directly impacting the
quality of light and frequency that our consciousness directs, which
shapes and forms our soul and spiritual bodies. Positive and loving
thoughts emanate intensely bright colors of high frequency light, sound
waves and shapes that shift and oscillate within a spectrum of colors
throughout the energy field. As the focus of those thoughts shift and
change, the pattern of colors in the aura and the quality of the light
source, also shifts and changes. The brighter and higher the frequency
of light that is generated from our developed consciousness, the more
strength and influence, that light source has upon others as well as
uplifting the environment. Spiritually strong people have a strong Inner
Light that is built upon a foundation of a strong, clear and focused
mind and heart. As the result of developing a strong, clear and focused
mind and heart, intensely bright consciousness light travels far and
wide, as it spirally reflects outwards from within a spiritually strong
human being. Their inner light moves in many directions simultaneously
to be absorbed by the souls that are located within the sphere of its
energetic influence. When high frequency light and color is absorbed
within the soul-spirit body, this same color and frequency becomes a
permanent part of its aura.
Negative and unloving thoughts emit
dull, gray and dense colors of very low frequency light and sound waves.
These negative thoughts can become things that gather into distorted
and grotesque shapes and sometimes, grow to become entities littered
throughout the energy field. These dull grey and black colors are dense
and form a thick wall of black substance that inhibit or block the
person from gathering in and circulating brighter light sources. A
person with excessive negativity manifests a black wall that acts as a
covering around their body that deflects and repels light away from
them. In many cases, this kind of black force surrounding a human body
attracts many kinds of negative spirits or satanic forces, which they
co-exist with and think is a part of their own identity.
It is important to clarify that
recognizing and discerning darkness, shadow entities and black force
substance when it is present in the field, is not the same as
contributing to negative thoughts and negative energies. When observing
satanic entities, or even those dark forces who attack Starseeds and
light workers regularly, the goal is to observe them as they are, study
their nature and understand that they are disembodied entities,
suffering and in bondage to tremendous trauma and pain. Starseeds must
learn how to discern these dark forces so that they can deflect and
neutralize dark attacks, as well as to defend their right to exist on
the earth. The New Age has taught many people to live in denial and only
accept the existence of pure light filled benevolent and loving forces
on the earth. When we refuse to discern or acknowledge that the darkness
exists as a type of consciousness on the earth, we allow ourselves to
exist in denial and deception, which make us easy targets for dark force
control and manipulation. As we spiritually mature, we will eventually
access more of the truth spirit, which observes and discerns all of the
varied energies, both dark and light, that make up the many realms of
Universal Consciousness.
Destructive Thoughts form Destructive Doorways
When we allow ourselves to express
negative thoughts or destructive emotions, these negative energies enter
our body and aura through the doorway we have consciously or
unconsciously created. When negative thoughts are amplified and made
forceful through repeated unchecked negative ego behaviors, the more
volume and intensity of the related negative emotional energy and its
essences will gather. When people obsess, ruminate or loop in their
mind about something that gives them feelings of anxiety or pain, this
behavior grows negative energy like gradually blowing air into a
balloon. At some point, when it reaches maximum capacity, that balloon
is going to pop, and the contents explode out into the environment.
An example of when there is excessive
negative energy accumulated, is when a person loses control of
themselves and explodes in a rage of intensely dark negative reactions
through an emotional outburst. Sometimes, the person can appear
momentarily possessed by these negative emotions, losing control of
their personal faculties and not remembering the extent of their
outburst. This situation is intensified when a person takes drugs,
alcohol or other consciousness altering substances. When negative
outbursts occur the vibrating negative energy of that person’s emotional
experience, is felt by negative spirits in the dark realms that have
the same vibration of negativity. They are attracted to this vibrational
essence and tune into the mind of that person, before, during and after
the outburst. Once this negative connection is made, it can serve to
amplify the negative thoughts and emotions to be carried out into even
more destructive levels. The stronger and more forceful the negative
thoughts become inside that person, the more likely it is they will give
in to acting out these destructive behaviors, which are being amplified
by negative spirits. That person may become rage filled and thus in
that moment, be unable to choose their reactions. They may act out
destructive actions against themselves or others, even if it goes
against their own belief systems. All intrusive negative thoughts and
violence are emanated from the source of blackness that makes up satanic
and dark forces, and these dark spirits are seen in and around all
destructive actions. All actions of destructive violence and insanity
that can be observed in the world today are the result of negative
spirit influence or satanic possession of a person with massive
spiritual wounding. These negative spirits co-exist in our world, from
other dimensions in time and space, such as the underworld or dark
realms. Negative spirits constantly attempt to take over the human mind
and body, to use the human body, by placing the person in dark
servitude, in order to carry out the telepathically transferred agenda.
Thus, all Imposter Spirits are negative spirits that use mind control
and deception to achieve their goals through the manipulation of human
beings, at all four levels of their bodies, while existing in the
material world.
This is a very real danger for humans in
the exact moment of being emotionally triggered into negative emotions.
To remain mentally and emotionally able to choose, if that destructive
behavior is truly being acted out by personal will, or by allowing our
mind and body to be controlled by outside forces.
The critical importance of
resisting these negative thoughts and destructive actions that are being
falsely projected into our mind and body telepathically, cannot be over
The tragic consequences of a person that
allows themselves to be controlled by destructive thoughts or negative
spirits, which further lead them to commit destructive actions, is that
the energetic debt of that destructive action is now the responsibility
of the person that has committed the action. If a person commits
destructive actions, that person is now in the consent and authority
with the dark forces that have mind controlled them to commit that
action. As the person carries out repeated spiritually destructive
actions, he or she is now subjected to the physical laws or mind control
that has been manifested by the dark forces, where that person will not
recognize the Soul or be protected by the Natural Laws of God, through
their own harmful choices. The Soul is gravely impacted by carrying out
destructive actions and the aftermath of this destructive energetic
residue is left recorded within the cells of the human body, therefore
corrupting the energetic integrity of the entire body, mind and soul.
This is especially devastating to the Soul when people commit depraved
actions in the name of religion or serving their God, believing that
they are committing these heinous acts of destruction in order to
rightly justify their violent religious beliefs. These groups of
destructive people bring extremely negative energies into their human
body, which leads to full blown possession and bondage to these negative
spirits, which manifests and aggressively spreads diseases throughout
the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.
Soul Trauma and Disease
There is a subtle balance that exists
between the energies of the body, mind and soul which are responsible
for the manifestation of states of health, or disease in every person.
Soul trauma and constant exposure to negatively stressful circumstances
are the cause of all psychiatric disorders and many pathological
diseases. Extreme states of stress that are created from negative
energies and negative spirits, will cause breaking points or soul
fractures in the weakest links within our genetic record and accumulated
cellular memories. When these energy fractures occur, they send
electromagnetic signals to message in our cells, which record that
imbalanced energy into our body systems, and this impairs the
functioning of our body, mind and soul. The imbalanced messaging changes
the brain chemistry and body metabolism, which may cause a variety of
injuries that will manifest from the genetic record of that soul's
trauma. That weak link in the record of the Soul's trauma is determined
from the ancestral record or family genetic connections, until these
ancestral records have been cleared from impacting our spiritual bodies.
Ancestral genes carry the links to the expression of the accumulated
imbalanced behavior or emotions that are recorded in our cells, and that
will determine the type of weakness, disorder or disease, that we are
susceptible to having. Negative energies promote diseases and if it
continues without correction, it allows for further accumulation of
negative emotional energy that deepens the state of disease into the
bodily matrices. The determining factor of which kind of disease will
manifest is genetically determined and is a function of the memories
within our own unique genetics.
Splitting the Mind from the Soul
Without this critical knowledge of the
Soul, Psychiatrics as it exists today, covertly exacerbates the NAA
spiritual abuse conditioning through its social and biological
engineering methods. Thus, it functions to reinforce medical care
methods that induce mental body splitting, that ultimately create soul
fracturing in the human public. Social Engineering is a type of mind
control that seeks to manipulate people from their own right to privacy,
into becoming knowledgeable and self-informed, so that the social
structure can exploit them with misinformation that is used to take
control of their behaviors. The primary method is applied via bullying,
intimidation and deception tactics through controlling perception and by
generating personal or mass fears, real or imagined in their targets.
Thus, this includes an anti-soul agenda
to enforce the basis of standard Psychiatric medical care to be fully
governed and regulated by only western medical and military corporate
conglomerate interests. These controlling interests only consider the
revenue and resources generated from the physical pathologies that they
have produced, in order to diagnose the public using their catalogue of
pharmaceutically treatable disorders and diseases. Inducing and
maintaining disease states to create lifelong medical consumers not only
greatly suppresses human consciousness it generates multiple billions
in revenue worldwide. The American Psychiatric Association or APA,
offers a common language and standard criteria for the classification of
mental disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders or DSM. The DSM primarily evolved out of the US Army after
World War II. It is currently used by every governing agency that is
intricately connected to the many laws and policies that make up the
current medical establishment, such as; drug regulation agencies,
pharmaceutical companies, medical insurance companies, clinicians,
hospitals, the World Health Organization, as well as for military
psychological profiling. Naturally, the DSM has tightly guarded
copyrights that continue to make millions of dollars just from the
publication and distribution of the manual itself.
The combination of growing massive
corporate medical and drug profits, damaging bio-neurological
functioning through prescribed pharmaceuticals, standardizing
psychiatric diagnostic categories for dehumanization agendas, and
medically treating humans as soul-less entities, creates the perfect
front for the NAA. This allows them to continue to enforce abusive
standards of medical care that are intentionally used to split apart the
mind from the soul, contributing to the creation of disconnected and
violent humans. Medical professionals and patients are indoctrinated to
commit and accept the abuse of their fellow human being as appropriate,
while stripping them of their human dignity, choice and wellbeing, all
in the name of health care. The obvious motivation is that this greatly
weakens and confuses many human beings, making them vulnerable to every
kind of deception and dark manipulation. This leads to easy forms of
mind control, social conditioning to accept anti-human behavior, taking
mind altering pharmaceuticals, believing that a pill will cure problems,
serious suffering while in disease states, and finally dark force
When we can comprehend the larger
picture of what is happening on the earth, the reasons behind this
dehumanization agenda in the psychiatric and medical field becomes
clearer and clearer. Why would these structures be put in place with the
image that they are designed to heal and help people, when the primary
motivation of the structure is to make money from the continued
suffering and disease of others? Have you noticed the reversals inside
these structures, compared to what they are actually marketed to
represent? As an example, a medical research organization may represent
them selves as devoting millions of dollars in grant money, from drug
companies, toward finding a cure for cancer, but in reality they do not
want to find a cure because it’s not profitable to the drug companies.
It basically becomes a shell company to move money around to the people
that play ball with the NAA. The answers lie behind the mechanisms that
are used in society to disconnect people from their direct spiritual
relationship with Soul, through the same tactics used in Satanic Ritual
Abusing Spiritual Principles to Control Minds
We define all forms of hidden,
intentional deception and manipulation, applied with the intent to
control the minds of other people, so that one believes the abusive
content that is being projected into his or her mind is actually being
generated from inside themselves, as one clear definition of Satanic
Ritual Abuse (SRA). SRA is a trauma-based method used to achieve the
result of completely controlling the mind, in order to take complete
control over people and further abuse their bodies and souls. Thus,
within all structures of mind control used on this earth, the architects
behind it, abuse spiritual principles in order to isolate that system
of control from the truth of God, Soul or Spirit. Their agenda is to
dehumanize all human beings by stating the soul is nonexistent,
degrading people purposely into not believing that they are spiritual
beings, so that they will become animals that are only capable of
animalistic reactions. This way, life itself is not valued or revered,
thus committing torture and killing in all forms of life, is made more
easily socially acceptable.
A very important principle to
understand, that is used to control all people on this earth by the dark
forces of Satanism, is to incite fear, anger and confusion toward any
concept that describes the nature of God, Soul and Spirit. When people
are continually subjected to forms of pain, trauma, grief and loss, when
they feel that their only choices are to be the victim or become the
victimizer, then people can be easily manipulated to commit and enforce
any kind of heinous behavior and depraved action. Through people's
self-hatred, the dark spiritual forces of hatred are directed towards
life and all things sacred to the nature of Soul. This is expressed
through people's lack of empathy, to which they have no moral conscience
to the pain, harm and suffering that they create. These destructive
beliefs and actions deeply wound the mind, body and soul of that person,
along with the people that have been subjugated to that dark influence
or reign of terror. People (along with their inner child) may
consciously or unconsciously be conditioned to believe that we are
condemned to live in a hellish world designed by a hateful God that
makes us suffer terribly, because we are bad and sinful creatures. This
is what many religions have told the masses. Thus, great efforts are
made by the NAA in the global mind control scape to ensure that the
people of earth believe that God has rejected them. Or that other
people’s Gods are violent and evil and they must be killed, or that the
nature of God and Soul is nonexistent and was fabricated by the
delusional minds of religious tyranny. This is the NAA mind control
setup of humanity rejecting their inner spirit as God. When we hate God
or hold fear based concepts about the nature of God, we violently reject
our own inner self and Soul light, through that same force of hatred we
have been programmed with.
The Worldwide SRA Agenda Summation
Although unpleasant to comprehend, there
is a worldwide Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) agenda, which promotes the
main methods behind the Archontic Deception Strategy that can be easily
seen covertly operating in a variety of social structures, such as the
medical system. Once we are informed by how this method works to create
sociopaths, as it is reinforced in the unconscious minds of the people,
we can safeguard and protect ourselves from being further manipulated.
It is our informed awareness and spiritual commitment to serve our
highest expression that ultimately protects us from being used and
abused unconsciously. For this reason, we have summarized the basic
recipe for grooming sociopathic minds through SRA methods:
Trauma Based Mind Control for Enslavement:
Intentionally create conditions that manifest as much pain, torture and
trauma at the earliest stages of childhood, and reinforce and grow that
trauma response, into the stages of adulthood, so that spiritual abuse
is normalized and accepted within the self, others and in the societal
structures. SRA is trauma based mind control used to enslave people.
Abuse Spiritual Principles to Reject Soul:
Abuse spiritual principles in all forms of social control that isolate
and disconnect that structure and its people from feeling their natural
co-existence with unified spiritual consciousness. Intend to groom self-hatred and hatred for that which is most sacred in the spiritual principles of God.
Condition people to unconsciously commit grave harm to themselves and
to others without feelings of remorse or taking responsibility for
personal actions. Introduce and reinforce a variety of anti-Soul
ideological beliefs into the public. SRA mind control is used to agitate
people to get them to feel rejected, angry, and victimized, to desire
retaliation against their oppressors (or others they blame), which sets
them up for the bondage loop of consciousness enslavement.
Disassociate, Fragment and Dehumanize People:
When people experience extreme pain and trauma abuse, (especially, when
trauma events are repeated and never given the ability to heal) they
will disassociate from their body and the reality to get relief. At the
moment of disassociation, they fragment in their mind, emotional layers
and spiritual body. This disconnects their lightbody layers and the
functions between the mind and soul, which results in an energetically
fractured, dehumanized and extremely fragile self. Abused and abusive
people have no sense of emotional coherence, personal boundaries or
self-respect, which allows for them to be easily mind controlled and
prepared for further dark infiltration and consciousness enslavement.
The individuals are purposely dehumanized to think of themselves as
animals and to behave as animals (or even less than, generally, animals
do not torture for sport). Dehumanized, they are easily fragmented,
weakened and confused.
Attract and Spread Negative Spirits and Satanic Forces:
Painful spiritual fragmentation creates energetic splitting behaviors,
which disconnects all components of the many layers that exist within
the human being, separating aspects of their consciousness into
different realms of time and space. An example is the agenda to split
apart the inner female from the inner masculine consciousness to produce
external sexual misery and misogyny. This internal split and fracture
of the Soul attracts negative spiritual entities that can form
attachments. They take advantage of energetic weakness by manipulating
that person’s pain, in order to gain further access, to control some
layer of their mind, body or spirit. The negative entity feeds on the
energy yielded from the source of pain that human being creates. This
cycle of parasitism increases the spiritual wounding, which will produce
sub personalities.
Produce Alternates and Sub Personalities to take Control over the Body:
In severe cases of mental splitting when the extreme pain drives that
person into disassociation, at the moment the person disassociates from
their body, the soul-psyche manifest coping mechanisms to survive. To
disassociate from the painful trauma felt in the body, the soul and mind
will split into sub personalities, or create alternate identities.
These are called alters. Disassociation and hidden alters with demonic
binding are especially common in rape cases and with extreme physical
brutality. The alters are hidden in the unconscious mind by the fears of
the inner child, which act to protect the conscious mind or the
physical body from perceiving any more painful trauma. Many times people
cannot remember exactly what has happened to them, until they have
another major injury, or are hypnotically regressed, or brought into
altered states of consciousness. It is common for the person to remember
what happened to them many years later, because they have blacked out
the time period where the extreme trauma abuse had occurred. Many people
ignore past extreme trauma because they feel pressures to survive in
the world. Alters can be unintentionally created from splitting during
any kind of traumatic event, or specifically created and programmed as
identity attachments that have certain belief systems. Alters that are
programmed with specific belief systems can perform certain functions
automatically and unconsciously, when they are triggered into that
specific behavior. Alternate identities are used in programing minds
when blank slating or consciousness wiping methods are used. People that
have many alters, also have many satanic bindings to those alters, and
they lose control over many aspects of their own mind, body and Soul, as
a result. Most people are not aware they have sub personalities, and
yet this is extremely common on planet earth. The sub personalities are
what are easily suggestible to forms of mind control programming, and
will act out these behaviors when they are triggered to do so. When
people go unconscious and lose control of their mind or body, such as
flying into rages where they cannot remember what actually happened, it
is because they have an alternate identity that took control over their
body. This alter is generally also being manipulated by a negative
entity or satanic force. There are black military programs that create
assassins to kill on command, using trigger words, based upon SRA
programming methods of spiritual abuse. These can be partial attachments
made to programmable alters or full negative spirit possessions. A
person with hidden alters created through trauma abuse, can easily flip
flop between many different profiles of personality, that they show as a
mask to the public. Essentially, they are actors and actresses in a
movie that is being directed by negative spirits or satanic forces, in
which they are not aware they are participating.
Falsified Projections for creating Destructive Acts, Self-Deception and Escapism:
Negative entities (both human and non-human) intentionally create more
pain and trauma in a person they perceive as weaker, to get them to
commit actions that will place that person’s mind and soul in bondage
and servitude to their agenda. Victim-Victimizer programming is
reinforced throughout society to incite thoughts of disconnection and
powerlessness. Negative entities act as the Imposter, imposing on
people’s minds. They falsely project negative behaviors, images and
actions, in order to get the person to believe that the harmful option
is the only way out of their pain, trauma and anxiety. Or believe that
the false projection is the escape path that will bring them bliss and
happiness. The reality is that when the person commits the
self-destructive action, it amplifies and accumulates painful energies,
which makes the sensation of inner pain or addiction much worse. In
cases of astral bliss, the person lives in a delusional state in order
to avoid any discomfort or pain that would be caused, if they were to
really see the truth of what happened.
Believing Deceptive Lies form Demonic Bindings and Astral Cords:
Anytime we reject the truth to remain comfortable within our beliefs,
or from our fears of self-annihilation, we easily accept lies. When a
person believes the negative thoughts they received from a negative
entity, are actually coming from their own mind, and they act out that
destructive behavior, the entity is successful in deceiving them. This
manifests as splitting, with astral cords or satanic bindings.
Generally, entities use an emotional bait hook based on manipulating the
type of pain or trauma that person carries. The dark force will bind
itself to the wounds of that person, through the consent that was made
during the destructive behaviors that person has acted out in the past
or present. When people allow negative and unloving people access to
their genitals, sexual bindings and entities can also be passed through
intercourse. Now that person is being drained and manipulated by a dark
attachment that has corded itself to some part of that human’s body.
Producing Sociopaths and Psychopaths:
Finally, when the person reaches their breaking point and cannot take
the painful trauma anymore, they disassociate and lose the ability to
access emotional feelings through a broken and blackened heart. Some of
these people reincarnate again and again, in this wounded and splintered
Soul state, reliving the same traumas repeatedly. Maybe they use forms
of escapism through drug use, addictions or other ways to numb out and
withdraw. Maybe they decide to be victimizers, to continue the abuse
cycle to inflict the incredible pain that they have suffered at the hand
of others. One thing is certain, people are being used as pawns in the
checkerboard SRA game of the NAA, and many are unaware of the spiritual
reality in which we are living. The lack of empathy and compassion we
have for ourselves, as well as for the many serious abuses that are
committed against others, is what produces narcissists, sociopaths and
psychopaths. When the human heart is broken and the Soul is
disconnected, it generates extreme distortions of sick and diseased
behavior. These are the main goals behind the Worldwide SRA Agenda.
Educating the Spiritual Community to Compassionately Witness
If we disregard the spiritual dimensions
of mind-control slavery and its history of experimentation on the human
public, as it is happening on the earth, then we are neglecting to see
the foundations of the entire mind control system that stems from the
NAA. Many of these SRA methods that relate to creating the desired
results of mass human puppeteering, were given to the Germans under
Hitler, by the Nordic Aliens that are connected to the Black Sun
Programs. The primary vehicle for SRA programming is to incite total
terror in their victims by finding ways to repeatedly invoke that
terrorism and fear without reprieve from the pain and anxiety. To
incite total terror into their victims, the SRA programmer and NAA
Controller, intends to gain absolute control over every aspect of that
As a result, many SRA victims have deep
phobias and powerful fears that they will never be believed that these
horrific abuses have been committed against them. Many therapists that
are trained in mainstream medicine and Psychiatry severely traumatize
SRA victims further, by denying the authenticity of their experiences.
Traditionally, psychiatrists have treated these victims as if their
abuse is nothing more than psychotic delusions and nonsense, instilling
in them even more traumatic feelings of guilt, shame and fears of
ridicule. For an SRA victim to overcome their incredible internal fears
to tell the truth publicly, after many years of threats to not to tell
their story, is a humongous obstacle of pain for them to overcome. As a
part of the spiritual community, we must become aware of the fact that
rampant abuses are committed every day to the human race, through a
variety of SRA methods. The Psychology profession is not equipped to
address any of the mental or spiritual dimensions of humanity, let alone
validate the existence of the incredible trauma involved in SRA. Total
non-judgment and compassionate witnessing for these individuals is
desperately needed, while being aware of the propaganda to tell the
public that SRA does not exist, and is a made up fantasy from a group of
psychotic people.
The truth is difficult, but it is what
sets us free, along with nurturing our direct relationship with the
power of God’s eternal loving spirit. All forms of denying the existence
of the spiritual dimensions, ultimately generates deceptive harm in our
life. We cannot reject the very nature of what and who we are as
spiritual beings, and must recognize that we are sharing this earth with
many other kinds of spiritual forces. We have a physical body and mind,
but they are interconnected and intricately enmeshed with our Soul and
Spirit, thus, we need to integrate all of our bodies to help bring them
back into balance, to be able to heal the true heart of humanity.
We pray that these words are united in
one heart as consecrated to the sacred self-sovereign eternal light of
God, held inside the love-light power of truth telling and
self-knowledge, that is dedicated to serve the complete authority of the
Christos-Sophia. The Fallen, the satanic hierarchies, have no power or
authority here, under any Imposters name. We pray to God, to Humanities
Collective Soul, and to the Holy Spirit of our Cosmic and True Mother,
to release, transit and purge all devices and structures used to promote
suffering in human beings that connect them to the fallen entities of
the satanic spirits, you are cast out and have no authority here! We
call upon the Spirits of Christ, the Spirit of Purity, to flood this
work and its energetic container to be fully represented in the eternal
power and authority that is the Cosmic Christos Consciousness. May peace
be with you, in body, mind, heart and soul.
Please only take what is useful for your
spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage
and bravery to be a truth seeker.
I am God, Sovereign, Free!
Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!
Serena, Lady of the Woods
So much of what she says I concur from my own experiences and insights
ReplyDeleteIncluding some names she uses
I use name Christos to differentiate from churches version
And was just thinking today due to our communications about male and female
"Oh dear , my shield is male"
For when I was attacked by an SRA cult leader
I saw my vision of Cosmic Christos between us and it has not bothered me since
It was actually a visitation with revelations of the mysteries of Trinity and The Firstborn of All Creation
Conveying Names for my understanding Cosmic Christ was one
Yet it did not request I become a Christian, it was beyond religion and their divides.
It was its Purity that I knew could not be mimicked.
However when it first came to my protection it was in its feminine aspect
(someone close to me was attacking me, their best friend involved with an invoker of Bapho...*)
It was as a White Light Dove of Compassion that arrived the evening before Trinity in Union
Often thought of as the feminine aspect of Trinity
(Some associate with Shekinah)
There is also the doves of Isis some know as Mother Goddess
From what you have shared Serena
the importance of Mother Goddess in these times is affirmed.
*i seldom 'spell' demon names in full unless necessary as one can unwittingly invoke
As they are ultimately illusion they need our attention to sustain them
as they are not sustained by Source.
The Black Magickian involved is the co founder of Chaos Magick
who is mentioned as the most significant Black Magickian in the back of one of David Ickes books.
He brought Tibetan Black Magick human sacrifice artefacts into UK .
For some reason I was given a ringside seat on these people and events
over a few years starting in 1980.
So my receiving highest level protection makes sense in this context.
Serena you can see something of how the dots connect re Max
I leave it to your discernment whether and how much is published here
It is in context of the same names and our related exchange I wrote this here.
Chirons sister, I read your last comment via email, I would ask then you send me further comments there to continue this, you do have my email yes? I will respond to your latest comment through there.